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Hong Kong Local time: 01:58 PM

Eco Expo Asia - International Trade Fair on Environmental Protection

Eco Expo Asia

Hong Kong has been putting a lot of resources toward tackling solid waste treatment, water pollution and air pollution problems.

Construction of a new Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility, solid waste management solutions and technologies will absorb most of the Hong Kong Government’s investment in the environment in the next few years.

In terms of water and wastewater treatment products and technologies, US$1.05 billion will likely be spent by local authorities before 2014 for the construction of more sewage tunnels and the expansion of the centralized treatment plant.

Hong Kong’s air pollution problem is a regional one.  Recent attention to air pollution, combined with plans to develop regional emissions trading improve prospects for air pollution and emissions reduction technologies.

International and Hong Kong-based engineering consulting companies have been very active in environmental projects in Hong Kong and China. US equipment suppliers interested in both markets should consider participating in Eco Expo Asia to make contacts with these engineering consulting firms to obtain project information and equipment requirements.

Date: October 28-31, 2008

Venue: AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong

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U.S. companies interested in exhibiting at Eco Expo Asia may be able to get 15% discount on booth rental.   Pleaes click below and express your interest by filling in the information.
Eco Expo Asia for U.S. Companies

If you have any further questions, please contact Ms. Olevia Yim by Phone: (852) 2521-1467; Fax: (852) 2845-9800 or Email: .