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Training and Workshops

Linking Conservation and Transportation Planning Workshops

Interested in Hosting a Workshop?

For more information about hosting a Linking Conservation and Transportation Planning in your state, MPO, or watershed, please contact Becky Lupes.

The Linking Conservation and Transportation Planning Workshops are designed to assist State DOTs, MPOs and State and Federal resource agencies to better coordinate and integrate transportation and conservation planning data and activities. In particular, the workshops emphasize the sharing of information, tools, and methods among transportation and resource agencies to incorporate conservation strategies earlier in the transportation planning process. The workshops demonstrate how the information and tools presented can save money and time by streamlining transportation projects and planning.

FHWA hosted three workshops with State DOTs in 2006, and two with MPOs in 2007-2008. Sample presentations from these workshops and related resources are available through the links below. This selection of documents provides a sample of workshop presentations and conveys information that can be transferable to other states and MPOs.

Workshop Agenda

  • Colorado workshop, August 15-16, 2006: Text
  • NCTCOG (Dallas Area MPO) workshop, November 13-14, 2007 PDF (236 KB), Text

Note: workshop facilitators will work with hosts to tailor the agenda to the needs of the host agency

Overview of Workshop

  • Linking Conservation and Transportation Planning, Trish White, Defenders of Wildlife, Arizona workshop, November 8-9, 2006: PDF (268 KB), Text

Biodiversity Conservation Planning

  • Conservation Planning Overview; Jeff Lerner, Defenders of Wildlife, Arkansas workshop, May 31- June 1, 2006: PDF (4,131 KB), Text
  • Approaches to Biodiversity Conservation Planning; Patrick Christ and Pat Comer, NatureServe, Colorado workshop, August 15-16, 2006: PDF (2,226 KB), Text

SAFETEA-LU, Planning Regulations, and PEL

  • Planning and Environment Linkages: Overview and Implications of SAFETEA-LU Environmental Provisions and Final Regulations for Planning, Mike Culp, FHWA, NCTCOG workshop, November 13-14, 2007: PDF (964 KB), Text

Eco-Logical Multi-Agency and FHWA Initiative

  • Eco-Logical: An Ecosystem Approach to Developing Infrastructure Projects, Kimberly Majerus, FHWA, MARC workshop, February 21-22, 2008: PDF (840 KB), Text

Introduction to Data & Technology Resources

  • Integrating Transportation Planning with Land Use and Conservation Through Decision Support Tools, Patrick Christ, NatureServe, Arizona workshop, November 8-9, 2006: PDF (2,345 KB), Text


  • Final Report: Linking Conservation and Transportation Planning Workshops 2006, FHWA and NatureServe. Summary and conclusions, recommendations from the 3 state workshops held in 2006: PDF (71 KB), Text
  • LCTP Workshop Report Jan 2008, NCTCOG, November 2007 workshop: PDF (1,114 KB), Text
  • Draft Action Plan to Link Transportation and Conservation Planning, MARC (Kansas City area MPO), February 2008 workshop: PDF (84 KB), Text

Arizona WorkshopNovember 8-9, 2006
Arkansas WorkshopMay 31-June 1, 2006
Colorado WorkshopAugust 15-16, 2006
Dallas-area MPO, TexasNovember 13-14, 2007
Kansas City-area MPO, Missouri and KansasFebruary 21-22, 2007

For more information on the workshops, refer to the January 2007 issue of the Successes in Stewardship newsletter.

For more information on geographic tools, data, and techniques, see the Data and Analysis Tools page.

CDOT's Online Linking Planning and NEPA Training

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) offers an online, interactive training entitled "Linking Planning and NEPA". The purpose of this training is to provide CDOT, its regional transportation planning partners, and other states with guidance to integrate useful National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) information into statewide and regional transportation planning processes. In addition to offering basic information on statewide and regional planning and NEPA processes, the training provides an "applied" portion, which takes the participant step by step through the contents of a potential corridor or area plan to illustrate and describe how information typically related to a NEPA process can be effectively incorporated into the planning process. Finally, the course offers case studies of successful examples of Linking Planning and NEPA put into practice in Colorado and other states. For more information, see

Additional Training Opportunities and Resources

FHWA's GIS for Environmental Streamlining and Stewardship (GIS4EST) Workshop provides an overview of the GIS4EST program, which supports the adoption and development of GIS technologies to promote environmental streamlining and stewardship in transportation decisionmaking. For more information contact Keith Moore at

The FHWA's Transportation Planning Capacity Building program helps decision makers, transportation officials, and staff resolve the increasingly complex issues they face when addressing transportation needs in their communities. The program has collected case studies, primers, and other resources on several important planning topics. The Training and Education page offers a number of related planning courses.

FHWA's Environmental Competency Building program focuses on the current and future multidisciplinary professional development needs of transportation and environmental professionals. The training and tutorials page provides a list of training opportunities currently offered by Federal and state agencies, academic institutions and centers, private firms, and institutions.

The Green Infrastructure approach to conservation provides a way to plan and implementing interconnected green space systems (such as parks, trails, and other green spaces) in conjunction with existing and planned gray infrastructure (such as roads and buildings). The Conservation Fund's Green Infrastructure Course provides participants with a strategic approach for prioritizing conservation opportunities and a planning framework for conservation and development – integrating the green and the grey.

The Environmental Quarterly, October 2006, FHWA. Featuring the Greater Cleveland Decision Support System: A pilot project to integrate watershed planning with transportation planning, and the GIS VISTA tool by NatureServe.

GAO Study: Transportation Planning: State and Metropolitan Planning Agencies Report Using Varied Methods to Consider Ecosystem Conservation or pdf version

AASHTO report: DOT supported positions and federal and state resource agencies, local governments, and tribes, AASHTO

For questions or feedback on this subject matter content, please contact Mike Culp or Diane Turchetta. For general questions or web problems, please send feedback to the web administrator.