Ms. Gretchen Watkins

Vice President

Dome Pipeline Corporation

240 4th Avenue, SW

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

T2P 4H4


RE: CPF No. 3-2001-5008H


Dear Ms. Watkins:


                        A Corrective Action Order was issued on May 8, 2001 by the Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety in the above-referenced case.  The Order required Dome Pipeline Corporation to take the necessary corrective action to protect the public and the environment from potential hazards associated with its 12 ¾-inch diameter Cochin Line between the North Dakota-Canada border and the Orrin Pump Station.  The Director, Central Region, OPS has determined that all actions required by the Order have been completed.  This case is now closed.  Thank you for your cooperation in our joint effort to ensure pipeline safety.                         






                                                                        James Reynolds

                                                                        Pipeline Compliance Registry

                                                                        Office of Pipeline Safety


cc:        Mr. David Millage

            Manager, NGL Operations

            Dome Pipeline Corporation

            2959 Sierra Court, SW

            Iowa City, IA  52240