Appendix—Installation Instructions

EPRI can be downloaded from the AHRQ Web Site ( All the EPRI files are packaged into a single zipped file containing:

Terms and Conditions

By installing EPRI you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Abt Associates, Geisinger Clinic/Geisinger Medical Center, and Relyon Media created the Emergency Preparedness Resource Inventory (EPRI) under Contract No. 290-00-0003 from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Copyright 2003(4) by Abt Associates, Geisinger Clinic/Geisinger Medical Center, and Relyon Media. Contact Andrea Hassol (617-349-2488) for more information on EPRI.

AHRQ makes EPRI available under the following conditions:

  • EPRI may be downloaded for specific individual applications by organizations and for personal use, providing the copyright notice and terms/conditions are included.
  • EPRI or any modifications or adaptations may not be reproduced, sold, or used for commercial purposes without the specific permission of the copyright holders.

EPRI is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied conditions or warranties, statutory or otherwise, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. Abt Associates, Geisinger Clinic/Geisinger Medical Center, and Relyon Media shall have no liability to any user of EPRI or related documentation, or to any third party, for any claim, loss or damage of any kind, including but not limited to lost profits, business interruption, loss or destruction of data, punitive, incidental, consequential or special damages, arising out of the use or inability to use EPRI or any related documentation, even if Abt Associates, Geisinger Clinic/Geisinger Medical Center, or Relyon Media has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Step 1: Installing the Databases (Restoring the EPRI databases to SQL Server using Enterprise Manager)

The EPRI Install folder contains a folder called MS SQL-Server 2000 Databases. Using Enterprise Manager, you can create these databases in your SQL server using the RESTORE option as described below:

  1. Open Enterprise Manager.
  2. Expand a server group, and then expand a server.
  3. Right-click Databases folder, select All Tasks and then select Restore Database.
  4. In the Restore as database box, type the new name of the database. For instance, you could name your database: EPRI. It doesn't matter what you call it, as you will specify the database name in the Web.config file later.
  5. Select From device, and then select Select devices.
  6. Under Restore from, select Tape or Disk, and then select Add to add an existing backup device.
  7. In the box for File name, enter the path to the EPRI _Database_to_Restore.BAK file which is located in the MS SQL-Server 2000 Databases folder of the unzipped EPRI Install folder. (you can select the ... to select this file with the dialogue box).
  8. Select OK.
  9. Select OK.
  10. Select on the OPTIONS tab at the top. Note: this procedure sometimes crashes if you do not select the OPTIONS tab before clicking OK.
  11. Select OK.

To install a demo version of EPRI, follow steps 3-11 and choose the EPRI demo_Database_to_Restore.BAK file which is located in the MS SQL-Server 2000 Databases folder of the unzipped EPRI Install folder. This will create a second database (you will have to give it another name, for instance EPRIDEMO) that the demo user accounts will populate and use.

Step 2: Install the Web Application

  1. Copy the Web Application directory to your Web server. You may rename the directory if desired.
  2. Use the Internet Information Server management console to configure the directory as a Web application.
  3. Change permissions for analysis/downloads directory in the web application folder installed on your web server. Add the ASPNET user and give it Full Control of this directory. This allows the web application to create new copies of the Access database for export/download ability. Also, make sure the blank.mdb file is not read only.
  4. Import local City, County, State, and Zip code data into the respective tables using Enterprise Manager (Section 3.4). This data will limit your locations to your catchment area.
  5. Edit Web.config. There are several application settings in the Web.config file that you will need to set for your environment. They are commented in the file. The relevant portion of Web.config is reproduced below. Be sure to change only the value attributes and not the key attributes.
	Sets the name that appears in the headers for all pages and reports -->
	<add key="applicationName" value="Resource Inventory Application" />
		Sets the connection strings to the live and demo databases for your 
		EPRI web application. Once you restore the databases from the install 
		database folder, you can define these for your system. -->
		<add key=  "connString" 
		        value= "data source=YourSQLServerName;
		                    initial catalog=Your EPRIDBName;
			       user id=YourDBLogin;
		                    persist security info=True;
		                    packet size=4096" />

		<add key =  "demoConnString" 
		        value= "data source=YourSQLServerName;
		                    initial catalog=YourEPRIDEMODBName;
			       user id=YourDBLogin;
		                    persist security info=True;
		                    packet size=4096" />

	<!--  ESRI Settings	
	      This setting enables the GIS ESRI Mapping Reports and Locator Functions.
	      To use the mapping, set this value to "true" and make sure you have a valid
	      username and password to access the ESRI system. -->

			<add key="useEsri" value="true"><add>	
			<add key="username" value="trich"><add>
			<add key="password" value="EPRI"></add> 
		Setting this to true will redirect all http requests to https.
		See ResinPage.cs, login.aspx.cs, and logout.aspx.cs
		Set to TRUE for a production server with an SSL certificate installed -->
		<add key="forceSSL" value="False" />
		Used by admin/SendMail.aspx.cs -->
		<add key="smtpServerName" value="Your SMTP Server URL or IP" />
		<add key="defaultFromEmail" value="The FROM address for sent E-mail" />
		<add key="defaultBccEmail" value="The BCC address for E-mail sent by EPRI" />
		<add key="defaultAppUrl" value="The URL of your EPRI application" />

Step 3: Confirm EPRI Works

Point your browser to EPRI. A simple login screen should appear (Figure 31, 14 KB).

Default system administrator login/passwords are as follows:

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AHRQ Publication No. 05-0077-2
Current as of May 2005

Internet Citation:

T Rick, Hassol A. Emergency Preparedness Resource Inventory (EPRI), A Tool for Local, Regional, and State Planners. Part 2. Technical Manual. Prepared by Abt-Geisinger Associates under contract no. 290-00-0003. AHRQ Pub. No. 05-0077-2. May 2005. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

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