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Human Health
Human Health subtopics Alphabetical List of All Topics

Protecting human health is an integral part of EPA's mission. EPA conducts numerous research programs throughout the world that study the effects of pollution on the human body. Research efforts include studies on how pollution affects children and people with asthma and other illnesses and how water contaminants may affect swimmers and beachgoers. Monitoring environmental quality also plays an important role in protecting human health. EPA works with state and local agencies, as well as volunteer and other citizens groups, to monitor air and water quality and to reduce human exposure to contaminants in the air, land, and water.

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Browse these EPA Human Health subtopics
Drinking Water Advisories, Fish and Wildlife Consumption Advisories, Swimming Advisories

Children's Health
School Environments

Acute Exposure, Cumulative Exposure, Dermal Exposure, Dietary Exposure, Exposure Assessment, Exposure Concentration, Exposure Route, Threshold Level, Workplace Exposure

Food Safety
Irradiated Food

Health Assessment

Health Effects
Asthma, Genetic Damage, Respiratory Disease

Health Risk
Dietary Risk Evaluation, Health Hazard

Occupational Health
Worker Protection, Worker Safety

Seniors' Health
Aging Initiative

Sun Protection

Chronic Toxicity, Dermal Toxicity, Toxicological Profile

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