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Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez
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Monday , September 1, 2003

President Bush Creates New Assistant Secretary to
Aid Manufacturing Industry

To help address the challenges and job losses facing American manufacturing, President Bush today announced he will create a new Assistant Secretary for Manufacturing and Services position within the Department of Commerce. Bush, in a Labor Day speech in Richfield, Ohio, said the new Assistant Secretary will help address the competitive challenges and opportunities facing the U.S. manufacturing sector.

“I am pleased with the President’s announcement. President Bush has made economic growth and job creation a top priority of this administration, and he understands that you can’t address those two priorities without taking a serious look at manufacturing,” said Commerce Secretary Don Evans. “Manufacturers have always reflected the best of American business, showing resiliency and high productivity. This administration will do all it can to ensure that manufacturers can compete and win in the global economy.”

In March of this year Evans outlined an aggressive Administration agenda to cement the role of manufacturing as a driving force in increasing productivity, growing the economy and creating jobs.

As part of that agenda, Evans and other Commerce officials have traveled to numerous cities and states across the country to take a closer and comprehensive look at the challenges and opportunities facing American manufacturers.

Evans is expected to develop a report as result of hearing the concerns of the manufacturing industry and deliver recommendations to President Bush on how to aid the industry. The report is due later this month.


  US Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated: October 18, 2007 10:29 AM

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