USDA ARS United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service

Beltsville Area/BARC

  Henry A. Wallace Exhibit


Return to previous page 1. "Knowledge grows.."

Quote: 1937 ??

Photo: Combine harvesting grain
Agricultural Research Service Information Staff Photo Library (

Return to previous page 2. George Washington Carver

Photo: Henry A. Wallace and George Washington Carver

Return to previous page 3. "To see rich land.."

Quote: Remarks, 1935 ??

Photo: Close-up of cornfield
Agricultural Research Service Information Staff Photo Library (

Return to previous page 4. "The soil is the mother of man.."

Quote: Democracy Reborn. London: Hammond and Hammond, 1945

"The cause of liberty.."

Quote: "Racial Theories and The Genetic Basis of Democracy." Speech to Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedoom, Waldorf-Astoria, NY, 1939

Return to previous page 5. Wallace flew in the face of tradition..

Photo: Henry A. Wallace as a young man
H.A. Wallace Childhood Photos, USDA History Collection, Special Collections, National Agricultural Library (NAL)

Photo: Ear of corn
Agricultural Research Service Information Staff Photo Library (

Return to previous page 6. "..a new science called ecology.."

Quote: Soil Defense, 1941 ??

Photo: Beltsville Agricultural Research Center Buildings
Agricultural Research Service Information Staff Photo Library (

Return to previous page 7. Believing Science..

Photos: Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (aerial views)

Return to previous page 8. "The science of sustained yield.."

Quote: Sustained Yield, 1943 ??

Photo: Cornfields
Agricultural Research Service Information Staff Photo Library (

Return to previous page 9. .. the first commercial hybrid corn..

Photo: Portrait of Henry Wallace
National Youth Administration photo, Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Museum, Photographs (General): Henry Wallace.

Photo: Sunset in field
Agricultural Research Service Information Staff Photo Library (

Return to previous page 10. One of the country's greatest Secretaries of Agriculture..

Photo: Portrait of Henry Wallace
Negative No. BU 16274, USDA History Collection, Special Collections, National Agricultural Library (NAL)

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