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Monday , September 15, 2003

Evans Vows Bush Administration Will Fight For Free and Fair Trade

Commerce Secretary Don Evans today previewed the Bush Administration’s pro-growth manufacturing report at the Detroit Economic Club by announcing that the Department of Commerce will create a new Unfair Trade Practices Team, a new Office of Industry Analysis, a new Assistant Secretary for Trade Promotion and other initiatives to help grow jobs within the manufacturing sector.

“Americans are willing to compete, on even terms, with any country in the world but we will not stand for unfair competition. We are going to aggressively target unfair trade practices wherever they occur so that we can help create American jobs and improve the economy,” Evans said during remarks at the Detroit Economic Club. “American manufacturers can compete against any country’s white collars and blue collars, but we will not submit to competing against another country’s choke collars.”

Manufacturing Initiatives

Unfair Trade Practices Team – The Unfair Trade Practices Team will track, detect, and confront unfair trade competition. These experts will monitor economic data from our global competitors and vigorously investigate evidence of unfair practices. The team will be created within the Import Administration under the International Trade Administration.

Office of Industry Analysis – The Office of Industry Analysis will assess the economic impact of new rules and regulations. This office will report to the new Assistant Secretary for Manufacturing.

New Assistant Secretary for Trade Promotion – Consolidation of all Commerce Department export promotion functions under a new Assistant Secretary for Trade Promotion, who would serve concurrently as the Director General of the Foreign Commercial Service. The first task of this expanded office will be to accelerate the President’s National Export Strategy to boost our exports.

Export Readiness – The Commerce Department will expedite implementation of standards initiative to ensure that American manufacturers are “export ready” to sell into global supply chains.

Competing in a Global Economy

Over the past six months, Evans and other Commerce officials traveled across the country visiting over 20 cities to meet with manufacturers from most every industry in the manufacturing sector to hear their concerns.

“During our roundtables no country raised more attention as a source of concern than China. Concerns ranged from inadequate access to China’s markets; rampant piracy of intellectual property in China; forced transfer of technology from firms launching joint ventures in China; trade barriers; and capital markets that are largely insulated from free-market pressures,” Evans said.

“China is one of the world’s largest markets with vast opportunities for American manufacturers, provided that China’s markets are actually governed by real, free, and fair market forces. This Administration believes that free-market forces should set currency values. And, two weeks ago, Treasury Secretary Snow conveyed exactly that message to the Chinese government.”

The Commerce Department expects to submit the full report to the President near the end of the month. Visit for more information.



  US Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated: October 18, 2007 10:29 AM

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