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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets (CDOM): Staff Biographies

Anne Elixhauser, Ph.D.

Anne Elixhauser, Ph.D., is a social science analyst who has conducted health services research for the past 10 years and has clinical experience as a physician assistant. Her research experience has spanned a wide array of topic areas, including:

  • Technology assessment.
  • Economic analyses of preventive interventions such as preconception counseling of women with diabetes.
  • Differences in use of health care resources by gender, race, ethnicity, and insurance status.
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of pharmaceuticals and devices.
  • Quality of life assessment.
  • Measurement of comorbidities using administrative data.
  • Medication compliance.
  • Development of patient classification systems and quality of care indicators.

Dr. Elixhauser has worked at the Veterans Administration's Health Services Research and Development office studying medication compliance and the cost-effectiveness of diagnostic technologies. Prior positions also include conducting technology assessment at the Battelle Human Affairs Research Centers and at MEDTAP International, private contract research firms working for private industry and government. She participated in the processing, documentation, and production of the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), a nationwide database containing hospital discharge abstract information on over 6.5 million patients from 950 hospitals. She also worked to develop the HCUP Quality Indicators and the Clinical Classifications for Health Policy Research, tools for use with discharge abstract data.

Dr. Elixhauser has publications printed in journals such as Medical Care, Diabetes Care, Health Services Research, PharmacoEconomics, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, and Health Economics, as well as reports published by the the Agency. She is primary author of reviews of the health care cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit literature and is co-author of a text entitled Standards for the Socioeconomic Evaluation of Health Care Services: The Case of Pharmaceuticals.

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