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Securing the Region * Texas and America * Homeland Security


Please click on the following agencies to be linked to a web site for information pertaining to Homeland Security.

Texas Association of Regional Councils   
Texas Department of Information Resources   
U. S. Government - FirstGov.gov   

Homeland Security/Emergency Management
AAP - Children, Terrorism & Disasters Nuclear Agents   
America Responds to Terrorism   
American Association of Safety Councils   
Building Neighborhood Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT)   
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance   
Center for Domestic Preparedness   
Center for State Homeland Security   
Champion Emergency Management Services (EMS)   
Citizen Corps (CC)   
CC- CERT Training   
CERT - Home Defense Products   
CERT - Los Angeles, California   
CERT - Viera, Florida   
Counter-Terrorism - Terrorism and Security Information   
Counter-Terrorism - Training and Resources for Law Enforcement   
Domestic Preparedness Campus   
Emergency Management Association of Texas   
Emergency Management Institute - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)   
Emergency Management Services (EMS)   
Emergency Planning - Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools   
Emergency Response Resources - NIOSH   
Federal Emergency Management Agency   
FEMA for Kids - Education, Schools, Disasters, Games...   
Homeland Defense Journal   
MGMA - Bioterrorism Practical Readiness Network (bioPRN)   
National Disaster Education Coalition   
National Emergency Management Association   
National Hurricane Center - Tropical Prediction Center  
National Incident Management System (NIMS)    
National Terrorism Preparedness Institute   
National Weather Service - NOAA  
PowerPhone - The Experts in Crisis Communications    
Senior Corps   
Terrorism Research Center   
Texas Emergency Management   
TMA Bioterrorism Resource Center   
U.S. Department of Homeland Security  
USFA Counter-Terrorism Critical Infrastructure Protection Job Aids    

Law Enforcement
COPS - Office Grants and Resources for Community Policing   
Criminal Justice Institute   
National Sheriffs' Association Neighborhood Watch   
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)   
Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS)   

American Heart Association   
Cornell Farmedic Training Program, Cornell University   
Courses in Continuing Medical Education and Public Health Preparedness  
HRSARural Emergency Medical Services/Trauma Technical Assistance Center  
Medical Reserve Corps  
Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS)  
North Texas Regional Advisory Council on Trauma  
Philips HeartStart   
Rural Health Policy   
RURAL MEDICS - Facing the Challenge  
Texas Medical Rangers  

Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program   
Funding Opportunities at Office of Justice Programs   
Homeland Security Grants - Law Enforcement, Firefighters, First Responders   
Texas Department of Health Funding Information Center   
The Foundation Center - Cooperating Collections   
The Foundation Center - Helping Grantseekers Succeed   
TGCI Library of Grant Proposals (CD-Rom)   

Training - Fire, Law Enforcement, Safety, Etc.   
American Safety & Health Institute   
Assistance to Firefighters   
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance to Those Affected by the 9-11 Events   
EVOC Train the Trainer Courses by American Integrated Training Systems  
FTA Safety and Security - Training    
Independent Study Program Course List   
National Volunteer Fire Council - Free Terrorism Training Courses  
Rural Assistance Center - Recent News   
Rural Fire Assistance Program   
Training Exchange   

American Safety Council   
Children's Safety Network   
Firehouse Network State and Regional Information   
FireSafe - Fire and Safety Directory  
Institute for Business & Home Safety    
National Fire Plan   
National SAFE KIDS Campaign   
National Safety Council   
Project Safe Neighborhoods   
Safety Links - Associations & Organizations  
Terrorism School Safety Emergency Planning    

American Red Cross - Preparing Communities for Emergencies   
Center for Community Support  
Corporation for National and Community Service   
EIIP Virtual Forum  
Fire Corps   
FirstGov for Citizens - Education, Jobs and Volunteerism   
International Critical Stress Foundation, Inc.   
JAMA & Archives Journals  
National Service-Learning Clearinghouse   
National Volunteer Fire Council  
President's Volunteer Service Award   
Project ChildSafe    
Texas Forest Service - Protecting Forest, Tree & Related Natural Resources   
Texas Office of Rural Community Affairs   
USA Freedom Corps   
USFA Higher Education Degrees and Programs   
White House   

In June 2002, The Governor’s Office requested that all Councils of Governments develop regional homeland security plans as part of a state planning initiative. Planning at the regional level was chosen due to the scale and scope of potential weapons of mass destruction incidents and the geographic size of Texas.

The Ark-Tex Council of Governments (ATCOG), in cooperation with the Texas Association of Regional Councils (TARC), Governor's Division of Emergency Management (GDEM) and the Governor’s Texas Homeland Security Director, is pleased to provide this resource for local emergency management coordinators.  GDEM and the Texas Governor’s Homeland Security Director have made funding available to ATCOG to assist in the implementation of the Governor’s regional approach statewide, known as The Homeland Security Project.

ATCOG’s Homeland Security program’s major purposes are to:

Provide information and assistance to ATCOG’s local government members in the planning and implementing of homeland security programs;

Integrate regional planning and priorities with state agency activities;

Assist TARC, GDEM, Governor’s Homeland Security Director and other state agencies that administer emergency preparedness programs in their work with ATCOG’s local government members.


Ark-Tex Council of Governments’ Homeland Security Programs include:     

Citizen Corps Website

After September 11, 2001, America witnessed a wellspring of selflessness and heroism. People in every corner of the country asked, "What can I do?" and "How can I help?" Citizen Corps was created to help all Americans answer these questions through public education and outreach, training, and volunteer service.

Citizen Corps Councils helps drive local citizen participation by coordinating Citizen Corps programs, developing community action plans, assessing possible threats and identifying local resources

The Citizen Corps Affiliate Program expands the resources and materials available to states and local communities by partnering with Programs and Organizations that offer resources for public education, outreach, and training; represent volunteers interested in helping to make their community safer; or offer volunteer service opportunities to support first responders, disaster relief activities, and community safety efforts.

Citizen Corps is coordinated nationally by the Department of Homeland Security. DHS also works closely with the Corporation for National and Community Service to promote volunteer service activities that support homeland security and community safety.

Securing our safety and freedom requires that we all work together. Every American has a critical role to play. What can you do to help? Volunteer now for Citizen Corps!

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Logo

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations. Using their training, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event and can take a more active role in preparing their community. The program is administered by DHS.

The mission of Fire Corps is to enhance the ability of fire departments to utilize citizen advocates and provide individuals with opportunities to support their local fire departments with their time and talent.
Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Logo

The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Program strengthens communities by helping medical, public health and other volunteers offer their expertise throughout the year as well as during local emergencies and other times of community need. MRC volunteers work in coordination with existing local emergency response programs and also supplement existing community public health initiatives, such as outreach and prevention, immunization programs, blood drives, case management, care planning, and other efforts. The MRC program is administered by DHS.

USA on Watch Logo

An expanded Neighborhood Watch Program (NWP) incorporates terrorism awareness education into its existing crime prevention mission, while also serving as a way to bring residents together to focus on emergency preparedness and emergency response training. Funded by DOJ, Neighborhood Watch is administered by the National Sheriffs’ Association.

Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) Logo Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) works to enhance the capacity of state and local law enforcement to utilize volunteers. VIPS serves as a gateway to resources and information for and about law enforcement volunteer programs. Funded by DOJ, VIPS is managed and implemented by International


Additional Resources

Agencies and Organizations
U.S. Department of Homeland Security New site!  www.llis.gov  
Lessons Learned Information Sharing

LLIS.gov is the national network of Lessons Learned and Best Practices for emergency response providers and homeland security officials.
U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security (Requires Login)
FEMA Website Federal Emergency Management Agency
  Office of Domestic Preparedness
Link to Texas Weapons of Mass Destruction Weapons of Mass Destruction Opportunities


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Homeland Security Department Contacts

(903) 832-8636

L. D. Williamson

Executive Director

Brenda Stone

Homeland Security Manager

Mary Beth Rudel

Homeland Security Planner

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  Ark-Tex Council of Governments ~ 4808 Elizabeth Street ~ Texarkana, Texas 75503 ~ 903.832.8636 ~ 903.832.3441 f 

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