Title 10--Energy

(This index contains parts 500 to end)


500 Definitions
501 Administrative procedures and sanctions
503 New facilities
504 Existing powerplants
508 [Reserved]
516 [Reserved]
580 Curtailment priorities for essential agricultural uses
590 Administrative procedures with respect to the import and export of natural gas
600 Financial assistance rules
601 New restrictions on lobbying
602 Epidemiology and other health studies financial assistance program
603 Technology investment agreements
605 The Office of Energy Research Financial Assistance Program
606 Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement)
607 Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance)
622 Contractual provisions
624 Contract clauses
625 Price competitive sale of Strategic Petroleum Reserve petroleum

706 Security policies and practices relating to labor-management relations
707 Workplace substance abuse programs at DOE sites
708 DOE contractor employee protection program
709 Polygraph examination regulations
710 Criteria and procedures for determining eligibility for access to classified matter or special nuclear material
712 Human reliability program
715 Definition of nonrecourse project-financed
719 Contractor legal management requirements
725 Permits for access to restricted data
733 Allegations of research misconduct
745 Protection of human subjects
760 Domestic Uranium Program
765 Reimbursement for costs of remedial action at active uranium and thorium processing sites
766 Uranium enrichment decontamination and decommissioning fund; procedures for special assessment of domestic utilities
770 Transfer of real property at defense nuclear facilities for economic development
780 Patent Compensation Board regulations
781 DOE patent licensing regulations
782 Claims for patent and copyright infringement
783 Waiver of patent rights
784 Patent waiver regulation
800 Loans for bid or proposal preparation by minority business enterprises seeking DOE contracts and assistance
810 Assistance to foreign atomic energy activities
820 Procedural rules for DOE nuclear activities
824 Procedural rules for the assessment of civil penalties for classified information security violations
830 Nuclear safety management
835 Occupational radiation protection
840 Extraordinary nuclear occurrences
850 Chronic beryllium disease prevention program
852 Guidelines for physician panel determinations on worker requests for assistance in filing for state workers' compensation benefits
860 Trespassing on Department of Energy property
861 Control of traffic at Nevada Test Site
862 Restrictions on aircraft landing and air delivery at Department of Energy nuclear sites
871 Air transportation of plutonium
903 Power and transmission rates
904 General regulations for the charges for the sale of power from the Boulder Canyon Project
905 Energy Planning and Management Program
960 General guidelines for the preliminary screening of potential sites for nuclear waste repositories
961 Standard contract for disposal of spent nuclear fuel and/or high-level radioactive waste
962 Byproduct material
963 YUCCA mountain site suitability guidelines

1000 Transfer of proceedings to the Secretary of Energy and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
1002 Official seal and distinguishing flag
1003 Office of Hearings and Appeals procedural regulations
1004 Freedom of information
1005 Intergovernmental review of Department of Energy programs and activities
1008 Records maintained on individuals (Privacy Act)
1009 General policy for pricing and charging for materials and services sold by DOE
1010 Conduct of employees
1013 Program fraud civil remedies and procedures
1014 Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act
1015 Collection of claims owed the United States
1016 Safeguarding of restricted data
1017 Identification and protection of unclassified controlled nuclear information
1021 National Environmental Policy Act implementing procedures
1022 Compliance with floodplain and wetland environmental review requirements
1023 Contract appeals
1024 Procedures for financial assistance appeals
1039 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs
1040 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs or activities
1041 Enforcement of nondiscrimation on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Department of Energy
1042 Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance
1044 Security requirements for protected disclosures under section 3164 of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2000
1045 Nuclear classification and declassification
1046 Physical protection of security interests
1047 Limited arrest authority and use of force by protective force officers
1048 Trespassing on Strategic Petroleum Reserve facilities and other property
1049 Limited arrest authority and use of force by protective force officers of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve
1050 Foreign gifts and decorations
1060 Payment of travel expenses of persons who are not Government employees

1303 Public information and requests

1703 Public information and requests
1704 Rules implementing the Government in the Sunshine Act
1705 Privacy Act
1706 Organizational and consultant conflicts of interests
1707 Testimony by DNFSB employees and production of official records in legal proceedings

1800 Declaration of Party State Eligibility for Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact
