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We help people understand, manage, and treat trauma and dissociation

Working with Traumatized
Children and Teens
3 day Basic Training
Sept. 23 - 25 Louisville, KY.
Read PDF here
With your help, we support survivors of child abuse, neglect, combat trauma, domestic violence, rape, clergy abuse, vicarious trauma...Please help us to continue making a difference with your
tax-deductible contribution 

Trauma workshops and on-site education on traumatic stress and PTSD

Articles, links, and tools for therapists, faith-based caregivers, survivors, and loved ones.

The best books, videos, educational and trauma survivor support materials on PTSD and dissociation.

Compassionate, personalized support and information. Find local therapists and groups.
All information on these pages © the Sidran Institute, 1995-2008
"We help people understand, recover from, and treat trauma and dissociation"