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TAM 1219.202 - 270 Procurement Forecast
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(a) Requirement. Title V, Contract Planning, Goal Setting and Reviews of Pub. L. 100-656, requires each agency to prepare a procurement forecast for the next and succeeding fiscal years. The forecast must be also updated within the year. The procurement forecast can be used to satisfy the requirements of (FAR) 48 C.F.R. 7 for acquisition planning when authorized under TAM 1207.103.

(b) Purpose. The purpose of the procurement forecast is to make available to small businesses, those expected contract opportunities that small business concerns, including those owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, are capable of performing. The following requirements apply:

(1) Responsibility. The Head of the Operating Administration (HOA) or designee shall ensure that forecasts and any updates are prepared for expected contract opportunities valued over $100,000. The procurement forecast may be prepared manually using DOT Form F 4220.12 or can be submitted electronically in accordance with instructions on the OSDBU web page which is available via the internet at: http://osdbu.dot.gov/Procurement/index.cfm.

(2) Preparation and approval. The forecast shall be prepared and approved the year preceding the fiscal year in which the procurement action will be initiated. The initial forecast shall be approved by the OA approving official no later than September 1 and submitted to the OSDBU by September 15. Updates shall occur quarterly, and be provided to the OSDBU by the 15th of the month following the end of the quarter. A written negative response (electronic or hardcopy) is required when neither an initial forecast nor update is contemplated for the period.

(c) Exceptions. The following proposed procurement actions should not be included in the forecast:

(1) Actions proposed under inter and intra agency agreements for work to be performed by Government employees;

(2) General Working Agreements and supporting project plan agreements between RITA/Volpe National Transportation Systems Center and DOT OAs;

(3) Actions conducted under the Small Business Innovative Research Program; and

(4) Actions that will not be available for competition, such as Congressionally earmarked sources of supply, task order requirements to existing IDIQ contracts, and justifiable non-competitive actions known in advance.

(d) Reporting. The OSDBU will provide the initial forecast and any updates to it to the Administrator of the Small Business Administration and to small businesses as required by Pub.L 100-656.

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