TITLE:  Environmental Education Grants -- Solicitation Notice for 2008

ACTION:  Solicitation Notice


Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA):  66.951

Application Deadline:  December 20, 2007 is the closing date for submission of applications.  All applications must be postmarked by or transmitted to EPA electronically by the closing date to receive consideration. 

Number and Value of Awards:  70 grants are estimated, subject to the availability of funds and the quality of applications received.  Most grants will be in the $15,000 to $20,000 range.

Cost Sharing Requirement:  Applicants must provide non-federal matching funds of at least 25% of the total cost of the project.

Start Date:  July 1, 2008 is the earliest start date for grant projects.


I.      Funding Opportunity Description

II.    Award Information

III.   Eligibility Information

IV.   Application and Submission Information

V.    Application Review Information

VI.   Award Administration Information

VII. Agency Contacts


        A – Instructions for Federal Forms

        B - Checklist for Proposals

        C - Examples of Performance Measures (Logic Model)

        D - Instructions for Grants.Gov Electronic Submissions

Section IFunding Opportunity Description

ABackground and Summary

This document solicits grant proposals to support environmental education projects that promote environmental stewardship and help develop aware and responsible students, teachers, and citizens.  This grant program provides financial support to seed innovative projects that design, demonstrate, or disseminate environmental education practices, methods, or techniques as described in this notice. 

EPA issues Environmental Education Grants from headquarters and from ten EPA regional offices.  The same educational priorities are used for regional and headquarters grants and the EPA funding amount for each grant is used to determine if the grant is awarded from headquarters or from a regional office. Grants for $50,000 or less are funded by the ten EPA Regional Offices and larger grants are funded from Headquarters.  

In recent years, oversight on grant programs has increased and there are more requirements being imposed on federal agencies to measure the success of their programs and report positive results from the grants funded. As a consequence, grantees must establish methods to document and report positive measurable results from grants projects. To ensure that grant proposals are competitive, applicants should carefully read Sections IV and V regarding how to structure a proposal in order to receive a high score during the evaluation process.  Due to the large number of grant applications received, EPA can fund only the highest ranking proposals as determined by external peer reviewers and EPA review panels.  

B.  Definitions

Provided below are definitions for several of the terms used throughout this notice. 

            Environmental Education:  Increases public awareness and knowledge about environmental issues and provides the skills necessary to make informed decisions and take responsible actions.  It is based on objective and scientifically sound information.  It does not advocate a particular viewpoint or course of action.  It teaches individuals how to weigh various sides of an issue through critical thinking and it enhances their own problem-solving and decision making skills.

Environmental Information:  Proposals that simply disseminate “information” will not be funded; for example, projects that provide facts or opinions about environmental issues or problems, but may not enhance critical-thinking, problem solving or decision-making skills.  Although information is an essential element of any educational effort, environmental information is not, by itself, environmental education which teaches people to analyze information and make their own informed decisions.

            Environmental Issue is one of importance to the community leaders, school district, city, state, or region being reached by the project; i.e., one community may have significant air pollution problems which make it a priority to teach about the solutions to air pollution because of the effects on human health; and in another community rapid development may threaten a nearby wildlife habitat, thus making habitat or ecosystem protection a high priority issue.

Environmental Stewardship is defined for environmental education purposes as:  voluntary commitment, behavior, and accomplishments that result in environmental protection or improvement.  Stewardship refers to an acceptance of personal responsibility for actions to improve environmental quality and to achieve sustainable outcomes. Stewardship involves initiatives and actions to enhance the state of the environment for the benefit of humanity and the animal kingdom.  Some examples are:  minimizing or eliminating pollution at its source; using energy and natural resources efficiently; decreasing the use of hazardous chemicals; recycling wastes effectively; and conserving or restoring forests, prairies, wetlands, rivers, and urban parks to improve the quality of ecosystems, health, and life itself.  Stewardship can be practiced by individuals, groups, schools, organizations, companies, communities, and state and local governments. 

C.  Educational Priorities of the Grants Program

All proposals must satisfy the definition of “environmental education” as defined above and also address at least one of these educational priorities listed below to qualify for a grant.  The order of the list is random and does not indicate a ranking. 

(1)  Capacity Building:  Increasing capacity to develop and deliver coordinated environmental education programs across a state or across multiple states.

(2)  Education Reform:  Utilizing environmental education as a catalyst to advance state or local education reform goals.

(3)  Community Stewardship:  Designing and implementing model projects to educate the public about environmental issues in their communities through state and local government and community-based organizations, or through print, film, broadcast, or other media.

(4)  Health:  Educating teachers, students, parents, community leaders, or the public about human-health threats from environmental pollution, especially as it affects children, and how to minimize human exposure to preserve good health.

(5)  Teaching Skills:  Providing professional development for teachers, faculty, or non-formal educators about environmental issues and content, such as sustainability, to improve environmental education skills.

(6)   Career Development:  Educating students in formal or non-formal settings about environmental issues to encourage environmental careers.

Detailed descriptions of some of the education priorities are provided below. 

Capacity Building as used here has a “statewide” focus and many proposals have been rejected for failure to satisfy the scope of this definition.  Capacity building requires networking with various types of educational organizations and statewide implementation of educational programs.  For purposes of this program, “Capacity Building” refers to developing effective leaders and organizations that design, implement, and link environmental education programs across a state or states to promote long-term sustainability of the programs.  Coordination should involve all major education and environmental education providers including state education and natural resource agencies, schools and school districts, professional education associations, non-profit educational and tribal organizations.  Examples of activities include: identifying and assessing needs and setting priorities; identifying funding sources and resources; facilitating communication and networking; promoting sustained professional development; and sponsoring leadership seminars.  If existing capacity building efforts are underway in your state, please explain how you will support those efforts with your proposed project.

Education Reform refers to state, local, or tribal efforts to improve student academic achievement.  Education reform efforts often focus on changes in curriculum, instruction, assessment, or how schools are organized.  Curriculum and instructional changes may include inquiry and problem solving, real-world learning experiences, project-based learning, team building and group decision-making, and interdisciplinary study.  Assessment changes may include developing content and performance standards and realigning curriculum and instruction to the new standards and new assessments.  School site changes may include creating magnet schools or encouraging parental and community involvement.  NOTE:  All proposals that address this educational priority must identify educational improvement needs and goals and discuss how the proposed project will address them.

D.  Statutory Authority

Section 6 of the National Environmental Education Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-619) authorizes the award of Environmental Education Grants. 

E.   Linkage to EPA’s Strategic Plan and Expected Outputs and Outcomes

(1)  Linkage to EPA’s Strategic Plan.  All proposals must support EPA Strategic Goal 5 (Compliance and Environmental Stewardship), Objective 5.2 (Improve Environmental Performance through Pollution Prevention and Innovation), and Sub-Objective 5.2.1 (Prevent pollution and promote environmental stewardship by government and the public). 

(2)  Expected Outputs and Outcomes.  Recipients of these grants will further EPA’s strategic goals by implementing educational projects that improve behavior through non-regulatory means, raise public awareness of actions that can be taken to prevent pollution, and promote environmental stewardship.  During the evaluation process for proposals, EPA will determine if each work plan contains well-defined outputs and outcomes as described below.

            (a) Outputs refer to activities, efforts, and/or work products that the applicant proposes to produce or provide during the project period to support an environmental goal.  Expected  outputs funded under this announcement may include:  outreach and recruitment for projects to educate teachers, students, and the public about environmental issues; classroom activities, workshops, or field trips; training sessions for educators; development of educational materials and Web sites; designing methods to measure increased scores on standardized tests; and designing systems or methods to report the results to EPA.  Grant proposals must clearly define measurable quantitative or qualitative outputs that can be reported during the funding period.  After the project is implemented, grant recipients are required to submit to EPA status reports about their progress in achieving outputs.  See Appendix C for further information on outputs. 

            (b) Outcomes refer to the result, effect, or consequence that will occur from carrying out the activities or outputs of the environmental education project that is supportive of an EPA strategic goal.  Outcomes may be environmental, behavioral, health-related or programmatic in nature, but must be quantitative. All of them may not necessarily be achievable during the project period.  Outcomes are classified as short-term, medium-term, and long-term.  Short-term outcomes include:  increased learning, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and motivation and must occur during the project period.  Medium-term outcomes include:  decisions, actions, practices, and behavior that are the foundations of stewardship to protect the environment.  For example, a project directed at students may include students cleaning up a stream, beach, habitat, or nature trail.  A project directed at teachers may include teachers taking newly acquired skills into classrooms to teach and motivate students.  Most projects will accomplish some medium-term outcomes during the project period.  Long-term outcomes include:  enhanced civic responsibility, and environmental improvements.  These long term outcomes may occur after the project closes, such as a more environmentally literate public that takes action to restore or protect a watershed or transform a Brownfield site into an inner city park.

Anticipated outcomes for environmental education grants include:  (1) promotion of environmental stewardship; (2) increased environmental knowledge and public awareness of environmental issues as measured by pre- and post-training surveys; (3) improved environmental literacy and improved scores on standardized achievement tests; (4) improved teacher access to training and research on environmental topics; and (5) sustainable environmental education programs.  See Appendix C for further information on outcomes.

Section II.  Award Information

A.  Funding Type:  The funding for selected projects will be in the form of a grant.

B.  Number and Amount of Awards

Funds available for these grant projects are expected to total between $1.5 million and $3 million as determined by forthcoming appropriations.  This grant program generates a great deal of public enthusiasm for developing environmental education projects.  Consequently, the competition is very intense and EPA receives many more applications for these grants than can be supported with available funds.  A larger share of the total annual funding is distributed through the regional offices for small grants because Congress directs EPA to award small grants to local schools and community organizations to implement educational programs.  By limiting the size of the grants, EPA is able to reach applicant organizations in more communities and in all states.

            Regional Office Grants:  The EPA Regional Offices will fund the grants for $50,000 or less.  Regional offices usually fund between 8 and 12 grants per Region, or on average about 30% of the applications received.  Most regional office grants will be in the range of $12,000 to $20,000.  None of the regional office grants will be less than $4,000 or will exceed $50,000. 

            Headquarters Grants:  Headquarters will fund the larger grants over $50,000 but not exceeding $125,000. Because the Headquarters grants are larger, there are usually more proposals received there and the competition for funding is the keenest with only 10% being funded.  Headquarters anticipates awarding between 3 and 8 grants as funding permits.   

C.  Start Date and Length of Project Period

July 1, 2008 is the earliest start date that applicants should plan upon and enter on their application form and timeline.  EPA prefers one-year project periods for proposals, but will accept a two-year project period if the timeline clarifies that more than a year is necessary to complete the project.  Applications to headquarters are often more complex and EPA anticipates receiving some larger proposals with a two-year project period.

D. Funding and Partial Funding Provisions

EPA reserves the right to reject all proposals and make no awards under this announcement.  EPA also reserves the right to make additional awards up to 6 months from the date of the original selection decisions if additional funding becomes available. Any additional awards will be made in accordance with the requirements of this announcement and the Agency’s competition policy.  In addition, EPA reserves the right to partially fund proposals by funding discrete activities, portions, or phases of a proposed project.  If EPA decides to partially fund a proposal, it will do so in a manner that does not prejudice any applicants or affect the basis upon which the proposal, or portion thereof, was evaluated or selected for award, and that maintains the integrity of the competition and the evaluation/selection process.

E.   Multiple or Repeat Proposals

An organization may submit more than one proposal to headquarters and or to a regional office if the proposals are for different projects.  No organization will be awarded more than one grant for the same project during the same fiscal year.  Applicants who received one of these grants in the past may submit a new proposal for a different project.  All proposals will be considered new and will be evaluated based upon the specific criteria set forth in this solicitation.  Only those with the highest scores each annual cycle will receive grants.  Due to limited resources, EPA does not sustain projects beyond the initial grant period.  This grant program is geared toward providing seed money to initiate new projects or to advance existing projects that are “new” in some way, such as reaching new audiences or new locations.  If you received a grant from this program in the past, it is essential that you explain how your current proposal is new.

Section III.  Eligibility Information

A.  Eligible Applicants

Any local education agency, college or university, state education or environmental agency, non-profit organization as described in Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or noncommercial educational broadcasting entities as defined and licensed by Federal Communications Commission may submit a proposal.  Applicant organizations must be located in the United States or territories and the majority of the educational activities must take place in the United States; or in the U.S. and Canada or Mexico; or in U.S. Territories.  A teacher's school district, an educator's nonprofit organization, or a faculty member's college or university may apply, but an individual teacher or faculty member may not apply.

“Tribal education agencies” that are eligible to apply include a school or community college which is controlled by an Indian tribe, band, or nation, which is recognized as eligible for special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians and which is not administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.  Tribal organizations do not qualify unless they meet that criteria or the non-profit criteria listed above.  The terms for eligibility are defined in Section 3 of the Act and 40 CFR 47.105.

B.  Matching Funds

Non-federal matching funds of at least 25% of the total cost of the grant project are required.  The matching requirement is explained in detail in Section IV(C)(4) under Budget and Non-Federal Match.  Divide the amount you are requesting from EPA by 3 to determine the required matching amount.

C.  Threshold Eligibility Criteria

Proposals must meet the following threshold criteria to be eligible for funding consideration under this solicitation.  Failure to meet any of the following criteria in the proposal will result in automatic disqualification of the proposal for funding consideration. Ineligible applicants will be notified within 15 calendar days of the determination that they are ineligible based on threshold criteria.

(1)  Proposals must substantially comply with the proposal submission instructions and requirements set forth in Section IV of this announcement or else they will be rejected.  However, where a page limit is specified in Section IV, pages in excess of the page limitation will not be reviewed.

(2)  Proposals submitted after the deadline of December 20, 2007 will not be considered;

(3)  The applicant must be an eligible organization as described above in Paragraph (A) above;

(4) The applicant must meet the non-federal match as stated in Paragraph (B) above;

(5) The maximum amount requested from EPA must not exceed the allowable limit which is $50,000 for a regional office grant; or $125,000 for a headquarters grant;  and

(6) The Applicant must propose to perform an eligible “environmental education” activity as defined Section I (B) and (C).

D.  Ineligible Activities

Environmental education funds cannot be used for:

(1) Technical training of environmental management professionals;

(2) Environmental “information” projects that have no educational component, as described above in Section I(B);

(3) Lobbying or political activities as defined in OMB Circulars A-21, A-87 and A-122;

(4) Advocacy promoting a particular point of view or course of action;

(5) Non-educational research and development; or

(6) Construction projects–EPA will not fund construction activities such as the acquisition of real property (e.g., buildings) or the construction or modification of any building.

Section IV.  Application and Submission Information

A.  Submission Requirements

Applicants have the option to submit their proposals in one of two ways(1) on paper; or (2) electronically. Either option requires the information described below in Paragraphs B and C.  If you wish to apply with the traditional hard copy (paper) submission, please follow the instructions below for “Hard Copy Submission” and go to the environmental education website www.epa.gov/enviroed/grants where you can access and print out the two required federal forms.  If you wish to apply electronically via www.grants.gov, please follow the instructions in Appendix D for “Electronic Submission” and note that further detailed instructions are available on www.grants.gov and can be downloaded.

Hard Copy SubmissionApplicants must submit an original and two copies of the proposal materials described in Section IV (by mail or commercial delivery service) to EPA Headquarters or a Regional Office listed in Section VII (Agency Contacts).  The original, signed package must be postmarked by the deadline noted below in Paragraph (D). 

B.  Format of Proposal

The required contents of a proposal are described in detail below.  The entire narrative portion of the Work Plan (which includes the Project Summary, Project Description, and Project Evaluation) shall not exceed 7 pages – the Project Summary (1 page) and up to 6 pages total for both the Project Description and Project Evaluation. 

“One page” refers to one side of a single-spaced typed page.  The pages must be letter-sized (8 ½ X 11 inches), with margins at least one-half inch wide and with a font size no smaller than 10 points.  The Detailed Budget, Timeline, and Appendices are not included in the page limit.

Please follow the instructions below and do not submit additional items or forms which may create problems when copied.  Unnecessary cover letters, attachments, binder sheets, and binders create a paperwork burden for the reviewers and are not helpful.  This solicitation notice describes all the information and forms necessary to prepare a proposal.  If your project is selected as a finalist after the evaluation process is concluded, EPA will provide you with additional federal forms and request any other information needed to process your proposal.

C.  Contents of Proposal

A proposal must contain all of this outlined information described in greater detail below:

(1) Standard Form (SF) 424, Application for Federal Assistance

(2)  SF 424A Budget Information

(3) Work plan (not to exceed 7 pages total)

(a)  Project summary (not to exceed 1 page)

(b)  Project description

(c)  Project evaluation

(4)  Detailed budget (not included in page limit)

(5) Appendices (not included in page limit):

(a) Timeline;

(b) Logic model;

(c) Technical qualifications and programmatic capabilities of organization; and

(d) Letters of commitment (only if you have partner organizations).

(1)  Standard Form (SF) 424 -- Application for Federal Assistance

(2)   Standard Form (SF) 424A – Budget Information. Complete only Section B with the EPA funds and matching funds in separate columns and with the totals in column 5.  Do not complete Section A, C, D, E or F of this form.  

NOTE:  The two federal forms and instructions specific to this program are available online at www.epa.gov/enviroed/grants.html and the website also has examples of completed forms.  You can key in your data and budget information on the online forms and print a hard copy to be submitted with your proposal.  Only finalists will be asked to submit additional federal forms necessary to process a federal grant.

(3)  Work Plan.  A work plan describes your proposed project and your evaluation process.  Grant reviewers look at many proposals when scoring them, and providing your information in the order listed prevents information from being overlooked.  The work plan and budget will be scored with the ranking factors identified in Section V. 

            (a) Project Summary:  Provide a one page overview of your entire project in the following format.

(i) Organization:  Briefly describe:  1) your organization, and 2) list your key partners for this grant, if applicable.  Partnerships are encouraged and considered to be a major factor in the success of projects.  Full details about your organization and staff will be an appendix.

(ii) Summary Statement:  Provide an overview of your project that explains the concept and your goals and objectives.  This should be a basic explanation in layman’s terms to provide a reviewer with an understanding of the purpose and expected outcomes of your educational project. A person unfamiliar with your project should be able to read this paragraph and grasp your basic concept and plan to educate.

(iii) Educational Priority:  Identify the priority listed in Section I you will address, such as education reform or teaching skills.  Proposals may address more than one educational priority for the same project; however, EPA cautions against losing focus on projects.  Evaluation panels often select projects with a clearly defined purpose, rather than projects that attempt to address multiple priorities at the expense of a quality outcome.

(iv)  Delivery Method:  Explain how you will reach your audience, such as workshops, field trips, interactive programs, conferences, etc.

(v) Audience:  Describe the demographics of your target audience including the number and types you expect to reach, such as teachers and students and the specific grade levels, community leaders, the general public, etc.

(vi) Costs:  List the types of expenses on which you will spend the EPA portion of the grant funds.

            (b) Project Description:  Describe precisely what your project will achieve -- why, who, when, how, and with what.  Explain each aspect of your proposal clearly and address each topic below.  If you choose to reorder the following paragraphs, include the headings below or you risk the possibility of information being overlooked when the project is scored.  Please address all of the following to ensure that grant reviewers can fully comprehend and score your project correctly.  Provide up to 6 pages total to address both the Project Description and the Project Evaluation.

(i)  Why:  (1)  Explain the purpose of your project and how it will address an educational priority listed in Section I, such as teaching skills.  (2)  Identify your environmental issue, such as energy conservation, sustainability, clean air or water, ecosystem protection, or cross-cutting topics.  Explain the importance to your community, state, or Region.  If the project has the potential for wide application, and/or can serve as a model for use in other locations with a similar audience, explain how.  (3)  Stewardship:  Explain how your project will increase environmental stewardship as defined in Section I.

(ii)  Who:  Explain who will manage and conduct the project; also identify the target audience, the number to be trained, and demonstrate an understanding of the needs of that audience.  Important:  Explain your recruitment plan to attract your target audience, and clarify any incentives used such as teacher stipends and continuing education credits. Failure to recruit adequately is a common error made by grantees.

(iii)  How:  Explain your strategy, objectives (outputs and outcomes), activities, and delivery methods to establish that you have realistic goals and objectives and will use effective methods to achieve them.  A logic model is helpful for exhibiting your outputs and outcomes for reviewers; an example is included at the end of this notice.  Clarify for the reviewers how you will complete all basic steps from beginning to end.  Do not omit steps that lead up to or follow the actual delivery methods; e.g., if you plan to make a presentation about your project at a local or national conference, specify where.

(iv) With What:  Demonstrate that the project will use quality educational products or methods that teach critical-thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.  Please note the following restrictions on the development of educational materials.

Restriction on Curriculum Development.  EPA strongly encourages applicants to use and disseminate existing environmental education materials (curricula, training materials, activity books, etc.) rather than designing new materials.  Experts indicate that an abundance of quality educational materials are already available and are under-utilized.  EPA will consider funding new materials only where the applicant demonstrates that there is a need; e.g., that existing educational materials cannot be adapted well to a particular local environmental concern or audience, or existing materials are not otherwise accessible.  The applicant must specify what steps they have taken to determine this need, e.g., you may cite a conference where this need was discussed, the results of inquiries made within your community or with various educational institutions, or a research paper or other published document.  Further, EPA recommends the use of a publication entitled Environmental Education Materials: Guidelines for Excellence which was developed in part with EPA funding.  These guidelines contain recommendations for developing and selecting quality environmental education materials.  On our Web site under “Resources” you may view these guidelines and find information about ordering copies.

            (c) Project Evaluation:  Explain how you will ensure that you are meeting the goals, objectives, outputs, and outcomes of your project.  Evaluation plans may be quantitative and/or qualitative and may include, for example, evaluation tools, observation, or outside consultation.  Pre- and post-training questionnaires are recommended to determine if your performance measures for learning are being satisfied.  Please Note:  Section I (E) explains the EPA Strategic Plan and that all grants must support the EPA goals of promoting environmental stewardship and/or preventing pollution, and must result in improved environmental results over time.

In this section, you must explain your plans for tracking and measuring progress on your outputs and your short-term outcomes.  If your medium- and long-term outcomes can also be measured within the project period, explain your plans for that evaluation as well.  For guidance on project evaluation please see http://meera.snre.umich.edu which is a Web site partially supported with EPA funds to assist educators and others in evaluating their educational projects.  If funded by EPA, grant recipients must be willing to report evaluation results to EPA.

(4) Budget and Non-Federal Match:  Create a detailed budget to clarify in separate columns how EPA funds and non-federal matching funds will be used for specific items or activities.  In the detailed budget, use the same order and headings listed on the Budget Form 424A; these cost categories are:  personnel/salaries; fringe benefits; travel; equipment; supplies; contract costs; other costs; and indirect costs, where appropriate since not all applicants will use every cost category.  Provide details for each expense, such as personnel (number of staff and percentage of time spent on project) or travel (reasons for travel, costs and locations of trips, and costs for per diem per person).  Make sure you factor in the costs for all proposed activities and clarify which will be paid by EPA or will be paid by matching funds.  Smaller grants with uncomplicated budgets may have dollar columns (EPA and matching funds) that list only a few expenses and items per column.  (See detailed instructions for Budget Form 424A at the back of this Notice).

Please note the following funding restrictions:

-- Indirect costs may only be requested in your budget if your organization has an Indirect Cost Rate Agreement on file with a Federal Agency, subject to audit.

-- EPA will not fund the acquisition of real property (including buildings) or the construction or modification of any building.  EPA may, however, fund activities such as creating a nature trail with educational signs or building a bird watching station, as long as these items are an integral part of the environmental education project, and the cost is a relatively small percentage of the total amount of federal funds requested.

-- Funds for salaries and fringe benefits may be requested only for those personnel who are directly involved in implementing the proposed project and whose salaries and fringe benefits are directly related to specific products or outcomes of the proposed project.  EPA strongly encourages applicants to request reasonable amounts of funding for salaries and fringe benefits to ensure that your proposal is competitive.

            Matching Funds Explanation:  Non-federal matching funds must be at least 25% of the total cost of the project.  The match must be for an allowable cost and may be provided by the applicant or a partner organization or institution.  The match may be provided in cash or by in-kind contributions and other non-cash support.  In-kind contributions often include salaries or other verifiable costs and this value must be carefully documented.  In the case of salaries, applicants may use fair market value for your locale.  If the match is provided by a partner organization, the applicant is still responsible for proper accountability and documentation.  All grants are subject to federal audit.

            IMPORTANT:  The matching non-federal share is a percentage of the entire cost of the project.  For example, if the 75% federal portion is $10,000, then the entire project should, at a minimum, have a budget of $13,333, with the recipient providing a contribution of $3,333.  To assure that your match is sufficient, simply divide the federally requested amount by three.  Your match must be at least one-third of the requested amount to be sufficient.

            Other Federal Funds:  You may use other federal funds in addition to those provided by this program, but not for activities that EPA is funding.  You may not use any federal funds to meet any part of the required 25% match described above, unless it is specifically authorized by statute.  If you have already been awarded federal funds for a project for which you are seeking additional support from this program, you must indicate those funds in the budget section of the work plan.  You must also identify the project officer, agency, office, address, phone number, and the amount of the federal funds.

            (5)  Appendices.  Appendices establish your timeline, qualifications, logic model, and any partnerships with other organizations.

(a)  Timeline - Include a “timeline” to link your activities to a clear project schedule and indicate at what point over the months of your budget period each action, event, milestone, product development, and evaluation will occur.

(b)  Logic Model – Provide a graphic to display the outputs and outcomes developed through the project.  An example of a basic logic model with examples of entries is an attachment at the back of this document. Our Web site has a basic logic model where you may enter your data and print a copy to submit with a proposal. Complex projects may require more intricate logic models which may be created and submitted by applicants.

(c)  Technical Experience and Qualifications –  Attach a description of your programmatic capabilities and ability to successfully implement and manage the proposed project including staff expertise/qualifications, staff knowledge, and resources or the ability to obtain them to successfully achieve the goals of the project, and your organizational experience in performing grants similar to the proposed project.   In addition, if an applicant has previously performed a federal assistance agreement(s) (an assistance agreement is a grant or cooperative agreement, not a contract) within the last 3 years, please provide information on (1) whether you successfully completed those agreements and if not please explain why not and (2) whether you successfully met the reporting requirements under those agreements including reporting on your progress in achieving the results expected under those agreements.  Also, include a paragraph describing qualifications of each of the key personnel conducting the project.  If you send resumes, please keep it to a maximum of 3 one-page resumes.

 (d)  Partnership Letters of Commitment - If the applicant organization has partners, such as schools, state agencies, or other organizations, include letters of commitment from partners explaining their role in and/or funding of the proposed project.  Do not include letters of recommendation or have letters mailed in later. Regardless of the source, letters from non-partners will not be considered in evaluating proposals.

Please do not submit other appendices or attachments.  EPA may request such items if your proposal is among the finalists under consideration for funding.

D.  Submission Deadline and Project Period

            (1) Due Date December 20, 2007 is the deadline date for proposals to be postmarked if sent via U.S. Postal Service; or dated as received by express mail such as FedEx or UPS; or courier.  Or, if you choose the electronic submission route, your proposal must be transmitted on the due date no later than 11:59 P.M.  Applications mailed, sent, or transmitted after that date will not receive consideration. 

            (2) Start Date and Length of Projects – July 1, 2008 is the earliest start date that applicants should plan on and enter on their application forms and timeline.  Most project periods will be for one-year for smaller grants.  EPA prefers a one-year project period for large grants but will accept a project period of up to two years if the timeline clarifies that more time is necessary for full implementation of the project.

E.  Pre-proposal/Application Assistance and Communications

In accordance with EPA’s Competition Policy (EPA Order 5700.5A1), EPA staff will not meet with individual applicants to discuss draft proposals, provide informational comments on draft proposals, or provide advice to applicants on how to address ranking criteria.  Applicants are responsible for the contents of their proposals.  EPA staff will answer requests for clarification about the contents of this announcement and administrative issues related to the submission of a proposal. Answers to frequently asked questions about this program will be listed on the website.

Section V.  Application Review Information

A.  Full Evaluation and Scoring

Only those proposals that meet all of the threshold eligibility criteria in Section III will be evaluated based on the criteria below.  All proposals received at Headquarters and the ten EPA Regional Offices will be reviewed by EPA officials and external environmental educators (peer reviewers) approved by EPA.  Applicants should take these evaluation criteria into consideration when designing proposals and should address them directly. 

All proposals will be evaluated based on a 100 point scale based on the criteria below.  Proposals submitted to a Regional Office will be reviewed there.  Proposals submitted to Headquarters will be reviewed by a Headquarters panel.  Proposals will then be ranked by each Regional Office and Headquarters based on their score.  The applicable approval official will then make the final selection recommendations based on the rankings.

            (1) Project Summary Maximum Score:  10 points - The project summary will be evaluated based on the applicant’s overview of the entire project as specified in the one-page Project Summary described in Section IV(C)(3).

            (2) Project Description Maximum Score:  35 points - Proposals will be evaluated based on how well the applicant explains the need for the proposed project (10 points); how well the applicant designed and described the project to address that need (10 points); how effectively the project will accomplish the stated goals (10 points); and the degree to which the project is likely to be replicated or serve as a model for other communities and organizations (5 points).

            (3) Project Evaluation Maximum Score:  15 points – This score will be based on an assessment of:  (a) the applicant’s design and strategy for evaluation measures (5 points); (b) how effectively the applicant will measure, track, and report progress towards achieving the outputs and outcomes of the proposal (see definitions in Section I of this announcement) (10 points).

            (4) Budget – Maximum Score:  15 points - Under this factor, proposals will be evaluated based on:  (a) how well the budget information clearly and accurately shows how funds will be used (5 points); (b) whether the funding request is reasonable given the activities proposed and provides a good return on the investment (10 points).

            (5) Appendices Maximum Score:  25 points - Under this factor, proposals will be evaluated based on:

(a) Timeline and Logic Model:  How well the timeline (5 points) and logic model (5 points) clarify the Work Plan and establish for reviewers that the project is well thought out and feasible as planned (10 points total).

(b) Technical Experience and Qualifications:  Under this criterion, EPA will evaluate your programmatic capability and ability to successfully implement and manage the proposed project including staff expertise/qualifications, staff knowledge, and resources or the ability to obtain them to successfully achieve the goals of the project, and your organizational experience in performing grants similar to the proposed project.  In addition, for those applicants who submit applicable past performance information as described in Section IV(C)(5), EPA will evaluate the applicant’s success in completing those grants/agreements and whether the applicant successfully met the reporting requirements as required.  In evaluating past performance items, EPA will consider information provided by the applicant and may consider information from other sources including agency files and prior grantors.  (10 points)

(c) Partnership Letters of Commitment:  The extent to which a firm commitment is made in the letter by one or more partner organizations to provide staff, services, facilities, or funding (5 points).  Letters of endorsement or recommendation from non-partners are discouraged; they are not helpful and will not be considered.

B.  Final Selections

Final funding decisions will be made by the Approving Officials in Headquarters and in the EPA Regional Offices based on the rankings and preliminary recommendations of the evaluation teams.  In making the final funding decisions, the Approving Official in Headquarters and in each Regional Office may also consider programmatic priorities and geographic diversity and balance of funds.  Once final decisions have been made, a funding recommendation will be developed and forwarded to an EPA Award Official for approval and funding.  

C.  Other Funding

Please note that this is a very competitive grant program.  Limited funding is available and many qualified grant applications will not be funded by EPA. If your project is not funded, you may wish to review other available grant programs on the main EPA Web site and in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance at www.cfda.gov which lists funding opportunities. 

Section VI.  Award Administration Information

A.  Notification to Applicants

Applicants will receive a confirmation that EPA has received their proposal after EPA has entered information about all proposals into a database, usually within 2 months after receipt.  Headquarters and the ten EPA regional offices operate independently, so specific dates are not available for when EPA will contact the highest scoring finalists to request additional federal forms and other information as recommended by reviewers; and send non-selection letters to the others. Usually those steps occur in the spring months. Non-selection (rejection) letters will be sent within 15 business days after a decision of non-selection. If selected for a grant, an award package will be mailed to the recipient organization explaining the responsibilities of the grantee. 

B.  Administrative and National Policy Requirements 

The Environmental Education Grant Program Regulations provide additional information on EPA's administration of this program (57 FR 8390; Title 40 CFR, part 47).  Also, EPA's general assistance regulations at 40 CFR Part 31 apply to state, local, and Indian tribal governments and 40 CFR Part 30 applies to all other applicants such as nonprofit organizations.

A listing and description of general EPA Regulations applicable to the award of assistance agreements may be viewed at: http://www.epa.gov/ogd/AppKit/applicable_epa_regulations_and_description.htm.

Executive Order 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs may be applicable to awards, resulting from this announcement. Applicants selected for funding may be required to provide a copy of their proposal to their State Point of Contact (SPOC) for review, pursuant to Executive Order 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs. This review is not required with the Initial Proposal and not all states require such a review.

C.  DUNS Number

All applicants are required to provide a Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number when applying for a Federal grant or cooperative agreement.  Applicants can receive a DUNS number, at no cost, by calling the toll-free request line at 1-866-705-5711, or visiting the D&B website at:  http://www.dnb.com.

D.    Reports and Work Products  

Specific financial, technical, and other reporting requirements to measure the grant recipient’s progress will be identified in the EPA grant award agreement.  Grant recipients must submit periodic formal progress reports, as instructed in the award agreement.  Also, two copies of a Final Technical Report and two copies of all work products must be sent to the EPA project officer within 90 days after the expiration of the project period.

E.     Disputes 

Assistance agreement competition-related disputes will be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures published in 70 FR (Federal Register) 3629, 3630 (January 26, 2006) located on the web at:  http://www.epa.gov/ogd/competition/resolution.htm.

F.      Confidential Business Information 

In accordance with 40 CFR 2.203, applicants may claim all or a portion of their proposal as confidential business information.  EPA will evaluate confidentiality claims in accordance with 40 CFR Part 2.  Applicants must clearly mark proposals or portions of proposals they claim as confidential.  If no claim of confidentiality is made, EPA is not required to make the inquiry to the applicant otherwise required by 40 CFR 2.204(c)(2) prior to disclosure.

G.    Management Fees

When formulating budgets for proposals, applicants must not include management fees or similar charges in excess of the direct costs at the rate approved by the applicant’s cognizant audit agency, or at the rate provided for by the terms of the agreement negotiated with EPA.   These are fees added to the direct costs in order to accumulate and reserve funds for ongoing expenses, unforeseen liabilities, or for other similar costs that are not allowable under EPA grants.  Management fees or similar charges may not be used to improve or expand the project funded, except to the extent authorized as a direct cost of carrying out the scope of work.

Section VII.  Agency Contacts

A.  Internet:  www.epa.gov/enviroed/grants

Please visit our Web site where you can view or download:  federal forms, a basic logic model template, tips for developing successful grant applications, descriptions of projects funded under this program in each state, and other education links and resource materials.  The “Excellence in EE” series of publications listed there includes guidelines for: developing and evaluating educational materials; the initial preparation of environmental educators; and using environmental education in grades K-12 to support state and local education reform goals.

B.  Notification of future Environmental Education Grant Cycles

If you wish to be notified when the next Solicitation Notice is issued, you should visit our Web site (www.epa.gov/enviroed) where you can log in for notification of a new notice. 

Mailing Addresses and Information

Applicants who need clarification about specific requirements in this Solicitation Notice may contact their EPA Regional Office listed below or the Environmental Education Office in Washington, D.C. as determined by the location where they will apply.

Applications may be submitted electronically as explained in Appendix D below or hard copy via U.S. Postal Service, express mail (such as FedEx and UPS), or courier service.  See below for complete address information for Headquarters and the Regional Offices.

U.S. EPA Headquarters -- For proposals requesting over $50,000 but not more than $125.000 from EPA

For submission by U.S. Postal Service:

Environmental Education Grant Program

Environmental Education Division (1704A)

1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C. 20460

For submission by express mail (Fed Ex and UPS), hand delivery, or courier service:

Environmental Education Division (Room 1426A North)

1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C. 20004

Telephone (202) 564-0443

Information:  Diane Berger (202) 564-0451

U.S. EPA Regional Offices -- For proposals requesting over $4,000 but not more than $50,000 from EPA

Mail the proposal to the Regional Office where the project will take place, rather than where the applicant is located, if these locations are different.

EPA Region I -- CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT

Mail proposals to:

U.S. EPA, Region 1

Environmental Education Grants

1 Congress Street, Suite 1100 (RAA)

Boston, MA 02114


Kristen Conroy

(617) 918-1069


EPA Region II -- NJ, NY, PR, VI

Mail proposals to:

U.S. EPA, Region II

Environmental Education Grants, 26th Floor

290 Broadway

New York, NY 10007-1866


Teresa Ippolito

(212) 637-3671


EPA Region III -- DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV

Mail proposals to:

U.S. EPA, Region III

Environmental Education Grants  (30PA00)

1650 Arch Street

Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029


Kathleen Kirkland

(215) 814-5176


EPA Region IV -- AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN

Mail proposals to:

U.S. EPA, Region IV

Environmental Education Grants

Office of Public Affairs

61 Forsyth Street, S.W.

Atlanta, GA 30303


Alice Chastain

(404) 562-8314


EPA Region V -- IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI

Mail proposals to:

U.S. EPA, Region V

Environmental Education Grants (PI-19J)

77 West Jackson Boulevard

Chicago, IL 60604


Jennifer Ostermeier

(312) 353-0618


EPA Region VI -- AR, LA, NM, OK, TX

Mail proposals to:

U.S. EPA, Region VI

Environmental Education Grants (6XA)

1445 Ross Avenue

Dallas, TX 75202


Bonnie King

(214)  665-2215


EPA Region VII -- IA, KS, MO, NE

Mail proposals to:

U.S. EPA, Region VII

Environmental Education Grants

Office of External Programs

901 N. 5th Street

Kansas City, KS 66101


Denise Morrison

(913) 551-7402


EPA Region VIII -- CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY

Mail proposals to:

U.S. EPA, Region VIII

Environmental Education Grants

1595 Wynkoop Street

Denver, CO  80202-1129   


Wendy Dew

(800) 227-8917 ext. 7912


EPA Region IX -- AZ, CA, HI, NV, American Samoa, Guam

Mail proposals to:

U.S. EPA, Region IX

Environmental Education Grants (OPA-2)

75 Hawthorne Street

San Francisco, CA 94105


Sharon Jang

(415) 947-4252


EPA Region X -- AK, ID, OR, WA

Mail proposals to:

U.S. EPA, Region X

Environmental Education Grants

Public Environmental Resource Center

1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900  (ETPA-086)

Seattle, WA 98101


Sally Hanft

(800) 424-4372

(206) 553-1207


Appendix A - Federal Forms and Instructions

Instructions For the SF 424-Application

            This is a standard Federal form to be used by applicants as a required face sheet for the Environmental Education Grants Program.  These instructions are modified for this program only and do not apply to any other Federal program.

Instructions for Completing the SF 424 – Application for Federal Assistance (an interactive PDF version of this form is available online at www.epa.gov/enviroed/grants.

1.                  Select "Application.”

2.                  Select “New.”

3.                  Leave blank.

4.                  Leave blank.

5.                  a.         Leave blank.

b.         Leave blank.

6.                  Leave blank.

7.                  Leave blank.

8.                  a.   Enter the legal name of the applicant organization

1.      Enter the Employee/Taxpayer Identification Number as assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

c.   Enter the DUNS number of the application organization.

d.   Enter the address (including street, city, state, and zip code) of the applicant organization.

e.   Enter information as appropriate. 

f.    Enter the name, telephone number, Fax, and e-mail address of the person to be contacted on matters involving this application.  Middle name and suffix are optional.

9.                  Enter the appropriate letter to identify the applicant organization.  If a not-for-profit organization, the organization must be categorized as a 501(c)(3) by the IRS to be eligible for this grant program.

10.              Enter “Environmental Protection Agency.”

11.              Enter “66.951.” 

12.              Enter “EPA-EE-08-02.”

13.              Leave blank.

14.              List only the major areas affected by the project.

15.              Enter the title of the project for which you are applying (descriptive brief title    such as “Students Save the Stream”)

16.              a.   List the Congressional District where the applicant organization is located. 

1.      List the Congressional District(s) affected by the project.  If the project affects an entire state, enter “STATEWIDE.”

To identify the appropriate Congressional District, go to www.house.gov/.

17.              Enter the project start and end dates for the project (e.g. 07/01/08 to 06/30/09).

18.              Enter the amount of funding requested or to be contributed during the funding/budget period.

a.                   Enter the amount of money you are requesting from EPA.

b.                  Enter the amount of money the application organization is contributing.

c.                   Enter the amount of money a state organization is contributing, as appropriate.

d.                  Enter the amount of money a local organization is contributing, as appropriate.

e.                   Enter the amount of money another organization is contributing, as appropriate.

f.                    Enter the amount for any program income which you expect will be generated by the project. e.g., income from admission fees to a conference financed by the grant funds. In your budget narrative explain how the income will benefit the project.

g.                  Enter the total amount of the project.  The total of lines (b-e) must be at least 25% of the amount entered into (g) because this grant program has a matching requirement of 25% of the total allowable project costs.  Divide the federal amount entered in (a) by 3 to determine the match required for your proposal. 

19.              Select "c. Program is not covered by E.O. 12372."

20.              Answer as appropriate.

21.              Enter the name, title, telephone number and e-mail of the person authorized to contract or obligate the applicant organization to the terms and conditions of the grant.  If you are submitting a hard-copy version, print a hard-copy of the SF-424 and sign it (preferably in blue ink to identify the original).

Instructions for the SF-424A - Budget

            This is a standard federal form used by applicants as a basic budget.  These instructions are modified for this grant program only and do not apply to any other federal Program.

Section A - Budget Summary – Do NOT complete – Leave whole page blank for this program.

Section B - Budget Categories - Complete Columns (1), (2) and (5) as stated below.

            All funds requested and contributed as a match must be listed under the appropriate Object Class categories listed on this form.  Please round figures to the nearest dollar.  In column (1) list by category how EPA funds will be spent; in column (2) list matching funds by category; then add sideways and put the totals in column (5) per category. Many applicants will have blank lines in some Object Class Categories and no applicant should use line 6(g) Construction because it is an unallowable cost for this program.  NOTE:  Your total dollar figures on the Form 424 and 424A and detailed budget should all be the same.  Your detailed budget should list costs under the same object class categories used on this form, but with significantly more information; for example the 424A will have a total for travel and the detailed budget will list number of travelers and trips, locations, per diem costs, etc.

Line 6(i) - Show the totals of lines 6(a) through 6(h) in each column.

Line 6(j) - Show the amount of indirect costs, but ONLY if your organization already has an Indirect Cost Rate Agreement with a Federal Agency and has it on file, subject to audit.

Line 6(k) - Enter the total amount of Lines 6(i) and 6(j).

Line 7 - Program Income - Enter the estimated amount of income, if any, expected to be generated from this project.  Do not add or subtract this amount from the total project amount.  Describe the nature and source of income in the detailed budget description and your planned use of the funds to enhance your project.

DETAILED ITEMIZATION OF COSTS:  The proposal must also contain a detailed budget description as specified in Section IV(C)(4) of this Notice, and should conform to the following:

Personnel:  List all participants in the project by position title.  Give the percentage of the budget period for which they will be fully employed on the project (e.g., half-time for half the budget period equals 25%, full-time for half the budget period equals 50%, etc.).  The detail should include for each person:  Percentage of Time on project X Annual Salary = Personnel Cost.  List this data for all personnel and then put the total on the Form 424A.

Fringe Benefits:  Indicate percentage of basic salary and what it includes, such as health insurance.

Travel:  If travel is budgeted, show trips, travelers, destinations, per diem and purpose of travel.

Equipment:  Identify each piece of equipment with a cost of $5,000 or more per unit to be purchased and explain the purpose for which it will be used.  Less costly items are listed under supplies.

Supplies:  List categories of supplies; e.g., laboratory supplies and office supplies for items that can be grouped.  If the supply budget is less than 2% of total costs, you do not need to itemize.

Contractual:  Specify the nature and cost of such services and how costs were determined such as by using estimates or historical information. Explain how you will select your contractor. EPA may require review of contracts for personal services prior to their execution to assure that all costs are reasonable and necessary to the project.

Construction:  Not allowable for this program.

Other:  Specify all other costs under this category.

Indirect Costs:  Not allowable unless you have an application on file with a federal agency.  Provide the percentage rate used and explain how charges were calculated for this project.

Income:  Describe the source of your income and how it will be used to enhance your project.

Appendix B -- Checklist for Proposal

Checklist for Content of Proposal – Please submit only the following documents in this order:

_____  Standard Federal Application Form (SF-424)

_____  Budget Form (SF-424A) - Section B – 1 page only - Use 3 columns - EPA share, matching share, and total in column 5

_____  Project Summary Sheet --one page – format required

_____  Project Description (why, who, how, and with what) - Format optional -- use headings to                             help reviewers find everything.

_____  Project Evaluation Criteria for key outputs and outcomes

_____  Detailed Budget - Use two columns to show EPA and non-Federal portions for each expense.  Use the same order and categories used on 424A, but with much greater detail

_____  Timeline - List all major activities and milestones over project period

_____   Logic model showing outputs and outcomes

_____   Qualifications of Personnel and Programmatic Capabilities

_____  Letters of commitment from partners explaining the tasks or funding they will provide (optional)

 Please no letters of recommendation or endorsement from individuals or organizations            that explain the merits of your project or your past accomplishments. They will not add to your score regardless of who sends them on your behalf.


Appendix C – Examples of Performance Measures in Example of Logic Model

This chart provides examples of some of the outputs and outcomes Environmental Education Grants may produce.  It is intended as guidance to define terms used in this announcement. A basic logic model template can be found on the EPA Environmental Education Website and used to print out a specific version that complements your grant proposal.

Outputs and short-term outcomes must occur and be reported to EPA within the project period.  Progress should at least begin on medium-term or long-term outcomes during the project period.

Sample Logic Model of


(examples of outputs and outcomes for various types of educational projects)







Recruitment of teachers, students, or other target audience




Field Trips

Educational Materials

Videos, CDs, DVDs, Web sites

Conferences and presentation of results

Increased access to environmental education resources and programs

Students and teachers learn skills

Increased environmental knowledge

Increased motivation to become stewards and protect habitat and the environment

Educators are motivated to train others

Assessment of learning/ measuring success

Changes in awareness about issues and decisions that affect the environment

Students and community leaders make decisions to improve their environment

Specific actions are taken to improve the environment

Environmental stewardship is underway

Assessment of actions to improve the environment/Measuring success

Establishment of sustainable environmental education programs

Improved environmental literacy and social change for the better

Increased stewardship leads to civic responsibility for environmental protection, habitat preservation, and pollution prevention

Appendix D – Instructions for Grants.Gov Electronic Submissions

Electronic Submission -- If you wish to apply electronically via Grants.gov, the electronic submission of your proposal/application must be made by an official representative of your institution who is registered with Grants.gov and authorized to sign applications for Federal assistance.  For more information, go to http://www.grants.gov and click on “Get Registered” on the left side of the page.  Note that the registration process may take a week or longer to complete.  If your organization is not currently registered with Grants.gov, please encourage your office to designate an Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) and ask that individual to begin the registration process as soon as possible.      

To begin the application process under this grant announcement, go to http://www.grants.gov and click on the “Apply for Grants” tab on the left side of the page. Then click on “Apply Step 1:  Download a Grant Application Package” to download the PureEdge viewer and obtain the application package and instructions for applying under this announcement using grants.gov.  You may retrieve the application package and instructions by entering the Funding Opportunity Number, EPA-EE-08-02 or the CFDA number (CFDA 66.951) Then complete and submit the application package as indicated.  You may also be able to access the application package by clicking on the button “How To Apply” at the top right of the synopsis page for this announcement on http://www.grants.gov (to find the synopsis page , go to http://www.grants.gov and click on the “Find Grant Opportunities” button on the left side of the page and then go to Search Opportunities  and use the Browse by Agency feature to go to EPA opportunities).

Application/proposal materials submitted through grants.gov will be time/date stamped electronically.

Please be sure to view the additional instructions for applying electronically under this announcement through use of grants.gov that are available for download on Grants.gov.

If you have any technical difficulties while applying electronically, please refer to http://www.grants.gov/help/help.jsp.

The following forms and documents are required to be submitted under this announcement:

I.   Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424)

II. Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A)

III. Narrative Proposal as described in Section IV

The proposal/application package must include all of the following materials: 

I.        Standard Form (SF) 424, Application for Federal Assistance:  Complete the form.  There are no attachments.  Please be sure to include organization fax number and email address in Block 5 of the form. 

Please note that the organizational Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number must be included on the SF-424.  Organizations may obtain a DUNS number at no cost by calling the toll-free DUNS number request line at 1-866-705-5711.

II.  Standard Form SF 424A – Budget InformationComplete Section B of the form.  There are no attachments.  Fill in three columns (1) Federal funds; (2) Matching funds; and (5) Total. The total amount of federal funding requested for the project period should be shown on line 1(k) and also the SF-424 form.  If indirect costs are included, the amount of indirect costs should be entered on line 6(j).  The indirect cost rate (i.e., a percentage), the base (e.g., personnel costs and fringe benefits), and the amount should also be indicated on line 22.

III. Proposal (and any appendices):  Prepared as described in Section IV of the notice. 

The document should be readable in PDF, MS Word or Word Perfect WP6/7/8 for Windows and consolidated into a single file. 

Application Preparation and Submission Instructions

Documents I through III listed under Application Materials above should appear in the “Mandatory Documents” box on the Grants.gov Grant Application Package page. 

For documents I and II, click on the appropriate form and then click “Open Form” below the box.  The fields that must be completed will be highlighted in yellow.  Optional fields and completed fields will be displayed in white.  If you enter an invalid response or incomplete information in a field, you will receive an error message.  When you have finished filling out each form, click “Save.”  When you return to the electronic Grant Application Package page, click on the form you just completed, and then click on the box that says, “Move Form to Submission List.”  This action will move the document over to the box that says, “Mandatory Completed Documents for Submission.” 

For document III, you will need to attach electronic files.  Prepare your narrative proposal as described above in Section IV and save the document to your computer as an MS Word, PDF or WordPerfect file.  When you are ready to attach your proposal to the application package, click on “Project Narrative Attachment Form,” and open the form.  Click “Add Mandatory Project Narrative File,” and then attach your proposal (previously saved to your computer) using the browse window that appears.  You may then click “View Mandatory Project Narrative File” to view it.  Enter a brief descriptive title of your project in the space beside “Mandatory Project Narrative File Filename;” the filename should be no more than 40 characters long.  If there other attachments that you would like to submit to accompany your proposal, you may click “Add Optional Project Narrative File” and proceed as before.  When you have finished attaching the necessary documents, click “Close Form.”  When you return to the “Grant Application Package” page, select the “Project Narrative Attachment Form” and click “Move Form to Submission List.”  The form should now appear in the box that says, “Mandatory Completed Documents for Submission.” 

Once you have finished filling out all of the forms/attachments and they appear in one of the “Completed Documents for Submission” boxes, click the “Save” button that appears at the top of the Web page.  It is suggested that you save the document a second time, using a different name, since this will make it easier to submit an amended package later if necessary.  Please use the following format when saving your file:  “Applicant Name – FY08 – EE Grants – 1st Submission” or “Applicant Name – FY08 – EE Grants – Back-up Submission.”  If it becomes necessary to submit an amended package at a later date, then the name of the 2nd submission should be changed to “Applicant Name – FY08– EE Grants – 2nd Submission.” 

Once your application package has been completed and saved, send it to your AOR for submission to U.S. EPA through Grants.gov.  Please advise your AOR to close all other software programs before attempting to submit the application package through Grants.gov. 

In the “Application Filing Name” box, your AOR should enter your organization’s name (abbreviate where possible), the fiscal year (e.g., FY08), and the grant category (e.g., EE Grants).  The filing name should not exceed 40 characters.  From the “Grant Application Package” page, your AOR may submit the application package by clicking the “Submit” button that appears at the top of the page.  The AOR will then be asked to verify the agency and funding opportunity number for which the application package is being submitted.   If problems are encountered during the submission process, the AOR should reboot his/her computer before trying to submit the application package again. [It may be necessary to turn off the computer (not just restart it) before attempting to submit the package again.]   If the AOR continues to experience submission problems, he/she may contact Grants.gov for assistance by phone at 1-800-518-4726 or email at http://www.grants.gov/help/help.jsp

Application packages submitted thru grants.gov will be time/date stamped electronically.

If you have not received a confirmation of receipt from EPA (not from grants.gov) within 30 days of the application deadline, please contact Diane Berger at (202) 564-0451.  Failure to do so may result in your application not being reviewed.  This 30 days does not apply to hard copy submissions for which notification from regions and headquarters could take up to 60 days. 
