BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Kazakhstan Local time: 11:19 PM

Telecommunications Equipment


Overview 2006 2007 2008(estimated)
 Total Market Size  474.7 569.7  654
 Total Local production  11  12  14
 Total Exports  4.3  7.3  10.1
 Total Imports  468  565  650
 Imports from the U.S.  73.2  105  135

In USD Millions; Note: the above statistics are unofficial estimate based on Kazakhstan customs data and industry sources.

Best Products and Services

There is a growing demand for telecom equipment and services for mobile, fixed line telephony, cable, broadband, mobile (value-added) data services, digitization of the existing telecommunication networks including digital and/or interactive TV systems working on a frequency of 40 GHz and more, and all types of Internet-related communication services including Wi-Max and Wi-Fi technologies and equipment, VSAT terminals, DWDM technologies and DECT technologies.


  • In 2006, Kazakhstan launched the Alatau IT City, an informational technologies park in Almaty.  The IT Park offers a number of projects aimed to improve and develop the IT industry in Kazakhstan and can provide tax and other benefits to firms interested in investing into this sector.
  • Kazakhtelecom’s New Generation Network Project, to build a new broadband infrastructure based on the IP/MPLS and Metro Ethernet technology.
  • In 2006 Kazakhstan launched its own communications satellite. The government of Kazakhstan allocated approximately $340 million for the development of Kazakhstan’s space program, and plans to launch four more telecommunication satellites by 2010.
  • A number of e-Government Projects are being implemented in Kazakhstan.
  • In 2006 the government approved a program to reduce the country’s “informational inequality” by creating a training center for information technology specialists and a Kazakhstani university for informational technologies, which will be developed by cooperating with leading educational and training organizations.