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OPA News Release: [05/17/2006]
Contact Name: Stephanie Cathcart or Melinda Thielen
Phone Number: (202) 693-4676
Release Number: 06-0870-CHI

U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao Addresses CelebrASIAN 2006

Cites Economic Achievements and President's Immigration Initiatives

CHICAGO — U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao today addressed the attendees of "CelebrASIAN 2006: Partnering for Growth," presented by the U.S. Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce (USPAACC). The convention brings together corporations, government agencies and community leaders. The Secretary's remarks focused on the success of the President's pro-growth economic policies, immigration reform and Department of Labor initiatives that are benefiting the Asian Pacific American community.

"The President's pro-growth agenda has led the way in generating 5.3 million net new American jobs since August 2003 — more than Europe and Japan combined," said Secretary Chao. "Small businesses and medium-sized businesses, many owned by Asian Pacific Americans, account for two-thirds of those new jobs."

So that they can better understand worker and employer rights and responsibilities, Chao encouraged attendees to access the Department of Labor compliance assistance tools including worker safety materials that are now available in several languages including Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean. Chao also commended community leaders honored at the conference as well as scholarship winners.

"The leaders being honored today are a reflection of the tremendous contribution that our community is making to mainstream America," said Chao. "I congratulate the scholarship winners and their families. Education is more important than ever before, so you're taking a critical step in securing your future."

Secretary Chao's remarks also echoed the President's message on comprehensive immigration reform.

"On Monday, the President spoke to our country about his comprehensive plan on immigration reform that would speed the process for immigrants who are already in line to get green cards and raise the H-1B visa caps," said Chao. "These are the primary means by which Asian immigrants gain access to the U.S. and reunify their families."

The U.S. Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization representing Asian American related groups in business. USPAACC promotes economic growth and professional and educational opportunities for Asian Americans in corporate America and in government agencies.

Asian Pacific Americans comprise 4.8 percent of the total federal workforce and 3.2 percent of management positions. President Bush has appointed two Asian Pacific Americans to his cabinet, and more than 300 to high level positions in his administration. Secretary Chao is the first Asian American woman to serve as a cabinet secretary and employs a record number of Asian Pacific Americans at the Department of Labor.

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