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Federal Register:
NTIA to Hold First Spectrum Management Advisory Committee Meeting


National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee Meeting

AGENCY:  National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), Department of Commerce (DOC).

ACTION:  Notice of Open Meeting

SUMMARY:  This notice announces a public meeting of the Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (Committee).  The Committee provides advice to the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information on spectrum management matters.

DATES:  The meeting will be held on December 13, 2006, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at the U.S. Department of Commerce, Herbert C. Hoover Building, Room 6059, 1401 Constitution Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C.  Public comments may be mailed to Spectrum Management Advisory Committee, 1401 Constitution Ave. N.W., Room 4725, Washington, D.C. 20230 or emailed to

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Meredith Baker, Designated Federal Official, at (202) 482-1840 or; Joe Gattuso at (202) 482-0977 or; and/or visit NTIA’s web site at


Background:  The Secretary of Commerce established the Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (Committee) to implement a recommendation of the President’s Initiative on Spectrum Management pursuant to the President’s November 29, 2004 Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on the subject of “Spectrum Management for the 21st Century.” [1]   This Committee is subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C. App. 2 and is consistent with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Act, 47 U.S.C. § 904(b). The Committee provides advice to the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information on needed reforms to domestic spectrum policies and management to enable the introduction of new spectrum-dependent technologies and services, including policy reforms for expediting the American public's access to broadband services, public safety, digital television, and long-range spectrum planning.  The Committee will function solely as an advisory body in compliance with the FACA.

Matters to Be Considered:  This will be the first meeting of the Committee.  The primary purpose of this initial meeting is to organize the Committee and establish future agendas and work schedule.  As such, the meeting agenda includes the following: (1) Discussion of Committee organization and future agendas and (2) Briefings on matters related to the President’s Spectrum Policy Initiative. 

Time and Date:  The meeting will be held on December 13, 2006 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.  These times and the agenda topics described below are subject to change.  Please refer to NTIA’s web site,, for the most up-to-date meeting agenda.  

Place:  U.S. Department of Commerce, Herbert C. Hoover Building, Room 6059, 1401 Constitution Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C.  The meeting will be open to the public and press on a first-come, first-served basis.  Space is limited.  When arriving for the meeting, attendees must present photo or passport identification or a U.S. Government building pass, if applicable, and should arrive at least one-half hour prior to the start time of the meeting.  The meeting will be physically accessible to people with disabilities.  Individuals requiring special services, such as sign language interpretation or other ancillary aids are asked to contact Joe Gattuso at least two (2) business days prior to the meeting.  

Status:  Interested parties are invited to attend and to submit written comments.  Written comments should be sent to the above listed address and received by close of business on December 11, 2006 to provide sufficient time for review.  Comments received after December 11, 2006 will be distributed to the Committee, but may not be reviewed prior to the meeting.   It would be helpful if paper submissions also include a three and one-half inch computer diskette in HTML, ASCII, Word or WordPerfect format (please specify version).  Diskettes should be labeled with the name and organizational affiliation of the filer, and the name of the word processing program used to create the document.  Alternatively, comments may be submitted electronically to  Comments provided via electronic mail may also be submitted in one or more of the formats specified above.   

Records:  NTIA is keeping records of all Committee proceedings, which will be available for public inspection at NTIA’s office at the address above.  Documents including the Committee’s charter, membership, agendas, minutes, and any reports are or will be available on NTIA’s web site.

Dated: November 22, 2006 

Milton Brown,

Acting Chief Counsel, National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

[1] President’s Memorandum on Improving Spectrum Management for the 21st Century, 49 Weekly Comp. Pres. Doc. 2875 (Nov. 29, 2004) (Executive Memorandum).

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National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230