BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Kazakhstan Local time: 11:16 PM

Customized Market Research

Customized Market Research provides U.S. firms with customized information on Kazakhstani market. The service provides customized information for specific products or services. A Customized Market Analysis (CMA) answers questions such as the overall marketability of a product or service, market trends and size, customary distribution and promotion practices, market entry requirements, regulations, product standards and registration, key competitors, and potential agents, distributors, or strategic partners. U.S. companies have the flexibility to design their own question(s) or to choose from the standard set of nine CMA questions listed in the Operations Manual.

Cost: $1,000 - $4,000
Delivery: 40 working days from receipt of a clear request and payment.

The Commercial Service in Kazakhstan also produces a number of free reports on emerging opportunities in this growing market. To view market research reports produced by us, please go to the following website: and click on Country and Industry Market Reports.

Please note that these reports are only available to U.S. citizens and U.S. companies. Registration to the site is required, but free of charge.