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Other Salinity and Water Supply Technologies

The programs and staff within Reclamation that collectively contribute to increasing water supply through water purification research and deployment.


Science and Technology Program. Conducts applied research and development that helps Reclamation meet mission-related water management challenges. Two areas in the Science and Technology Program specifically address desalination and water purification related research and development:

Advanced Water Treatment addresses needs of Reclamation's mission and Reclamation project waters.

Desalination and Water Purification under the Water Desalination Act of 1996 addresses the Nation's needs to cost-effectively increase our water supply by advancing water treatment technologies.

Contact: Chuck Hennig, Research Coordinator

Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater Study and Facilities Act (Title XVI).—Researchs, plans, designs, and constructs water reuse projects that include treating naturally impaired ground and surface water supplies.

Contact: Rick Martin
Special Assistant to the Director, Office of Policy
Denver, CO
Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act (Title 1).—Cost-shared desalination research to find less expensive ways to operate and maintain the Yuma Desalting Plant. The Water Quality Improvement Center is available for training and testing advanced water treatment technologies especially for Colorado River water and irrigation return flows (brackish water). Contact: Mike Norris
Research Coordinator
Yuma, AZ
Water Treatment Engineering and Research Group (WaTER) in the Technical Service Center.— Develops and performs research studies and provides laboratory testing, pilot studies, demonstration, engineering feasibility, and design for a broad range of water treatment and desalting systems. Contact:
Kevin Price
Manager, Water Treatment Engineering and Research Group
Denver, CO 303.445.2260