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CERC Research Projects


    Assessment of Contaminant Impacts in Estuarine and Marine Environments (Contact: Scott Carr Marine Ecotoxicology Research Station)
Determining the significance of contaminants in sediments to marine and estuarine organisms is a challenging new topic in environmental toxicology. Mounting evidence exists of environmental degradation in areas where water quality criteria are not exceeded, yet organisms are adversely affected. Historically, emphasis has been placed on evaluating contaminant effects in surface waters, not sediment. Most assessments of water quality focus on water-soluble compounds, and sediment is considered a safe repository of sorbed contaminants. This approach emphasizes testing organisms in the water column without considering the fate of chemicals in sediment. The assessment of sediment quality is often limited to chemical characterizations. However, quantifying contaminant concentration alone cannot provide enough information to adequately evaluate potential adverse effects, interactions among chemicals, or the time- dependent availability of contaminants to aquatic organisms. Definitive protocols that the USGS developed are being used to assess the quality of marine and estuarine environments in coastal areas of the east, west and Gulf coasts. The objectives of this project are to (1) perform field validation sediment porewater toxicity test methods with the sea urchin Arbacia punctulata, (2) assess the quality of marine and estuarine sediments from a wide variety of coastal areas, and (3) develop a database which can be used in the development of sediment quality guidelines.

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    Assessment of the Aquatic Toxicity of Leachates from an Abandoned Uranium Tailings Pile Adjacent to the Upper Colorado River (Contact: Jim Fairchild Ecology)
This project is conducted to determine the adverse ecological impacts of contaminated groundwater leaching from beneath the Atlas Uranium Mill Tailings (Atlas) site located near Moab, UT. The Atlas site is on the west bank of the Colorado River in the 100-year flood plain; property and facilities originally owned by the Uranium Reduction Company. The mill and site were acquired by the Atlas Corporation in 1962, but ceased operation in 1984, and now are currently in the process of closing and reclaiming the Atlas site, and implementing a Corrective Action Plan (CAP). Additional data collection is underway to update and revise the CAP for NRC review. Milling of ore at the Atlas site has resulted in a large tailings pile located 230 m from the west bank of the Colorado River and 3.7 km northwest of Moab, UT. The pile occupies about 53 ha of land and is about 0.8 km in diameter and 28.65 m high, rises to an elevation of 1237m above mean sea level with a height of about 27 m above the surface of the Colorado River terrace. A ground water contamination plume extends beyond the Atlas property to the south and is over 5,000 feet wide and 40 feet deep and discharges directly into the Colorado River, discharging ammonia, uranium, molybdenum and nitrates. Limited water quality measurements by the Utah DEQ have identified a site-specific source of contaminated ground water entering the Colorado River from beneath the tailings pile. Data indicates that ground water discharge may pose a threat to federally endangered fishes including the Colorado squawfish and razorback sucker in their designated critical habitat. Critical habitats include the Colorado River and the 100-year floodplain of the river adjacent to and downstream of the Atlas Mill Tailings Site. The direct impacts from ground water contamination associated with the tailings pile leaching into the river are not fully assessed. An on-site investigation will be conducted to determine the spatial extent of contamination of the Upper Colorado River in the vicinity of the Atlas tailings pile. On-site and laboratory toxicity studies will be conducted with larval fathead minnows, juvenile Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius), and juvenile razorback suckers to evaluate survival, growth, and behavioral responses. Results will be used by the USFWS in planning and implementation of remediation efforts needed to reduce the entry of contaminants into the river.

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    Assessing the Effects of Metals-Contaminated Water and Food Chain on the Fishery of the Coeur d'Alene Basin, Idaho (Contact: Aida Farag Jackson Field Research Station)
Metals are elevated in water, sediment, and biota of the Coeur d'Alene (CDA) River Basin, ID, and can become acutely toxic in surface waters after rainfall or during periods of high runoff when spring snow is melting. Recent studies indicated fish and aquatic invertebrates were exposed to chronic metals contamination throughout the year. Arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc concentration in aquatic invertebrates and fish were 2 to 14 times greater than the concentrations found in the same sources from less contaminated tributaries. Other studies show that trout diets containing metals-contaminated invertebrates result in reduced survival, growth, and health of the fish. Also, both rainbow trout and brown trout avoid low metals concentrations that chronically exist in the river. Cutthroat trout and bull trout inhabit rivers, streams, or the lake within the basin as juveniles and adults and return to their natal tributaries for spawning and nursery areas. The presence of metals contamination in the Coeur d'Alene River may limit movement of mature bull trout and cutthroat trout upriver from Lake Coeur d'Alene or uncontaminated tributaries. Survival during the period following emergence from the redd has the greatest influence on population density for both species. Emergent cutthroat and bull trout fry feed exclusively on aquatic insects. Dependence of this sensitive life stage on a metals-contaminated diet may also be a limiting factor for cutthroat trout and bull trout populations in the South Fork of the Coeur d'Alene River. Cutthroat trout were exposed to water simulating the Coeur d'Alene River and fed diets consisting of aquatic invertebrates collected from the South Fork of the Coeur d'Alene River between Kellogg, ID, and the confluence of the North Fork. Appropriate reference and control diets were used and fish were monitored for survival, growth, metals accumulation, and health condition, along with avoidance tests performed. Upstream migration of adult male chinook salmon was monitored by radio telemetry to determine their response to the presence of metals contamination in an upstream natal stream in a different drainage to the CDA River. The research findings will be used by DOI natural resource managers to assess damages to aquatic resources. The information will be used in restoration planning.

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    Biological Impacts of Metals from Abandoned Mine Lands in the Upper Animas River Watershed, Colorado (Contact: John Besser Toxicology)
Numerous abandoned mine lands are located on or adjacent to public lands administered by federal land management agencies (FLMAs). The USGS Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) Initiative started in FY97 to provide technical assistance to FLMAs in support of remediation efforts in watersheds in Montana and Colorado. The goal of the AML Initiative is to develop and test a watershed-based strategy to provide information needed to guide and evaluate remediation of mined lands. One of the two target watersheds selected for the AML Initiative is the upper Animas River basin, in southwest Colorado. Effluents and waste deposits from past and present heavy metal mining activities can adversely affect aquatic biota by acidification and metal contamination of water and sediment, contamination and reduced productivity of food resources, and degradation of stream and riparian habitat. Dissolved metals and acidity may be acutely toxic to sensitive fish, invertebrates, and algae in streams directly affected by mine drainage. Aqueous metal concentrations less than those causing acute toxicity may affect fish survival, growth, and reproduction. Stream salmonids can detect and avoid aqueous metal concentrations much less than those causing direct toxicity, which may effectively increase the area of stream impacted by metal contamination. Benthic invertebrates may also be affected by toxicity of both water and metal-contaminated sediments. The resulting altered composition and reduced productivity of invertebrate communities can result in reduced growth rates and lower population densities of fish such as trout, which rely heavily on invertebrate diets. Consumption of diets of metal-contaminated invertebrates is also an important route of metal exposure for stream fishes, and metal-contaminated diets can result in reduced growth and other adverse effects in trout populations. The goal of the AML Initiative is to provide a sound scientific basis for remediation efforts by FLMAs. The watershed-based approach of the AML Initiative is intended to allow prioritization of sites for remediation, ensuring that remediation is performed in the most cost-effective manner possible. Studies in the upper Animas Watershed is closely linked to ongoing efforts by the Animas River Stakeholders Group, who is also preparing a plan for remediation of mining impacts on the watershed and which is conducting a Use-Attainability Analysis to determine feasible goals for water quality improvement in the upper Animas.

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    Characterize the Source and Distribution of Metals in Key Aquatic Organisms in Boulder River, Montana (Contact: Aida Farag Jackson Field Research Station)
The Boulder River and some of its tributaries receive direct effluent from abandoned mines and runoff from old tailing piles located in the basin. As a result, metals could potentially accumulate in the sediment, water, and aquatic biota present in the Boulder River. The quantity and quality of the aquatic biota present and the overall ecological health of the Boulder River may ultimately deteriorate because of these metal exposures. This biological assessment will identify the source and movement of metals in key aquatic organisms and provide an assessment of exposure of resident fish. These data along with data from fishery population surveys that will be performed by staff from the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks will be used to assess the ecological health of the Boulder River and its tributaries. We will determine if exposure to metals has resulted in a quantitative loss in fish populations in the Boulder River basin. This study will be performed in conjunction with the sediment and water sampling that has been implemented and funded as part of the USGS Abandoned Mine Land Initiative Initiative. The aquatic study described is needed to define baseline conditions for metals loading in various aquatic communities and to determine the magnitude and pathways of exposure from mining waste activities. Analysis of baseline and impacted streams will allow us the opportunity to determine the loss in quantity and health of the fishery resource and to determine how this loss relates to metals exposure through various pathways. The recovery of fishery resources will be one of the gages by which successful remediation in the Boulder River Basin will be measured. Not only does the presence of benthic macroinvertebrates indicate ecological health, but their important role as a food source for fish translates into their direct influence on fish distribution and population. The objective of this study is to determine the pathway of fish exposure to metals and to determine if the exposure has resulted in a quantitative loss in fish populations in the Boulder River Basin.

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    Contaminant Tends in Fisheries of the Nation's Major Lakes and Streams: National Contaminant Biomonitoring Program (NCBP) (Contact: Chris Schmitt Ecology)
The National Contaminant Biomonitoring Program (NCBP) was established to document trends in the occurrence of persistent toxic chemicals that may threaten fish and wildlife resources. Begun in the early 1960s as part of the National Pesticide Monitoring Program, the NCBP has expanded its initial focus on persistent organochlorine insecticides to include industrial chemicals, herbicides, and potentially toxic elemental contaminants. The program also provides necessary feedback to the regulatory process by documenting the success (or failure) of regulatory actions related to environmental contaminants. The NCBP provides a nationwide source of material that is searched analytically for the occurrence of new or previously undetected environmental contaminants to provide information on emerging problems and for the development of new and improved analytical methods. Through its archival function, the NCBP also provides a means for retrospective analyses and documentation of historical trends for newly identified environmental contaminants. Information from this historical program has also provided an impetus for developing a revised and expanded monitoring program (Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends BEST), which was transferred to USGS in 1996. Through 1986 (Study 1), the most recent collection that was analyzed in its entirety, the collection frequency, was generally two-years, with collection occurring in the fall or even-numbered (calendar) years. A subset of the fish collected in 1988 (Study 2) was analyzed for an expanded suite of contaminants. The next collection was originally scheduled for 1992 but was canceled pending development of an expanded monitoring program, BEST. Pilot studies conducted for BEST (Study 3) were transferred to work unit 40098 in FY95. Study 4 involved preparation of a monograph for inclusion in the BRD Status and Trends Report; Study 5 is the retabulation of legacy data from the NCBP (through 1986) to be served on the World-Wide Web under the auspices of the NBII. The objective of this research is to determine and interpret temporal and geographic trends in contaminant concentrations in the nations major freshwater ecosystems to ascertain the ecological role of bioaccumulation contaminants.

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    Development of Analytical Methods for Determining Organic Contaminants in Environmental Matrices (Contact: Carl Orazio Environmental Chemistry)
As various classes of chemical pollutants become more clearly defined, the need arises for more sensitive and more specific analyses. Long recognized pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated dioxins, and organochlorine pesticides are being subjected to ever-closer scrutiny. As more information on their modes of action becomes available, the lowest level of possible biological effect is often revised downward, requiring detection limits be reduced. Many existing analytical methods lack the specificity to determine closely related compounds or their toxic metabolites. Organic contaminants often occur in complex mixtures that are bioconcentrated in organisms, where synergistic and antagonistic effects have been shown to result. The ability to quantify the broad spectrum of chemicals present in the environment is critical to assessing potential effects resulting from organism exposure. Methods of analysis need to incorporate new separation and detection technology. By optimizing methods, site assessment activities can be better supported. The information generated will enable resource managers to transform research findings into sound environmental policy decisions. Methods of chemical analysis will be developed to meet research and assessment needs related to the distribution and effects of toxic chemicals, including endocrine-disrupting compounds; phototoxic PAHs, polar contaminants and emerging environmental contaminants. Trace organic analytical methods will be developed to measure members of these contaminant classes. To isolate and identify contaminants in biota, water, and sediment these advanced capabilities will be used: capillary gas chromatography (GC), high-performance liquid chromatography, high-performance gel permeation chromatography, low and high-resolution mass spectrometry (MS), customized sorbent chromatography, and field sampling techniques. New methods will be used to validate toxicity determinations made by various bioassay techniques and immunochemical assays.

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    Development and Application of Semipermeable Membrane Devices (SPMDs) as Environmental Dosimeters for Contaminants in Water, Air, Sediment and Soil (Contact: David Alverez Environmental Chemistry)
Scientists have long recognized the unfortunate tendency of fish and wildlife to concentrate trace contaminants both directly from water and through the food web to potentially harmful levels. Knowledge of the types and amounts of biologically available trace contaminants in the environment is a fundamental part of assessing the overall quality of critical fish and wildlife habitats. Unfortunately, these key environmental concentration data are often unavailable to resource managers and regulators because of the transient nature of most chemical spills and pesticide applications and the limited ability of analytical laboratories to detect very low but often harmful levels of persistent environmental contaminants. CERC research chemists have demonstrated the selective movement of toxic organic contaminants from water and air into semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs), forming the basis for a unique methodology to separate and recover toxic organic compounds in fish and wildlife habitats. The SPMD has the potential to function as an in-situ passive sampling device that mimics the bioconcentration of environmental contaminants. This work unit will document progress in the development of SPMD technology and its application to define fish, wildlife, and human exposure to pollution and to determine the quality of wetland, riverine, and riparian habitats. The full development of the SPMD technology will require designing several appropriate device configurations (currently, the SPMDs consist of high molecular weight lipids enclosed in thin polymeric membranes) and determining the uptake rates of a wide array of environmental contaminant classes by SPMDs. The SPMDs, containing the appropriate concentration media, will be placed in microcosms, flow-through dilutors, generator column systems, mesocosms, ponds, lakes, and rivers to extend our knowledge to the sampling rates of synthetic mixtures of contaminants and ultimately as estimators of ambient concentrations of pollutants. The SPMD technology will also be used to create high-efficiency air samplers and explored for use as sequestration devices for heavy metals (e.g., Cd, Pb, Hg). Following exposure, the SPMD extracts will be processed using class- or element-specific enrichment procedures and the isolated residues will be analyzed by appropriate instrumentation (GC, HPLC, GC/MS, etc.). Kinetic experiments, including both static and flow-through exposure, are underway to provide data for development of models for estimating environmental concentrations of contaminant mixtures (e.g., PAHs and PCBs). The purpose of this research is to fully develop and validate SPMDs and other passive integrative samplers as estimators of fish, wildlife and human exposure to environmental contaminants and for use in defining habitat quality.

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    Development and Testing of Biomarkers: Suitability for Use in the Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) Program (Contact: Don Tillitt, Biochemistry)
A revised and expanded contaminant monitoring program is necessary to assess existing, and anticipate future, contaminant-related impacts to fish and wildlife and their habitats. To achieve these objectives, the revised program, to be named Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST), will use a biologically integrated approach to monitor resources at the tissue, organism, population, and community levels; and address Trust Resource issues on and off Department lands. The BEST program will emphasize a holistic ecosystem approach to environmental contaminant monitoring of aquatic and terrestrial habitats and will help resource managers such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service complete their missions by serving as a framework for operational, research, and administrative environmental contaminant activities. Monitoring programs such as the National Contaminant Biomonitoring Program (NCBP) originated in the 1960s and were based upon tissue residue analyses for environmental contaminants that accumulate in fish and wildlife. Although still present at potentially harmful concentrations in some areas, most of the contaminants included in the NCBP are no longer used; however, alternative pesticides and other contaminants have since been developed, discovered, or both, and have been introduced into the environment. Many of these newer contaminants do not bioaccumulate and alternative methods are required to assess exposure and effects. To maximize the overall efficiency of the biomarker validation process, field studies were to be conducted in concert with other investigations that include more traditional measures (tissue and sediment residue chemistry, solid- and liquid-phase toxicity testing, and community ecology). Accordingly, the Center focused on field-validating the SPMD at sites known to be contaminated by nonpolar organic contaminants of industrial and agricultural origin (i.e., the Upper Mississippi River, Apalachicola River, and the Klamath Basin) and on interfacing short-term biochemical tests for organic chemical exposure (AHH and EROD induction) with the SPMD (Study 1). The Center also worked on improving existing techniques for measuring delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALA-D) inhibition as an indicator of lead exposure in fish at selected mining-contaminated sites in Missouri (Study 2) and on developing methods for the risk assessment of contaminated sediments based on chemical and toxicity testing, and community indicators using data from a multiyear regional investigation of Great Lakes sediments (Study 3). The objective of this study is to examine a suite of biomarkers of contaminants exposure and effects to determine which would be useable in the BEST program.

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    Development of Methods for Assessing the Quality of Marine and Estuarine Sediments (Contact: Scott Carr Marine Ecotoxicology Research Station)
Determining the significance of contaminants in sediments to marine and estuarine organisms is a challenging new topic in environmental toxicology. Mounting evidence exists of environmental degradation in areas where water quality criteria are not exceeded, yet organisms are adversely affected. Historically, emphasis has been placed on evaluating contaminant effects in surface waters, not sediment. Most assessments of water quality focus on water-soluble compounds, and sediment is considered a safe repository of sorbed contaminants. This approach emphasizes testing organisms in the water column without considering the fate of chemicals in sediment. The assessment of sediment quality is often limited to chemical characterizations. However, quantifying contaminant concentration alone cannot provide enough information to adequately evaluate potential adverse effects, interactions among chemicals, or the time-dependent availability of contaminants to aquatic organisms. The focus of this project is to develop novel techniques for assessing the quality of marine and estuarine environments. The objectives of this project are (1) to evaluate and optimize the porewater toxicity testing approach, (2) to develop and evaluate toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) procedures for marine and estuarine sediments, and (3) to develop and evaluate in situ toxicity testing methods for marine and estuarine sediments.

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    Development of Microscale Toxicity Tests and Risk Assessment Strategies for Resource Contaminant Problems (Contact: Biochemistry/Physiology)
Biological monitoring tools are needed for routine use to assess the toxicological impact of aquatic pollutants on fish and wildlife. In the last two decades, microscale bacterial in vitro toxicity assays emerged as important ecotoxicological screening tools to monitor the hazards of chemical contaminants in the biosphere. Microscale toxicological testing has the potential to identify and quantify the extent of resource damage, predict the effects of complex mixtures of chemicals, and identify the contaminant(s) responsible for resource degradation. In addition, microscale testing is a simple, cost-effective, and sensitive alternative to traditional and costly whole-animal tests with fish and invertebrates. The applicability of microscale tests is presently limited because of insufficient validation and standardization. The present challenge is to develop objective criteria to determine which ecotoxicological tests can be used most effectively to standardize test and data protocols and to define, as clearly as possible, how results will be evaluated to identify areas of concern. Completion of this work unit will provide tools applicable to Natural Resource Damage Assessments and Restoration Program (NRDAR) and Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) as well as remediation programs of polluted sites on DOI lands, and as a result will directly benefit management plans for aquatic resources. This work unit will provide the USGS with standardized and validated assays that will directly monitor and assess toxicological stresses in aquatic ecosystems. Microscale assays will be developed and modified to monitor and assess the presence of toxicological chemicals of ecological concern.

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    Ecotoxicological Investigations of Effects of Contaminants on Native Wildlife Species (Contact: Laverne Cleveland)
Certain populations of the wildlife fauna of the Texas-New Mexico region are believed to be suffering serious impacts from environmental contaminants. This project was undertaken to identify, study, and evaluate contaminant-wildlife problems where the viability of populations is thought to be at risk. Emphasis is on amphibians, reptiles, birds and bats.  Dicofol and DDT residues were measured in lizard carcasses and bird eggs from Texas, Florida, and California (spotted whiptail lizard, Cnemidophorus gularis; six-lined racerunner, C. sexlineatus; green anole, Anolis carolinensis; great-tailed grackle, Quiscalus mexicanus; white-tipped dove, Leptotila verreauxi; white- winged dove, Zenaida asiatic; black-headed stilt, Himantopus mexicanus; American avocet, Recurvirostra americana; Northern harrier, Circus cyaneus; American bittern, Botaurus lentiginosus; killdeer, Charadrius vociferus; cinnamon teal, Anas cyanoptera; mallard, A. platyrhynchos). Residue concentrations were evaluated in reference to published reproductive effects in birds in the literature. (b) Uptake of arsenic and metals by tadpoles (cricket frog, Acris crepitans; leopard frog, Rana sphenocephala; green frog, R. clamitans; bullfrog, R. catesbeiana) at a historically contaminated Texas site was compared to tadpoles from other contaminated and non-contaminated sites described in the literature. Concentrations were evaluated as potential toxic threats for tadpole predators. (c) Comparative sublethal effects of two common agricultural chemicals to toads (Gulf Coast toad, Bufo valliceps; East Texas toad, B. velatus) were compared. Sublethal, behavioral effects and brain cholinesterase levels were measured relative to carbofuran and trifluralin exposure. (d) Contaminant exposure and effects in blood of wetland reptiles at two sites in central Texas will be measured (diamond-backed water snake, Nerodia rhombifer; blotched water snake, N. erythrogaster; cottonmouth, Agkistrodon piscivorus; red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta). Pesticide and metal concentrations in blood will be evaluated in relation to bird reproduction reported in the literature. Cholinesterase levels will be assessed in relation to baseline data. Genetic damage will be measured by flow cytometry relative to other reports for reptiles in the literature. (e) Possible effects of pesticide drift on herpetofauna in resacas on the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Texas (red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta; diamond-backed water snake, Nerodia rhombifer; Rio Grande lesser siren, Siren intermedia texana) (the siren is a state-listed threatened species) will be assessed by examining blood cholinesterase and genetic damage and comparing between the three species. (f) Pesticide exposure and endocrine disruption in the Rio Grande leopard frog (Rana berlandieri). Field exposure to pesticides will be evaluated and laboratory studies will evaluate possible effects on thyroid and sex hormones.

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    Effects of Environmental Contaminants on Major Wildlife Species of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas (Contact: Laverne Cleveland)
The Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) is a major agricultural area in Texas. Recent findings of deformed reddish egrets in the lower Laguna Madre have caused concern among DOI resource managers regarding impacts of agricultural pesticides and other contaminants on regional wildlife populations, especially colonial waterbirds and endangered species. Additionally, the Lower Rio Grande Valley is subject to non-point source pollution from surrounding municipal and industrial activities. Some of the chemicals these sources typically produced have been shown to act as estrogens in laboratory studies. A variety of local and migratory birds rely on resacas and aquatic environments for feeding, nesting, and cover habitat. Our studies are designed to determine if colonial, fish-eating aquatic birds in the LRGV are exposed to and affected by (anti) estrogenic substances. Also, investigations of contaminant concentrations in tissues of selected wildlife species and their relationships with pesticide use and reproduction will provide information regarding current impacts of environmental contaminants on wildlife of the region. This information is needed to protect and manage wildlife populations in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. In this study we will assess (1) exposure and effects of organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, and heavy metals on wading birds, aplomado falcons, and ocelots of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, (2) a framework for assessing the adverse effects of environmental contaminants on biota of the Rio Grande Basin, and (3) provide screening for endocrine-disrupting chemicals in fish and aquatic birds of the Lower Rio Grande Valley. The objective of this study are 1) determine effects of environmental contaminants on wildlife with emphasis on aquatic birds, the aplomado falcon, and ocelot of the LRGV; 2) identify the relevant resource and contamination issues, assess exposure and ecological effects, identify data gaps, and determine risks by conducting a detailed review and synthesis of current and historic information on contaminant stressors; and 3) monitor endocrine-disrupting chemicals and their effects on breeding birds in the LRGV.

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    Embryonic, Developmental, and Early Life Stage Toxicity of Environmental Contaminants in Fish (Contact: Don Tillitt Biochemistry/Physiology)
The most sensitive portion of a fish's life to the toxic effects of chemical contaminants is from embryonic development through the fry stages. This has been demonstrated to be true for numerous classes of chemicals. However, there are two shortcomings of the standard protocols for testing the toxicity of chemicals to early life stages of fish. First, the current tests rely on a waterborne exposure. This is fine for hydrophilic chemicals, but many of the chemicals which are of concern in the aquatic environment are hydrophobic and persistent. For hydrophobic compounds, the major route of exposure to the developing fish embryo is from the chemical received from maternal deposition into the oocyte during maturation in the adult fish. Therefore, test methods are required that will allow the study of effects on hydrophobic chemicals on early life stages of fish. We have developed fish egg injection techniques to mimic the deposition of hydrophobic chemicals into fish eggs. The second shortcoming of current test methods to study early life stage toxicity in fish is that there are no mechanistic models that have been developed to understand and study toxicity on fish development. Such models are needed to understand various modes of action of chemicals and to be able to predict organismal and population level effects. The models must consist of endpoints of toxicity from multiple levels of organization (biochemical, cellular, organ, and organismal) in order for them to be predictive models. This research will include the characterization of egg injection techniques for fish species with small eggs that are of interest to resource managers (i.e., threatened or endangered species) and those fish that are important in the study of fish developmental biology (e.g., medaka or zebrafish). The use of these species will allow multigenerational studies of contaminant effects to be conducted. The second area of research is the development of biochemical, molecular and histological probes that can be used to study, characterize, and develop a fish model for embryonic development and the effects of environmental contaminants These probes will be linked to markers of development that will allow their use in a variety of species. As well, the probes will be able to be used to classify groups of chemicals based on their mode of chemical action. The third area of research is the study of complex mixtures of chemicals on early life stages of fish. The developed techniques will allow the study of complex mixtures of contaminants as they exist in the environment. Results of these studies are currently applied to problems of lake trout and salmonid recruitment in the Great Lakes, assessment of reproductive health in the Housatonic River, MA, and other locations in the U.S.

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    Environmental Assessment of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (Contact: Diana Papoulias Biochemistry/Physiology)
The ability of environmental contaminants to affect reproductive and developmental processes in fish and wildlife species has long been known. An increasingly persuasive body of evidence indicates that many of these chemicals may be causing such effects through interference and disruption of normal endocrine function. Field observations have correlated abnormal sex organ morphology, unusual sex hormone levels and rations, and altered physiological and biochemical processes (such as high levels of production of vitellogenin by male fish) with exposure to environmental contaminants. These biological endpoints are modulated by the endocrine system, lending credence to the hypothesis that environmental contaminants may disrupt endocrine function. However, a linkage between altered endocrine function and reproductive success in fish and wildlife populations in the field is not well established. Study 1) Physiological assessment of individual and mixtures of putative endocrine disrupting chemicals. Physiological effects of exposure to putative endocrine disrupting chemicals will be characterized by measuring a number of biological endpoints in rainbow trout exposed to single and multiple known chemicals. In addition, the effects of environmentally relevant chemical mixtures sequestered in semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) on these same biological endpoints will be characterized. Study 2) Screening for the presence and effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in fish-eating birds of the Lower Rio Grande Valley. The reproductive success of fish-eating birds nesting in Falcon Dam in the Rio Grande, Texas will be assessed on a physiological level by measuring plasma hormone and vitellogenin levels and comparing these effects to behavioral and anatomical determinations. In addition, chemicals mixtures in tissues and eggs will be analyzed by traditional tests. Study 3) In vivo fish bioassay directed identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals in complex environmental mixtures. Methods will be developed to fractionate pulp and paper mill effluent from a bleached-kraft source. The fish, medaka, will be exposed to the resulting fractions for assessment of endocrine disruption. In addition, the chemicals in the resulting active fractions will be identified. Study 4) Development, characterization and validation of an in vivo model for endocrine disrupting chemicals on sexual differentiation and development in fish. A screening assay for the effects of chemicals on sexual development and differentiation in a medaka model will be characterized using egg/embryo exposure to sex hormones and anti-hormones and assessing responses in the reproductive organs. The model will then be evaluated by assessing the reproductive behaviors of mature egg/embryo-exposed medaka. Study 5) Effects of dioxin-like chemicals on the embryonic development and behavioral responses in early life stages of fishes. The role of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the depletion of thiamine and subsequent induction of early mortality syndrome in salmonids will be determined. In addition, a model for testing endocrine disrupting chemicals on fish populations and at the community level will be developed. The objective of this project is to develop and implement a research program that embodies the goals of the Federal strategy for addressing the ecological effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals developed by the National Science and Technology Council and also meets the scientific information and technology needs of Department of Interior bureaus managing fish and wildlife resources potentially threatened by endocrine disrupting chemicals.

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    Immunochemical Methods for the Determination of Environmental Contaminants and Their Biochemical Responses in Fish (Contact: Jim Zajicek Biochemistry/Physiology)
Currently, highly specific and sensitive state-of-the-art instrumental methods exist to determine many routine contaminants. However, a number of shortcomings are associated with these traditional instrumental determinative methods. Traditional methods of analyses are expensive,  require highly trained individuals to operate expensive instrumentation, and require significant amounts of time. As a result, the scope of many important environmental projects is often limited, and some projects not feasible. Nearly a hundred commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits have been commercialized to measure about 30 target contaminants in water and soil extracts. These target contaminants include agri-chemicals and industrial chemicals. Commercial ELISA kits provide a range of advantages over traditional determinative methods: (a) no sample cleanup or pre-concentration; (b) where cleanup is required it is often reduced; (c) even when a rigorous extraction and cleanup are required, the ELISA determinative analysis is less expensive; (d) the ELISA instrumentation is less expensive and easy to operate; and (e) some ELISA determinations are amenable to automation and miniaturization. Together these advantages of ELISA facilitate the analysis of increased numbers of samples, with less sample, decreased manpower, and faster reporting. Although not a panacea, ELISA determinations have proven to be superior for a number of situations and complementary to traditional instrumental analyses when they are used in quick semi-quantitative screening mode to select samples for more detailed instrumental analyses. Research in this work unit will first include the characterization of commercial ELISA kits for a variety of contaminants that are important to ongoing and planned environmental studies. These studies will be designed to characterize the kits using calibration standards, vendor-supplied control materials, and in-house quality assurance and quality control materials. Since a majority of the commercial kits have been characterized only for direct analysis of water samples and soil extracts, the second area of research will focus on application of the ELISA kits to traditional extracts of alternative environmental matrices, such as biological tissues and sediments and the nontraditional matrices, such as passive samplers. These matrices provide additional, as yet, poorly characterized analytical challenge, due to their hydrophobic properties that require special techniques to make them compatible with the predominately hydrophilic ELISA media. The third area of this research the study of alternative ELISA and immunochemical techniques. These developed techniques will be used to begin to immunochemically identify the biochemical responses in tissues of target organs of fish and wildlife. Additionally, we are developing biochemical methods of analysis for nutrients and enzymes which can metabolize nutrients in the aquatic food chain.

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    Photoenhanced Toxicity of Forest and Range Management Chemicals to Amphibians (Contact: Ed Little Ecology)
The ultraviolet radiation (UV) component of sunlight can pose a direct threat to aquatic flora and fauna and can also compound the impact of environmental contamination through additive and synergistic interactions. Under additive interactions the UV exposure can provide stress that is additive with stresses induced by toxicant exposure. UV can also directly interact with the aquatic contaminant to increase the contaminants toxicity through changes in chemical structure or enhanced biotic uptake. Contaminants that are potentially photoenhanced by UV are not well known but include certain metals and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. In recent studies scientists at CERC have found that the toxicity of the common pesticide, carbaryl, to amphibians increases 12 fold in the presence of UV; toxicity of water accommodated fractions of petroleum increased by 6-fold, and the toxicity of forest fire-fighting chemicals increased by 400-fold under environmentally relevant UV intensities. The use of such products in forest and range management practices is of concern since many of these products are applied directly to amphibian habitats. Malathion applications for grasshopper control has been implicated in the recent endangerment of the Wyoming toad. Fire-retardant/suppressant chemicals can be used in areas where the loss of boreal toad and tiger salamander populations is occurring. Photoenhanced toxicity is likely a function of UV radiation intensity and duration of exposure, and thus is dependent on the amount of suspended solids, plankton, and organic matter which absorb UV wave lengths in the water column. During this three year investigation CERC will study the interactive effects of ultraviolet radiation and chemical substances commonly applied in forest and range management practices on amphibians. Amphibians, such as Rana pipins, Bufo boreas, Bufo woodhousii, and Hyla versicolor, will be exposed as embryos and larvae to various intensities of UV-B and aquatic contaminants as single stressors as well as combined stressors using a dose-response approach. Tests with selected chemicals will determine the persistence of toxicity following field applications and may include exposures of metamorphosed amphibians to determine impact on terrestrial life stages. UV radiation and related water quality variables will be measured in the water column of their habitats. Contaminants tested will include pesticides, such as malathion and permethrin used for forest pest management, and other substances used in forest management. The contaminant treatments will bracket expected environmental concentrations. The UV treatments will reflect the range of intensities observed in their habitat. Results of these studies will identify compounds that are toxicologically photoenhanced. The data will be used to determine the threshold sensitivities of aquatic organisms for such compounds in their habitats using survival, mortality, behavioral modification, and biochemical measures as indicators of stress. This research will: a) determine the extent to which the toxicity of forest/range management chemicals to various life stages of species of concern is influenced by the environmentally realistic solar irradiance levels, b) determine if the photoenhancement occurs in the water column or in bound tissue residues, c) determine water quality characteristics of the habitat that may mitigate or enhance photoenhanced toxicity, and d) assess persistence of toxicity following field applications.

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    Pilot Implementation of the Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) Program (Contact: Chris Schmitt Ecology)
The Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) program was designed to monitor and assess the effects of a broader array of contaminants by incorporating endpoints known to respond to a variety of chemical stressors and to the accumulative chemicals measured in the NCBP, BEST was also designed to provide information on chemical effects and exposure. Study 1 represents a pilot for national-scale, large rivers monitoring by the BEST program. Fish were collected at 34 of the 38 historic NCBP sites in the Mississippi River basin by cooperating biologists from the FWS and USGS. To test compatibility with the USGS- National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) program, fish were also collected at selected sites in the Mississippi embayment (n=9) and eastern Iowa basins (n=5) NAWQA study units. At each NCBP site, the target was 10 each of male and female largemouth bass and common carp; at NAWQA sites, only one species was collected (common carp primary species, largemouth bass secondary). For each fish, a field health assessment was conducted at the time of capture, and specified tissues and fluids were collected for biomarker analyses to be performed by cooperating scientists at the CERC, FCSC, and LSC of USGS-BRD and at the University of Florida. Biomarkers of endocrine disruption were included for evaluation. Composite samples of whole fish were retained for analysis of accumulative contaminants. In Study 2, we are evaluating a suite of methods for assessing the benthic invertebrate community of large floodplain rivers. A suite of methods were tested at selected sites on the Missouri River to evaluate the feasibility of monitoring the benthic community and water quality of a large riverine ecosystem. In Study 3, a literature review and supporting bibliography are being compiled on the biological markers being used in Studies 1 and 4. In Study 4, the markers tested in Study 1 and under review in Study 3 are being applied at selected NCBP sites in the Columbia River and Rio Grande basins; NASQAN II sites were sampled to test and evaluate compatibility between BEST and the latter program of the USGS-WRD. Study 5 is the management, analysis, and interpretation of data from a 1994 reconnaissance study of endocrine disruption in fish conducted jointly by WRD and BRD in selected NAWQA study units. Study 6 is the implementation of the BEST design at sites in the Great Lakes and tributaries that CERC, GLSC, BRD-NAWQA, and EPA are conducting jointly. In study 6, selected BEST biomarkers are being used in a cooperative study of western estuaries (with FWS and EPA-EMAP). The goal of the BEST program is to monitor, identify, and understand the effects of environmental contaminants on the Nations biological resources, particularly those under the stewardship of the Department of the Interior; and to provide scientific information for guiding management decisions related to environmental contaminants and their effects on trust resources.

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    The Effects of Anthropogenic Factors on Ecosystems Supporting the Neosho Madtom (Noturus placidus), with Emphasis on Historic Zinc-Lead Mining (Contact: Chris Schmitt Ecology)
The Spring-Neosho (Grand) River system in KS, OK, and MO supports the only remaining populations of the Neosho madtom (Noturus placidus), a federally listed threatened species. Once distributed throughout the system, the species is now abundant only in portions of the Neosho and Cottonwood Rivers in KS and OK. A remnant population exists in the Spring River, in Jasper County, MO, and Cherokee County, KS. Much historic habitat has been inundated by impoundments. Additional habitat has been degraded by in-stream gravel mining, feedlot operations, and historic lead-zinc mining in the Tri-State Mining Distinct of MO, OK, and KS. Both Jasper and Cherokee Counties have been declared Superfund Sites by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and are on the National Priority List (NPL) for remediation. Additional remediation in OK is anticipated. The present study seeks to determine the extent to which metals from historic mining activities in the Tri-State District influence the distribution of N. placidus in the Spring River Basin and to guide the remediation of these mining Superfund sites to prevent further harm to the remnant population. This study involves determining the present distribution and relative abundance of Neosho madtoms in the mining-affected portions of the Spring River system; quantifying the habitat requirements of the species; and differentiating among physical, chemical, and biological factors that may control the distribution. Task 1 will focus on riffles and gravel bars, the interstitial spaces of which are occupied by N. placidus adults in spring and summer, and the abundance and quality of which are presently believed to be limiting. Potentially suitable habitat in the mining-affected portions of the Spring River will be mapped. A habitat model based on the Neosho River population will be refined and applied to the Spring River to estimate the potential of the habitat without contaminants. Fish and benthic macroinvertebrate communities will be sampled and mapped to assess the influence of competing, predatory, and food organisms on the distribution of N. placidus. Invertebrate food organisms will be analyzed to document trophic transfer of metals. In Study 2, sediment pore-waters will be collected and evaluated for contaminants and toxicity. The objective of this study is to determine the extent to which anthropogenic factors such as historic zinc-lead mining and the remediation of historic mining sites may influence the abundance and distribution of Neosho madtoms (N. placidus), a federally listed threatened species.

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    The Potential for Chromium to Adversely Affect Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawystcha) Under Exposure Conditions Simulating the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River, Washington, USA (Contact: Aida Farag Jackson Field Research Station)
Extensive dam building and development occurred throughout the Columbia River Basin from 1943 to 1971 and led to severely reduced populations of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawystcha). An area that did not experience development is a 90 km section within the Hanford Nuclear Reservation which was claimed by the federal government in 1943 as a site for the production of plutonium. Currently, the Hanford Reach remains a free flowing stretch of the Columbia River and is the only remaining area where significant mainstem chinook salmon spawning occurs in the Columbia River. The Hanford Reach of the Columbia River is regulated by upstream dams, but is the last unimpounded stretch of the Columbia River. The use of the Hanford Reach for fall chinook spawning and rearing has dramatically increased since 1960. The 10 year average adult escapement increased from 27,660 (1964-1973) to 54,661 (1983-1992). This increase is pronounced when compared with the rest of the mid and upper Columbia River where chinook runs have declined during the same time period. Plutonium production within the Hanford Reservation required the use of large quantities of Columbia River water to cool nuclear reactors. The cooling water was treated with sodium dichromate to prevent corrosion and mineral collection within cooling system pipes. During operations, cooling water with associated radionuclides and chromium were discharged directly to the Columbia River and also entered ground water through leakage of pipes and seepage from retention areas. Currently, groundwater at the Hanford site continues to be contaminated with chemical and radiological constituents. The Hanford Reach of the Columbia River is critically important as spawning habitat for the chinook salmon and it is essential to determine if current water quality standards protect chinook salmon. Chromium is one contaminant of major concern and it is associated with the 100 Area (National Priority List Site) groundwater and seeps. The concentrations of chromium in the groundwater upwellings (Hope and Peterson 1996) exceed the chronic ambient water quality criteria of (AWQC) of 11 g/L for the protection of aquatic life, established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA 1986) and the State of Washington (WAC-173-201A-040). Studies will be conducted to determine if the current water quality standards for chromium protect survival and development of early-life stages of chinook salmon. The direct effects of hexavalent chromium on chinook salmon egg fertilization, health status, potential for recovery after exposure, and physiological impairment will be assessed. The studies will be conducted with chinook salmon early life stages including eggs, alevins, and parr. The data gathered from these studies will (1) provide an assessment of injury to chinook salmon exposed to chromium in the Hanford area of the Columbia River Basin, (2) will be useful in recovering damages for lost resources and in evaluating remedial options, including immobilization, treatment, and the no-action alternative, and (3) will be useful to Trustees, including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hanford Natural Resource Trustees, the U.S. Department of the Interior, and the States of Oregon and Washington in efforts to manage the Columbia River salmon population.

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    Toxicity of Forest Fire Retardant and Foam Suppressant Chemicals to Aquatic Plant and Animal Communities (Contact: Kevin Buhl Yankton Field Research Station)
Fire-fighting chemicals are used extensively in the United States (and internationally) to suppress and control range and forest fires and are often applied in environmentally sensitive areas that may contain endangered, threatened, or economically significant plant and animal species. The most commonly used compounds are composed of ammonium sulfate or polyphosphate with an attapulgite clay thickener, or diammonium phosphate with a guar gum derivative thickener. Because these compounds are highly corrosive, they also contain rust inhibitor chemicals such as sodium dichromate and trace amounts of ferric oxide to mark the location of aerial retardant drops. Although the extensively used ammonium compounds are essentially fertilizer formulations and are thought to have minimal toxicological effects, many important resources are contaminated by fire-fighting chemicals and fish kills have been associated with retardant use. The resources of greatest concern are endangered fish such as Lahonton cutthroat, Greenback cutthroat, and Apache trout. A new generation of foam fire suppressants composed of mixtures of surfactants with small amounts of solvents is being increasingly used in fire-fighting operations. Information from foam fire suppressant manufacturers indicates these compounds may be very toxic to aquatic organisms. Laboratory and field studies will be used to assess the toxicity of fire-fighting chemicals. The chemicals to be tested are Fire-Trol GTS-R, Fire-Trol LCG-R, Phos-Chek D75-R, Phos-Chek WD881, and Silv-Ex (U.S. formulation). Laboratory acute toxicity tests will involve exposing the chemicals to four life stages of rainbow trout (egg, fry, 60-day, and 90-day post-hatch juveniles), and three life stages for fathead minnow (egg, fry, 30-day, and 60-day post hatch juveniles), chinook salmon, Daphnia magna (water flea), Hyalella azteca (amphipod), and green algae. Each test organism will be tested in two water qualities. The water qualities used will be reconstituted USEPA hard and soft waters. The objective of this study is to determine the toxicity of fire retardant and suppressant chemicals on plant and animal communities to protect endangered fish.

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    Toxicity of Simulated Agricultural Irrigation Drainwater to Colorado Squawfish, Bonytail Chub, and Razorback Sucker from the Green River Basin (Contact: Kevin Buhl Yankton Field Research Station)
Recent investigations by USFWS, as well as a Department of the Interior water resources investigation team, indicate that the middle Green River around Stewart Lake, Jensen Creek, and the Ouray National Wildlife Refuge in Utah have concentrations of trace elements in water, sediments, and fish tissues that may be harmful to fish and wildlife resources. The primary constituents of concern are boron, selenium, and zinc. These elements occur naturally in trace amounts but tend to be concentrated in agricultural irrigation drainwater. The resources of greatest concern are three threatened or endangered species razorback sucker, bonytail chub, and Colorado squawfish in the Green River which receive irrigation return flows. During the past decade, little or no successful reproduction has been found for the razorback sucker or bonytail chub in the Green River. Colorado squawfish from this area contain high concentrations of selenium and exhibit a correspondingly high incidence of spinal deformities. Irrigation drainwater contaminants, notably selenium, are known to induce this type of deformity in fish. In cooperation with USFWS Region 6, laboratory studies will be used to assess the toxicity of drainwater contaminants to larval and juvenile Colorado squawfish, bonytail chub, and razorback sucker. Laboratory studies will include acute and chronic exposures to single trace elements and trace element mixtures, as well as dietary exposures to selenium, and will use a reconstituted water quality simulating that in the middle Green River basin. The objective of this study is to determine the waterborne and dietary effects of trace elements in irrigation drainage on the survival, growth, and behavior of larval Colorado squawfish, bonytail, and razorback sucker in laboratory and field studies.

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