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e-CFR Data is current as of November 3, 2008

Title 41: Public Contracts and Property Management

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Section Contents
§ 300-80.1   What is a relocation expenses test program?
§ 300-80.2   Who may authorize test programs?
§ 300-80.3   What must be done to apply for test program authority?
§ 300-80.4   How many test programs may be authorized by GSA throughout the government?
§ 300-80.5   What factors will GSA consider in approving a request for a relocation expenses test program?
§ 300-80.6   What limits are there to test programs?
§ 300-80.7   What is the maximum duration of test programs?
§ 300-80.8   What reports are required for a test program?
§ 300-80.9   When does the authority of GSA to authorize test programs expire?

Authority:   5 U.S.C. 5707, 5738, and 5739.

Source:   FTR Amdt. 83, 64 FR 28881, May 27, 1999, unless otherwise noted.

§ 300-80.1   What is a relocation expenses test program?

It is a program to permit agencies to test new and innovative methods of reimbursing relocation expenses without seeking a waiver of current rules or authorizing legislation.

[FTR Amdt. 83, 64 FR 28881, May 27, 1999, as amended by FTR Amdt. 2007–04, 72 FR 51374, Sept. 7, 2007]

§ 300-80.2   Who may authorize test programs?

The Administrator of General Services may authorize an agency to conduct tests when the Administrator determines such tests to be in the interest of the Government.

[FTR Amdt. 83, 64 FR 28881, May 27, 1999, as amended by FTR Amdt. 2007–04, 72 FR 51374, Sept. 7, 2007]

§ 300-80.3   What must be done to apply for test program authority?

The head of the agency or designee must design the test program to enhance cost savings or other efficiencies to the Government and submit in writing to the Administrator of General Services (Attention: MTT), 1800 F Street, NW, Washington, DC 20405:

(a) An explanation of the test program;

(b) If applicable, the specific provisions of the FTR from which the agency is deviating;

(c) An analysis of the expected costs and benefits; and

(d) A set of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the program.

[FTR Amdt. 83, 64 FR 28881, May 27, 1999, as amended by FTR Amdt. 2007–04, 72 FR 51374, Sept. 7, 2007]

§ 300-80.4   How many test programs may be authorized by GSA throughout the government?

No more than 10 relocation expense test programs may be conducted at the same time.

[FTR Amdt. 83, 64 FR 28881, May 27, 1999, as amended by FTR Amdt. 2007–04, 72 FR 51374, Sept. 7, 2007]

§ 300-80.5   What factors will GSA consider in approving a request for a relocation expenses test program?

The following factors will be considered:

(a) Potential savings to the Government.

(b) Application of results to other agencies.

(c) Feasibility of successful implementation.

(d) Number of tests, if any, already authorized to the same activity.

(e) Whether the request meets the requirements of §300–80.3.

(f) Other agency requests under consideration at the time of submission.

(g) Uniqueness of proposed test.

§ 300-80.6   What limits are there to test programs?

None. When authorized by the Administrator of General Services, the agency may pay any necessary relocation expenses in lieu of payments authorized or required under Chapter 302 of this title.

[FTR Amdt. 2007–04, 72 FR 51374, Sept. 7, 2007]

§ 300-80.7   What is the maximum duration of test programs?

The duration of a test program is 24 months from the date of authorization unless terminated prior to that date by the Administrator of General Services due to changes in law or regulation. Extensions of the 24 month period may be granted by the Administrator of General Services for up to an additional 24 months, but not beyond October 2009, the expiration of the test authority. A request to extend the test program shall be submitted to the Administrator of General Services not later than 45 days prior to the expiration of the original test period.

[FTR Amdt. 2007–04, 72 FR 51374, Sept. 7, 2007]

§ 300-80.8   What reports are required for a test program?

Two reports are required:

(a) The Administrator of General Services must submit a copy of an approved test program to Congress at least 30 days before the effective date of the authorized test program.

(b) The agency authorized to conduct the test program must submit the following reports:

(1) An annual report on the progress of the test, submitted to the General Services Administration, Office of Governmentwide Policy, Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset Management (Attention MTT), Washington, DC 20405. The Administrator or designee may terminate the test program approval for failure to comply with these reporting requirements; and

(2) A final report on the results of the test program must be submitted to the General Services Administration, Office of Governmentwide Policy, Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset Management (Attention MTT), Washington, DC 20405, and to the appropriate committees of Congress within 3 months after completion of the program.

[FTR Amdt. 83, 64 FR 28881, May 27, 1999. Redesignated and amended by FTR Amdt. 2007–04, 72 FR 51374, Sept. 7, 2007]

§ 300-80.9   When does the authority of GSA to authorize test programs expire?

The authority to conduct test programs expires on October 20, 2009.

[FTR Amdt. 83, 64 FR 28881, May 27, 1999. Redesignated and amended by FTR Amdt. 2007–04, 72 FR 51374, Sept. 7, 2007]

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August 1, 2007
