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Upcoming Events, May 2006

Here is a selected list of international trade events of interest, including ITA-sponsored events and a selection of upcoming international trade fairs. For a comprehensive listing of industry shows, go to

May 6–10
International Pow Wow, Orlando Florida

Some 1,200 exhibitors from more than 70 countries are expected to attend the 38th annual show of the travel industry. For more information, contact Rochelle Williams, tel. (619) 557-5899; e-mail:

May 8–11
Rebuild Iraq 2006, Amman Jordan

Last year’s show attracted more than 900 exhibitors from 44 countries. For more information, contact William Corfitzen, tel. (202) 482-0584; e-mail:

May 11
Latest on IPR in China: JCCT and Special 301

The first of a series of “webinars” concerning the protection of intellectual property rights in China. It is sponsored by the ITA’s China office, and the online session begins at 2:00 p.m. Eastern time. For more information, or to register,

May 13–21, 2006
See America Week

First proclaimed as National Tourism Week by Congress in 1983, this annual event celebrates the U.S. hospitality industry, which has a significant export component. For information on tourism, visit the ITA’s Office of Travel and Tourism Industries Web site, or contact Julie Heizer, tel. (202) 482-4904; e-mail:

May 16–21
ILA Aerospace, Berlin, Germany

Some 1,000 exhibitors, and 105,000 trade visitors, are expected at this biannual show. For information, contact Karen Dubin of the UFSCS, tel. (202) 482-3786; e-mail:

May 18
China’s 2006 IPR Action Plan

This program is second in a series of “Webinars” concerning the protection of intellectual property rights in China. It is sponsored by the ITA’s China office and the online session begins at 2:00 p.m. Eastern time. For more information, or to register, e-mail

May 21–27
World Trade Week

In 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt officially proclaimed the first official observance of our nation’s week-long celebration of international trade. For a list of this year’s events, go to

May 22–27, 2006
Healthcare Technologies Trade Mission to Croatia, Greece, and Italy

This trade mission will visit Zagreb, Croatia; Athens, Greece; and Bologna, Italy. For more information, contact William Kutson of the USFCS, tel. (202) 482-2839; e-mail:

May 30, 2006
India as Your Technology Partner, Austin, Texas

This seminar is cosponsored by the U.S. Export Assistance Center in Austin and the International Center of Austin. For information, contact Karen Parker, tel. (512) 916-5939; e-mail:

On The Horizon


June 3–9, 2006
InfoComm International 2006, Orlando Florida

Some 19,000 attendees, including 5,000 international visitors from 80 countries, are expected to attend this show devoted to the professional audiovisual communications systems industry. For more information, contact Wake Margo of the USFCS, tel. (202) 482-2026; e-mail:

June 11–12, 2006
Cosmetología Tijuana 2006, Tijuana, Mexico

At least 15 U.S. suppliers of cosmetics and toiletries are expected to exhibit in the U.S. Pavilion at the 11th edition of Tijuana's Congress of Cosmetology. Last year’s event brought some 3,500 business visitors. For more information, contact Judith Valdes at the USFCS, tel. + 52 (664) 622-7495 ; e-mail: