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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets (CDOM): Staff Biographies

Michael Harrison, Ph.D.

Michael I. Harrison, Ph.D., is a Senior Research Scientist at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). He leads Agency activities in Health System Redesign, manages and contributes to research in delivery systems across the United States, and conducts research on organizational improvement and health information technology implementation.

Dr. Harrison holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Michigan. He was previously a faculty member at SUNY (Stony Brook) and at Bar Ilan University in Israel; a visiting professor at Boston College and Haifa University; and a visiting scholar at Brandeis, Georgetown, Harvard, and the Nordic School of Public Health.

His recent publications include papers in leading health services research journals, Diagnosing Organizations: Methods, Models, and Processes (Sage, 2005), and Implementing Change in Health Systems: Market Reforms in the United Kingdom, Sweden, and the Netherlands (Sage, 2004). He has given presentations and led workshops throughout the United States and Europe.

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