
Greeting Announcement 5000: "This is the Quarantine Monitoring System. Mensaje. For English, press 1. Para Espanol, marke el 2."
HELP Announcement 5013: "This is HELP contacting <name> during your quarantine period. When placed in quarantine, you were requested to take your temperature every 12 hours. Please locate your most recent temperature reading."
Temp Menu Annoucement 5014: "If your temperature is 100 degrees or above, please press 1. If your temperature is less than 100 degrees, please press 2. If you do not have your temperature reading or cannot take your temperature, please press 3. To repeat this message press #."
Temperature >100 Announcement 5006: "Please hold while we connect your call to the HELP Information Providers. They will collect information about your elevated temperature and any other symptoms you may be experiencing."
Temperature <100 Announcement 5002: "If you need any assistance or would like to speak with an Information Provider please press 1. Otherwise, thank you for your participation in the regional quarantine program. Your compliance ensures the health of those around you. If you need assistance in the future, please call HELP directly at 1-800-XXX-XXXX. Good Bye."
Transfer to Information Provider Announcement 5017: "Please hold while we connect your call to the Information Providers. They will assist you with any temperature reading issues."

Note: All messages should be recorded for both English and other language (Spanish).

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