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OPA News Release: [05/05/2005]
Contact Name: David James
Phone Number: (202) 693-4676
Release Number: 05-813-ATL

U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao Joins U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions and Alabama Gov. Robert Riley In Tuscaloosa to Highlight Worker Training Programs

Chao, Sessions and Riley Participate in Ribbon Cutting at Tuscaloosa Career Center

TUSCALOOSA, AL—U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao participated in two events in the Tuscaloosa area today to highlight worker training programs. Chao participated in a ribbon cutting ceremony attended by U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions and Alabama Gov. Robert Riley which officially opened the new Tuscaloosa Area Career Center. She also toured the Shelton State Community College Workforce Center which is helping train workers for two major industries in Alabama: aerospace and aviation.

“The Shelton State Community College electronics and robotics lab and new Tuscaloosa Career Center are great examples of Alabama innovation and initiative on behalf of workers,” said U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao. “I am pleased to have the opportunity to discuss these efforts with Senator Sessions and Governor Riley and look forward to seeing these centers succeed for Alabamans.”

Alabama's network of 30 One-Stop Centers and 31 satellites are strategically located throughout the state. Job development, occupational and educational training, vocational rehabilitation, veterans' services and unemployment insurance information are all offered. Employers work with local centers to locate employees with specific skills and the goal is to consolidate the delivery of services at a single location. Many centers are electronically linked with partner agencies, such as the Alabama Departments of Industrial Relations, Human Resources, Rehabilitation Services and Education, two-year colleges and others.

The Tuscaloosa Area Career Center activities include specialized services to employers as well as a wide range of career and educational opportunities for the citizens of the Tuscaloosa area.

To help expand the capacity of community colleges to train workers, President Bush launched the Jobs for the 21st Century and High Growth Jobs Training initiatives. The Jobs for the 21st Century Initiative includes $500 million to fund partnerships between community colleges like this one and employers in high-demand job sectors like aerospace. The local Workforce Investment Boards are the catalysts in developing these partnerships. The Department of Labor's goal is to ensure that the education and training community has in place the curricula necessary to teach the skills identified by employers in their communities.

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