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Transit Security - Training Tools
Security Training Videos
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The Mark
Federal Transit Administration / National Transit Institute

The Mark is a fast-paced training video depicting a fictionalized version of an all-too-real threat against a metropolitan transit system. It demonstrates to transit employees how asking the right questions and following their instincts when faced with suspicious and unusual circumstances could ultimately mean the difference between life and death.
Windows Media High Quality - 104MB
Windows Media Medium Quality - 52MB
Windows Media Low Quality - 15MB
System Security Awareness for Transit Employees - Warning Signs
Federal Transit Administration / National Transit Institute

Warning signs is a fifteen-minute fast-paced video presentation on the key aspects of system security for transit employees.  It will increase the viewer's awareness of what to look for and what to do regarding suspicious activity, packages, devices, and substances.
Windows Media High Quality - 105MB
Windows Media Medium Quality - 48MB
Windows Media Low Quality - 16MB
Security Training Documents
Community Emergency Response Team (IG-317)
Federal Emergency Management Agency: Emergency Management Institute
U.S. Government Printing Office
May 1994.

Click here for more information.
Chemical Weapons Improved Response Program Playbook
U.S. Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command Domestic Preparedness Chemical Team
November 2000.
Emergency Response Exercise, Attleboro, MA
MBTA Safety Department
September 17, 2000.
Emergency Response Exercise, Quincy, MA
MBTA Safety Department
May 23, 1999.
System Security Emergency Preparedness (SSEP) Training Material

Click here for more information.
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