Figure 1. Project Methodology Phases (Text Description)

Figure 1 is titled "Project Methodology Phases." It presents a series of five labeled boxes arranged horizontally across the page. Left to right they read: "Planning," "Analysis," "Design, "Implementation," "Evaluation."

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Figure 1-1. Planning Phase (Text Description)

A diagram containing five labeled boxes arranged horizontally across the page describes the "Planning Phase." The first box labeled "Planning" has a drop down list with six bullets: "Identify business goals and objectives," "Establish selection or steering committee," "Establish project team," "Define roles and responsibilities," "Conduct a feasibility study," "Determine resources needed."

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Figure 1-2. Analysis Phase (Text Description)

A diagram containing five labeled boxes arranged horizontally across the page describes the "Analysis Phase." The box labeled "Analysis" has a drop down list with four bullets. Bullet number 1 is "Answer technology/system questions," which has a drop down list of four sub-bullets: "Who will use it?" "What will it do?" "Where will it be used?" "When will it be used?" The remaining three bullets are: "Focus analysis on user needs," "Assess current systems improvement opportunities, and needed new system functions," "Determine functional specifications."

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Figure 1-3. Design Phase (Text Description)

A diagram containing five labeled boxes arranged horizontally across the page describes the "Design Phase." The box labeled "Design" has a drop down list of four bullets: "Determine technology/system software and hardware specifications," "Determine user interfaces," "Determine forms and reports," "Determine needed applications, programs, databases, and files," "Use existing product or design new product."

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Figure 1.4. Implementation Phase (Text Description)

A diagram contains five labeled boxes arranged horizontally across the page describes the "Implementation Phase." The box labeled "Implementation" has a drop down list of six bullets: "Build or purchase technology/system," "Test solution," "Train staff and users," "Develop migration plan which includes a conversion plan and change management plan," "Develop success measures," "Go live."

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Figure 1-5. Evaluation Phase (Text Description)

A diagram containing five labeled boxes arranged horizontally across the page describes the "Evaluation Phase." The box labeled "Evaluation" has a drop down list of three bullets: "Describe and assess performance," "Review and discuss results," "Make required improvements."

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