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United States of America

Department of Commerce

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Press Release



Wednesday, January 9, 2008


U.S. Department of Commerce Announces Second Annual Americas Competitiveness Forum

WASHINGTON—U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez today announced the Department will convene the second annual Americas Competitiveness Forum (ACF) on Aug. 17-19, 2008, in Atlanta. The forum will provide an opportunity for governments, the business community, and representatives from academia and non-governmental organizations to discuss actions that can be taken to improve competitiveness and economic prosperity in the Americas.

The 2008 ACF will be held in partnership with the City of Atlanta and International Training Center for Government Authorities (CIFAL Atlanta), a not-for profit organization created by the United Nations. Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin is the Chair of CIFAL Atlanta’s Board of Trustees, and she will co-host the ACF with Secretary Gutierrez.

“We look forward to working with the City of Atlanta and CIFAL. The 2008 ACF will build on the success of the inaugural forum and focus on the progress that is being made and additional steps that can be taken to make the Western Hemisphere more competitive and innovative,” said Secretary Gutierrez. “The City of Atlanta serves as a great model with its tremendously successful public-private partnerships that foster innovation and business development. We hope highlighting examples from throughout the Americas at the Forum will stimulate additional efforts to create jobs, increase prosperity, and make the Hemisphere the most competitive place in the world to do business.”

Gutierrez convened the inaugural ACF in June 2007 in Atlanta. In addition to Secretary Gutierrez, the United States was represented at the forum by Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson and Education Secretary Margaret Spellings. Senior officials from 30 Western Hemisphere nations led delegations, including the Vice Presidents of El Salvador and Nicaragua. Hundreds of representatives from the business community, academia, non-government and multinational organizations also contributed to the dialogue.

The Summary Report for the inaugural Americas Competitiveness Forum including the key objectives, themes, and conclusions can be accessed at: