Why Population Counts
Population trends have a powerful impact on our future, affecting everything from the environment to the economy to resource scarcity. The Population Resource Center is committed to educating policymakers about important demographic trends and their implications for public policy. To that end, the Center promotes the use of accurate population data and sound, objective analysis of these data in the making of public policy.

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Latest News

Dec. 08, 2008
PRC has gone green!
PRC has become a part of the global transition into a clean energy future by joining with the Carbonfund organization to reduce our carbon footprint.

Dec. 01, 2008
PRC is now on Facebook and Youtube
PRC is proud to announce its new Facebook and Youtube pages. You can now watch uploaded videos and presentations from our congressional public symposiums and policy briefings on both sites.

May. 14, 2008
Get the Facts on Global Health
The Kaiser Family Foundation has unveiled a new database on global health that provides country-specific information on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.

Upcoming Events
Mar. 23, 2009
Making the Census Count: New Orleans
Join our panel experts in exploring how foundation leaders can help reduce the Census 2010 undercount!

Mar. 19, 2009
Making the Census Count: Detroit
Join our panel experts in exploring how foundation leaders can help reduce the Census 2010 undercount!

Mar. 19, 2009
Making the Census Count: Grand Rapids
Join our panel experts in exploring how foundation leaders can help reduce the Census 2010 undercount!

Population Matters - Official Blog of the Population Resource Center

Apr. 20, 2009

20th Century Generations
“20th Century Generations”, a Population Reference Bureau (www.prb.org) publication by Elwood Carlson melds a demographic concept “cohorts” with political and historical events in our nation’s history.   Building on work by Ryder, Straus and Howell and Easterly, Carlson identifies “seven public generations” of the 20th century. These generations...
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Apr. 20, 2009

Mayor Bloomberg Gets It
The mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, announced last week (New York Times -4-08-09 www.nyt.com) that he was opening an office to oversee the 2010 Census in New York.  New York is currently the only city to have a special office dedicated to the Census.  Chicago and Los Angles traditionally have had aggressive programs to increase the response rate but not a special office. ...
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Apr. 20, 2009

Mayor Bloomberg Gets It
The mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, announced last week (New York Times -4-08-09 www.nyt.com) that he was opening an office to oversee the 2010 Census in New York.  New York is currently the only city to have a special office dedicated to the Census.  Chicago and Los Angles traditionally have had aggressive programs to increase the response rate but not a special office. ...
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Mar. 24, 2009

The Censoring Census?
A recent article in New York Times has highlighted the LGBT community’s ongoing struggle to legally recognize same-sex couples in the 2010 Census and other federal surveys. The U.S. Census Bureau plans to edit the 2010 Census responses of same-sex couples who are legally married in California, Massachusetts or any other state. The Bureau is responding to the Federal Defense of Marriage Act...
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Mar. 17, 2009

Taking Care: Promoting the Environment through Population
  Last week, I listened to Dr. Jane Goodall as part of the Wilson Center’s “On the Hill” series. While Dr. Goodall is known primarily for her groundbreaking work on chimpanzee behavior in the Gombe Reserve of Tanzania, her discussion focused on the linkages between environmental sustainability, public health, livelihoods development, and the well-being of species.  ...
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Feb. 13, 2009

An Update on PRC
After an exciting week of collaboration with CARE USA, the Population Resource Center is excited to enter a new phase of its development. Robert J. Walker, former President of PRC, began his new role as Executive Vice President of the Population Institute this week. In his place, founder and former President Jane DeLung shall serve as President. We are excited for the new opportunities offered...
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