Fibromyalgia Network
takes your pain, fatigue and brain-fog symptoms seriously!

We'll keep you current on
fibromyalgia treatments, coping tips, and research to enrich your life.
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Of all the information on fibromyalgia, the most useful comes from the Network.  I share your articles with my pain doctor for new treatment ideas.” — Sharon of Dallas

Free Fibromyalgia Articles

• Treating fibromyalgia requires multiple approaches. Learn how to get a better night's sleep.
• Research tests can validate your symptoms and possible causes.

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What is Fibromyalgia?

Do you have pain from head to toe? Are you tossing and turning throughout the night, unable to sleep? Do you wake up to pain and a foggy brain in the morning? These are common symptoms experienced by fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients. Learn about symptoms, possible causes, methods for diagnosis, and treatment for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome in our Basic Info section.

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Fibromyalgia Network JournalFor the cost of one doctor's office co-pay you'll receive a year's worth of ad-free, reliable information on the treatment of fibromyalgia, coping advice, and research from experts around the world. Join now.

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