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2006 ERD Staff Publications

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Ambrose, R.B., J.L. Martin, and T.A. Wool.  2006.  WASP7 Benthic Algae – Model Theory and User’s Guide. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA. EPA/600/R-06/106. (PDF, 32 pp., 1.5 MB).

Boufadel, M.C., R.D. Bechtel, and J.W. Weaver.  2006.  The Movement of Oil under Non-Breaking Waves.  Marine Pollution Bulletin. 52(9):1056-1065.

Burns, L.A.  2006.  User Manual for EXPRESS, the EXAMS-PRZM Exposure Simulation Shell.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA. EPA/600/R-06/095 (PDF, 42 pp., 2.7 MB).

Cemeli, D., E.D. Wagner, D. Anderson, S.D. Richardson, and M.J. Plewa.  2006.  Modulation of the Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity of the Drinking Water Disinfection Byproduct Iodoacetic Acid by Suppressors of Oxidative Stress.  Environmental Science & Technology.  40(6):1878-1883.

Cantrell, S.A., L. Casillas-Martinez, and M. Molina.  2006.  Characterization of Fungi from Hypersaline Environments of Solar Salterns using Morphological and Molecular Techniques.  Mycological Research. 110(8):962-970.

Cherney, D.P., S.E. Duirk, J.C. Tarr, and T.W. Collette.  2006.  Monitoring the Speciation of Aqueous Free Chlorine from pH 1 to 12 with Raman Spectroscopy to Determine the Identity of the Potent Low-pH Oxidant.  Applied Spectroscopy. 60(7):764-772.

Colón, D., E.J. Weber, and J.L. Anderson.  2006.  QSAR Study of the Reduction of Nitroaromatics by Fe(II) Species.  Environmental Science & Technology. 40(16):4976-4982.

Colón, D., E.J. Weber, J.L. Anderson, P. Winget, and L.A. Suárez.  2006.  Reduction of Nitrosobenzenes and N-Hydroxylanilines by Fe(II) Species: Elucidation of the Reaction Mechanism.  Environmental Science & Technology. 40(14):4449-4454.

Cyterski, M. and M.C. Barber.  2006.  Identification and Prediction of Fish Assemblages in Streams of the Mid-Atlantic Highlands, USA.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.  135(1):40-48.

Duirk, S.E. and T.W. Collette. 2006. Degradation of Chlorpyrifos in Aqueous Chlorine Solutions: Pathways, Kinetics, and Modeling. Environmental Science & Technology. 40(2):546-551.

Duirk, S.E., D.P. Cherney, C.J. Tarr, and T.W. Collette.  2006.  Determining Active Oxidant Species Reacting with Organophosphate Pesticides in Chlorinated Drinking Water. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA. EPA/600/R-06/103. (PDF, 83 pp., 804 KB).

Ekman, D.R., H.C. Keun, C.D. Eads, C.M. Furnish, R.N. Murrell, J.C. Rockett, AND D.J. Dix. 2006. Metabolomic Evaluation of Rat Liver and Testis to Characterize the Toxicity of Triazole Fungicides. Metabolomics.  2(2):63-73.

Garrison, A.W.  2006.  Probing the Enantioselectivity of Chiral Pesticides.  Environmental Science & Technology.  40(1):16-23.

Hayter, E.J.  2006.  Evaluation of the State-of-the-Art Contaminated Sediment Transport and Fate Modeling System. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA.Publication No. EPA/600/R-06/108. (PDF, 138 pp., 3.1 MB).

Hilal, S.H.  2006.  Estimation of Hydrolysis Rate Constants of Carboxylic Acid Ester and Phosphate Ester Compounds in Aqueous Systems from Molecular Structure by SPARC.  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA. Publication No. EPA/600/R-06/105. (PDF, 113 pp., 4.5 MB).

Hoekstra, P.F., B.K. Burnison, A.W. Garrison, T. Neheli, and D.C.G. Muir. 2006. Estrogenic Activity of Dicofol with the Human Estrogen Receptor: Isomer- and Enantiomer-Specific Implications.  Chemosphere. 64(1):174-177.

Johnston, J.M.  2006.  Watershed Health Assessment Tools Investigating Fisheries WHAT IF Version 2: A Manager’s Guide to New Features. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA. EPA/600/R-06/109. (PDF, 94 pp., 2.7 MB).

Kania-Korwel, I., A.W. Garrison, J.K. Avants, K.C. Hornbuckle, L.W. Robertson, W.W. Sulkowski, and H.J. Lehmler. 2006. Distribution of Chiral PCBs in Selected Tissues in the Laboratory Rat.  Environmental Science & Technology. 40(12):3704-3710.

Knightes, C.D. and C.A. Peters.  2006.  Multisubstrate Biodegradation Kinetics for Binary and Complex Mixtures of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.  25(7):1746-1756.

Knightes, C.D. and R. B. Ambrose.  2006.   Development of An Ecological Risk Assessment Methodology for Assessing Wildlife Exposure Risk Associated With Mercury-Contaminated Sediments in Lake and River Systems. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA. Publication No. EPA/600/R-06/073. (PDF, 80 pp., 424 KB)

Konwick, B.J., A.W. Garrison, J.K. Avants, and A.T. Fisk.  2006.  Bioaccumulation and Biotransformation of Chiral Triazole Fungicides in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).  Aquatic Toxicology. 80(4):372-381.

Konwick, B.J., A.W. Garrison, M.C. Black, J.K. Avants, and A.T. Fisk. 2006.  Bioaccumulation, Biotransformation, and Metabolite Formation of Fipronil and Chiral Legacy Pesticides in Rainbow Trout.  Environmental Science & Technology.  40(9):2930-2936.

Krasner, S.W., H.S. Weinberg, S.D. Richardson, S.J. Pastor, R. Chinn, M.J. Sclimenti, G.D. Onstad, and A. D. Thruston, Jr.  2006.  Occurrence of a New Generation of Disinfection Byproducts.  Environmental Science & Technology. 40(23):7175-7185.

Mohamoud, Y.M. and R.S. Parmar. 2006. Estimating Streamflow and Associated Hydraulic Geometry, the Mid-Atlantic Region, USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA).  42(3):755-768.

Porat, I., M. Sieprawska-Lupa, Q. Teng, F.J. Bohanon, R.H. White, and W.B. Whitman.  2006.  Biochemical and Genetic Characterization of an Early Step in a Novel Pathway for the Biosynthesis of Aromatic Amino Acids and p-aminobenzoic acid in the Archaeon Methanococcus maripaludis.  Molecular Microbiology. 62(4):1117-1131.

Richardson, S.D.  2006.  Environmental Mass Spectrometry: Emerging Contaminants and Current Issues.  Analytical Chemistry. 78(12):4021-4046.

Sundberg, S.E., J.J. Ellington, and J.J. Evans.  2006.  A Simple and Fast Extraction Method for Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Small Volumes of Avian Serum.  Journal of Chromatography B.  831(1-2):99-104.

Tillman, Jr., F.D. and J.W. Weaver. 2006.  Uncertainty from Synergistic Effects of Multiple Parameters in the Johnson and Ettinger (1991) Vapor Intrusion Model.  Atmospheric Environment. 40(22):4098-4112.

Washington, J.W., R.C. Thomas, D.M. Endale, K.L. Schroer, and L.P. Samarkina.  2006.  Groundwater N Speciation and Redox Control of Organic N Mineralization by O2 Reduction to H2O2.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 70(14):3533-3548.

Whiteside, T.S., S.H. Hilal, and L.A. Carreira. 2006.  Estimation of Phosphate Ester Hydrolysis Rate Constants. I. Alkaline Hydrolysis. QSAR & Combinatorial Science. 25(2):123-133.

Willson, C.S., J.W. Weaver, and R.J. Charbeneau.  2006.  A Screening Model for Simulating DNAPL Flow and Transport in Porous Media: Theoretical Development.  Environmental Modelling & Software.  21(1):16-32.

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