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Peace Corps  

Learn About Peace Corps
What Is Peace Corps?
What Do Volunteers Do?
Where Do Volunteers Go?
What's It Like to Volunteer?
How Do I Become a Volunteer?
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Move Beyond the Faculty Lounge. Apply now to teach English overseas this fall in countries like China, Mongolia and Ukraine.
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 10.29.08 — Peace Corps Wins W3 Silver Award

 10.27.08 — Paraguayan President Visits Peace Corps

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In The Spotlight

50+ Volunteers

Learn how older Americans are sharing a lifetime of work and wisdom by answering President Kennedy's call to service.

A Day in the Life

Isaac wakes up to the sound of roosters, considers his most prized possession a mosquito net, and can converse in Kreyol. Learn what one day is like for Isaac, a Peace Corps Volunteer living in Haiti.