Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations


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Data Set Identity: Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) Network Version 2.2

Identification Code: None

Data Set Description: The spatial component of the FAF 2.2 network is derived from National Highway Planning Network Version 2005.08 and contains National Highway System (NHS), National Network (NN) and several intermodal connectors as appropriate for the freight network modeling. The network consists of over 447,407 miles of equivalent road mileage. The data set covers the 48 contiguous States, Alaska, Canadian routes that connects Alaska to the contiguous States and the District of Columbia. The nominal scale of the data set is 1:100,000 with a maximal positional error of ±80 meters.

Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None
Theme Keyword: Network

Bounding Coordinates:
West Bounding Coordinate: -176.763993
East Bounding Coordinate: -66.979625
North Bounding Coordinate: 71.316994
South Bounding Coordinate: 18.915020

Data Set Citation: "Freight Analysis Framework 2.2 Network Machine Readable Data Files" are distributed by the Federal Highway Administration Office of Freight Management and Operations, Operations Core Business Unit, Washington DC, 2007

Data Set Credit: The freight network, assignment and modeling portions of "FAF 2.2 Network" are developed by Transportation & Economic Development Product Line, Battelle Columbus, OH.

Use Restrictions: The FAF network, or any portion thereof, can be freely distributed as long as this metadata entry is included with each distribution. The original metadata entry cannot be modified or deleted from any data transfer.


Beginning Date of Information Content: 20060401

Ending Date of Information Content: 20070330

Thematic Quality:
Thematic Accuracy Report: State Highway Performance related attributes associated with the FAF 2.2 network is current to HPMS 2002 dataset.

Logical Consistency Report: All node and link topological relationships and uniqueness of entity IDs are verified by computer algorithm.

Completeness Report: The completed FAF 2.2 network was delivered to the FHWA on Match 2007.

Positional Quality:
Horizontal Positional Quality
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report: As reported in the NHPN version 2005.08 metadata, the elements of the NHPN have been conflated to the 1:100,000 DLG-3 data set which maintains a nominal accuracy of at least ±80 meters. Where new roads have been added which are not in the DLG-3 database link alignments have been digitized or converted from digital sources acquired from State DOTs with a map scale of at least 1:100,000.


Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector
Point and Vector Object Information:
Vector Object Information:
SDTS Vector Object Type: "line, non-planar graph"
Vector Object Count: 170,773


Horizontal Coordinate System Definition:
Latitude Resolution: 0.000464
Longitude Resolution: 0.000464
Geographic Coordinate Units: "Decimal Degrees"


Data Set Status: Available

Release Date: 20070330

Maintenance and Update Frequency: None


Source Information:
Source Citation: "NHPN Version 2005.08, Federal Highway Administration, Washington DC, HEP-10
Source Citation Abbreviation: NHPN 2005.08
Beginning Date of Source Currentness: 20050831
Source Contribution: NHS, Interstate, and other arterial highway system, intermodal connectors.


Entity and Attribute Overview: Data dictionaries for FAF 2.2 network link, freight assignment output, and capacity analysis output are available in the Freight Analysis Framework 2.2 Methodology Document.

ID Integer Unique identification number.
LENGTH Real Length of arc (miles).
DIR Integer Freight direction for freight modeling.

  • 0 both directions
  • 1 direction along the link topology
  • -1 direction opposite to link topology
VERSION Character Used for maintaining consistency across data files containing alternate releases of the FAF.
RECID Real A unique numeric ID associated with each arc of NHPN version 2005.08.
STATE Character State abbreviation.
STFIPS Integer State FIPS code for the arc.
CTFIPS Integer 3 digit FIPS code for the county the arc resides.
SIGN1 Character Contains the designated primary sign route for the arc.
SIGN2 Character Contains the designated secondary sign route for the arc.
SIGN3 Character Contains the designated additional secondary sign route for the arc.
LNAME Character Contains the local street name for the arc.
MILES Real Contains measurement in miles for the arc chain.
RUCODE Integer Describes the rural/urban classification of the arc.
  • 1 Rural
  • 2 Small urban area (population 5,000 to 49,999)
  • 3 Small urbanized area (population 50,000 to 199,999)
  • 4 Large urbanized area (population 200,000 or more)
  • (blank) Data not available.
FCLASS Integer Identifies the assigned functional class of each arc.
  • 1 Rural principal arterial - Interstate
  • 2 Rural principal arterial - Other
  • 6 Rural minor arterial
  • 7 Rural major collector
  • 8 Rural MINOR collector
  • 9 Rural local
  • 11 Urban principal arterial - Interstate
  • 12 Urban Principal Arterial - Other freeways and expressways
  • 14 Urban principal arterial - Other
  • 16 Urban minor arterial
  • 17 Urban collector
  • 19 Urban local
  • (blank)Data not available.
STATUS Integer
  • 0 Proposed
  • 1 Open to traffic
  • 2 Ferry route
  • 3 Canadian routes connecting Alaska to the contiguous States.
NHS Integer Special subnetwork for the National Highway System.
  • 0 Not on NHS
  • 1 Interstate
  • 3 Non-Interstate STRAHNET
  • 4 STRAHNET connector
  • 7 Other NHS
  • 8 Approved intermodal connector
LINK_TYPE Integer Information about the FAF 2.2 link.
  • 0 Other FAF 2.2 routes
  • 1 State truck route not on the National Network.
  • 2 National Network (NN) route
  • 5 No trucks allowed

Entity and Attribute Detail Citation: Alam, (2007) "Freight Analysis Framework 2.2 Highway Capacity Analysis", Draft Methodology Report prepared for U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Freight Management and Operations, Washington, D.C.


Distribution Contact:
Contact Information:
Mr. Michael Sprung
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Freight Management and Operations
Policy HOFM 71-01
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

Distribution Liability: None

Standard Transfer Options:
Digital Form:
Digital Transfer Information:
Format Name: shape file
Format Version Number: generic
Format Version Date: none
Digital Transfer Options:
Offline Options:
Offline Media: CD-ROM
Recording Format: generic
Computability Information: None


Metadata Date: 20021002

Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Spatial Metadata

Metadata Standard Version: 19940331


Contact Organization Primary:
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Freight Management and Operations
Policy HOFM 71-01

Contact Mail Address:
400 Seventh Street, SW
Washington, DC 20590

Contact Voice Telephone: (202) 366-2217

Contact Email:

Contact Instructions: Between hours of 9 am and 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

Office of Operations