5. Entering Inventory Data

The inventory data are entered (either by each location's data entry staff or, in instances when an organization doesn't have Internet access, by the system administrator's organization) by first displaying the Location Page and then clicking the 'Inventory' button for the desired location. This action displays a page that summarizes the data entry status for the location (Figure 18, 23 KB).

Figure 18 lists all the resource types assigned to the location and the percentage of emergency and non-emergency questions that have been answered (i.e., that have a non-blank value). As noted earlier in the manual, we found this distinction useful for limiting the amount of data that we asked organizations to provide: we told organizations only to answer non-emergency questions and that they would be asked to answer emergency questions only in the event of an actual emergency.

Clicking on any of the links for resource types displays Pages containing the data entry fields (Figure 19, 25 KB).

The system administrator can re-set all the emergency data to 'blank' (e.g., once the emergency has passed and the data are no longer needed) by clicking 'Configure System Parameters' on the Home Page.

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