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Technical Service Center links

Reclamation's Technical Service Center is the primary research development, demonstration, and deployment (R&D3 ) provider for the Science and Technology Program. Technical groups within Reclamation’s Technical Service Center provide research staff for the Research and Technology Transfer Program. Links to the specific homepages for these groups can be obtained by clicking on the group name. In addition, there are also numerous area and regional offices, as well as university personnel who provide technical support for individual projects.



S&T Program R&D3 Output Area TSC Research Links
Infrastructure Reliability & Safety for Water and Power (IR)
Improving Water and Power Infrastructure Reliability and Safety with New Tools, Methods, and Materials

Condition Assessment (IR1)

Develop and improve methods to assess the condition of our structures and facilities.

Repair and maintenance (IR2)

Develop and improve methods and materials to reduce deterioration and to improve facility repair and maintenance capability

Public and employee safety (IR4)

Reduce public and employee safety risks due to the operations of our facilities

Improved power generation (IR5)

Reduce power losses, increase power generation efficiencies, and improve powerplant operations

Decision Support (DS)
Improving Reservoir and River Operations through Enhanced Decision Modeling and Data Support

Extreme hydrologic events (DS1)

Develop and improve methods to predict, model, and manage extreme & operational hydrologic events

Water supply forecasting (DS2)

Develop and improve methods to forecast and monitor water supplies and water demands

Models and decision support systems (DS3)

Develop and improve models & decision support systems to evaluate trade-offs between water demands, water losses, water quality, & institutional needs to optimally manage water deliveries & use

Water resource data analysis (DS4)

Improve the analysis and useability of critical water resources management data and information to facilitate effective, comprehensive planning and decision making

Water Delivery (WD)
Improving Water Delivery Reliability with Innovative Solutions and Practices

Fish passage and entrainment (WD1)

Improve passage and reduce entrainment of aquatic and other species that could impact water storage and diversion operations

Ecosystem needs (WD2)

Find innovative means to address ecosystem needs without impacting water deliveries

Invasive species (WD3)

Develop and improve techniques for managing aquatic and riparian invasive species that consume water or clog deliveries

Water Quality (WD4)

Develop and improve tools, models, and methods for managing water quality issues that impact operations and deliveries

Sediment management and restoration (WD5)

Develop and improve sediment management and restoration practics to sustain the vitality of reservoirs and associated watershed and river systems

Water Supply (WS)
Enhancing Water Supplies with New Technologies and Practices
Groundwater storage (WS1)

Develop and improve models and methods to optimize groundwater storage and use

Desalination and water treatment (WS2)

Develop and improve cost effective desalination and other water purification technologies to expand water supplies

Agriculture water supplies (WS3)

Develop and improve cost efficient, reliable methods to automate, measure, and deliver agricultural water

Water marketing (WS4)

Develop and improve Reclamation's ability to facilitate water marketing and other institutional mechanisms to expand and manage water supplies

Supporting irrigation districts (WS5)

Find ways to help irrigation districts identify and cope with change such as urbanization, competition for water rights, and recreational use of facilities

System water losses (WS6)

Develop cost effective materials and methods to decrease system water losses and associated groundwater quality and quantity impacts