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State and MPO Effective Practices

The resources listed below describe examples of efforts that States and MPOs are undertaking to efficiently and effectively incorporate environmental concerns into the transportation planning process.

Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) is a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach that involves stakeholders to develop a transportation facility that fits its physical setting and preserves scenic, aesthetic, historic, and environmental resources, while maintaining safety and mobility. The information-gathering activities suggested within CSS is very similar to the planning activities suggested here. In addition, the design flexibility advocated by CSS also achieves Planning and Environment Linkage goals of incorporating environmental and cultural concerns into transportation planning and project design. The link above will direct you to a searchable case studies page. See a set of frequently asked questions about CSS and planning. See a set of frequently asked questions about CSS and planning.

The Green Infrastructure approach to conservation provides a way to plan and implementing interconnected green space systems (such as parks, trails, and other green spaces) in conjunction with existing and planned gray infrastructure (such as roads and buildings). Green infrastructure planning efforts can provide geographic resource information and conservation priorities that can be used as inputs in the transportation planning process. The link above will direct you to the projects page, which lists effective practices. See the Events section of the website to learn about The Conservation Fund's Green Infrastructure Course, or contact Kris Hoellen at

The Green Highways Initiative is a voluntary, collaborative, public/private effort designed to identify and promote streamlining and environmental stewardship efforts through partnerships, rewards, and market-based solutions. The case studies presented provide expert insight into Green Highway Program initiatives, processes, and opportunities.

Wildlife Action Plans have recently been completed by each state and are valuable data and information resources for agencies wishing to strengthen planning and environment linkages by considering habitat and conservation issues more systemically in planning. Plans for most US States and territories can be found through the above link above. In addition, Defenders of Wildlife has conducted a review of these plans. See the report.

Cooperative Conservation is an effort led by the Council on Environmental Quality to advance the spirit and objectives of the Executive Order on the Facilitation of Cooperative Conservation. ’Action stories’ of cooperative efforts to conserve and restore areas have been collected and could provide ideas on how to improve planning and environment linkages.

FHWA's State Environmental Streamlining and Stewardship Practices Database contains practices used by states to efficiently and effectively fulfill their NEPA obligations. Innovative practices related to planning and environment linkages are located in the "Linking Planning and NEPA" category.