Call Record Table (Example)

Record Table file is loaded into database before each calling period.

SQL Table format for Quarantine (csv): "<CallCount>","<Name>","<PhoneNumber>","<CallStatus>"

CallCountName PhoneNumberCallStatus
0 John Doe5555551234N
0 Jane Smith5555557890N
0 Pete Black5555553456N
0 Kelly Green5555552345N
0 Jack Black5555557654N
0 Bill Blue5555553456N
0 Nancy White5555550098N

After 1st run thru Table, everyone except Bill and Nancy answered call and provided a response.

CallCountName PhoneNumberCallStatus
1 John Doe5555551234D
1 Jane Smith5555557890D
1 Pete Black5555553456D
1 Kelly Green5555552345D
1 Jack Black5555557654D
1 Bill Blue5555553456R
1 Nancy White5555550098R

After 2nd run thru Table, Bill answered and provided a response but Nancy did not.

CallCountName PhoneNumberCallStatus
1 John Doe5555551234D
1 Jane Smith5555557890D
1 Pete Black5555553456D
1 Kelly Green5555552345D
1 Jack Black5555557654D
2 Bill Blue5555553456D
2 Nancy White5555550098H

Report would be generated that indicates that Nancy requires a house call, and the other 6 people are being successfully monitored by application.

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