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Getting Updates from TOP

The Technology Opportunities Program (TOP) maintains an email list to provide interested parties with updates and other information about the program. We are doing this to streamline our communications with our friends in the field, and reach out more effectively and quickly.

After joining the TOP’s email list, you will receive:

  • information on TOP grant competitions (including grant solicitations, technical assistance workshops, announcement of awards, etc);

  • information on TOP evaluations and other special reports;

TOP’s email list is an "announcement list" only. Therefore, TOP list members can only receive messages from TOP. You will not be able to contribute/send messages to the list.

Once you join TOP’s email list, we will send you a message welcoming you to the list. At that point, if you do not wish to be on the list, you can unsubscribe immediately.

Joining the list

To join TOP’s email list, insert your email address in the box below and click "submit."

If you have any problems or questions about this list, please contact

TOP will not give email addresses on this list to any third party.

Email Address:

NOTE: If you prefer to be contacted by mail re. TOP funding opportunities, please register here.

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