Rob Hosack, AICP

191 Lawrence St
Marietta, GA
(770) 528-2125
(770) 528-2126 fax

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Cobb County...Expect the Best!
Cobb County Community Development Department

Contact Information:
Planning and Zoning
191 Lawrence Street
Marietta, GA - 30060-1689
(770) 528-2004

2030 Comprehensive Plan

Macland Road Corridor Study

Cobb County Official Code

County Clerk Web site

Planning Commission /
Board of Zoning Appeals

This division is responsible for comprehensive planning for the county. Planning coordinates the plans and development policy between Cobb County and other jurisdictions. There are five primary responsibilities: long-range (comprehensive) planning, research, preservation, local planning (intergovernmental) and mapping.

The Cobb County Comprehensive Plan (1995-2015) does not serve as a development ordinance, but rather as a guide to continued growth and development countywide.

The Comprehensive Plan:
  • Identifies needs/trends Cobb may have to address in the next twenty years;
  • Lists goals and policy objectives to consider in order to realize its vision statement;
  • Identifies short term projects that could assist addressing a need/trend or in implementing its goals and policy objectives; and
  • Provides a generalized future land use map which complements the goals and policy objectives and indicates locations for a variety of land uses.