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News for September 2008

09/30/08News article Anti-Obesity Drugs Could Fight Viral Infections
News article Birth Size Linked to Breast Cancer Risk
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 30, 2008
News article Fewer Doses, Intramuscular Injection Cut Anthrax Shot Side Effects
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 30, 2008
News article Health Tip: Meeting Criteria for Blood Donation
News article Health Tip: Stretch Your Hamstrings
News article Link Between Vaccine and MS Unproven
News article Media Doesn't Often Mention Pharma Funding on Research
News article Occupational Therapy Plus Exercise Benefits Osteoarthritis
News article Popular Supplements Don't Work Against Arthritis: Study
News article Psychotherapy Works Best Over the Long Term
News article Team Sniffs Out Process That Could Make 'Artificial Nose'
News article Traffic Deaths Spike on Election Day
09/29/08Federal Press Release Parkinson’s Disease Information Added to NIHSeniorHealth Web Site
News article 'Superbug' Test Detects MRSA Faster
News article Blood Thinner Linked to Increased Brain Bleeding
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 29, 2008
News article Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Best for Traumatized Youths
News article Common Gene Mutation Lowers Risk for Bipolar Disorder
News article Eating Fish, Breast-Feeding Boost Infant Development
News article FDA Faulted for Lack of Produce Oversight
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 29, 2008
News article Health Tip: Does Your Child Need a Nap?
News article Health Tip: Eating Out With Food Allergies
News article Heart Pump Helps Children Waiting for Transplant
News article New Diabetes Drug Works Well in Trial
News article Pain More a Cause of Arthritis Than a Symptom
News article Scams and Shams That Prey on Cancer Patients
News article Scientists ID Gene Pathway Triggering Melanoma Spread
News article Seniors in Poor Areas More Likely to Die After Surgery
News article Study Suggests How Cancers Spread to Lungs
09/28/08News article Health Highlights: Sept. 28, 2008
News article Older Problem Gamblers Face Increased Suicide Risk
News article Studies Ignite Hope for Long-Acting Allergy Vaccines
09/27/08News article Fall Sports Peak Time for Lower Leg Damage
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 27, 2008
09/26/08Federal Press Release NIDDK Publishes Fact Sheets about Thyroid Disorders
News article 3M Injected Drug Users Worldwide Could Be HIV-Positive
News article Active Social Life May Reduce Men's Alzheimer's Risk
News article Anemia Drugs Linked to Stroke Study Deaths: FDA
News article Babies Who Eat Fish Lower Eczema Risk
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 26, 2008
News article Drug Fights Diabetic Eye Disease
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 26, 2008
News article Health Tip: Ease PMS Symptoms
News article Health Tip: If Your Child Stutters
News article Lance Armstrong's New Challenge Could Be His Greatest
News article Migraines More Frequent, Intense in Overweight Kids
News article Most Medicare Drug Premiums Same or Lower in 2009
News article Patient Harm From Problem 'Handoffs' Is Common: Report
News article Physical Exam as Good as High Tech in Assessing Heart Failure
News article Researchers Develop Pig Model for Cystic Fibrosis
News article Vitamin C Protects Some Elderly Men From Bone Loss
09/25/08News article 'Fear of Losing' Key Emotion in Economic Decisions
News article Brain Aneurysm Rupture Risk Tied to Location, Size
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 25, 2008
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 25, 2008
News article Health Tip: Keep Kidney Infections at Bay
News article Health Tip: What Causes Sore Breasts?
News article Hypnosis Cuts Hot Flashes for Breast Cancer Survivors
News article Moderate Aerobic Exercise Lowers Diabetics' Liver Fat
News article Researchers Report Stem Cell Advance
News article Scientists ID Compounds That Prevent Brain Nerve Damage
News article Statins Can Hinder Muscle Repair
News article Surgery May Not Help Most People With Narrowed Brain Artery
News article Surgery Unneeded in Most Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis Cases
News article U.S. Kids Take More Psychotropic Drugs Than Europeans
News article Voice Problems in Seniors Undertreated
09/24/08News article A Honey of a Sinusitis Treatment
News article Alert Issued on Use of Blood Thinners
News article Angioplasty Not Cost-Effective for Chronic Coronary Disease
News article Bisphosphonates Cause Rare Eye Inflammation
News article Boomers Should Add Muscle Before It's Too Late
News article Casual Smokers at Greater Risk for Alcohol-Use Disorders
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 24, 2008
News article Drug Coated Stents Better After Heart Attack
News article Early Breast Cancer No More Likely to Return in Young Women
News article Flu Vaccine Should Be More Effective: CDC
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 24, 2008
News article Health Tip: Choosing a Knee Brace
News article Health Tip: Exercise for People With Diabetes
News article Painkiller May Prevent Diabetes-Related Retinal Damage
News article Regular Hand-Washing Can Prevent Against Colds, Flu
09/23/08News article Blacks at Greater Risk of Precancerous Colon Polyps
News article Bone Loss Stable on Restricted Calorie Diet
News article Cardiac Arrest Survival Rates Vary Widely
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 23, 2008
News article FDA Goes After Unapproved Eye Washes, Skin Ointments
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 23, 2008
News article Health Tip: Prevent a Pain in the Neck
News article Health Tip: Satisfying Food Cravings
News article Heart Attack Care Often Delayed for the Poor
News article Hormone Rx May Protect Women With Breast Cancer Gene
News article Hormone Therapy Not Best for Older Prostate Cancer Patients
News article Leading COPD Drugs Tied to Stroke, Heart Attack
News article Many Trial Reports on FDA-Approved Drugs Go Unpublished
News article Nasal Insulin Won't Shield At-Risk Kids From Diabetes
News article Researchers ID Ovarian Cancer Biomarker
News article Stroke Prevalence Higher, Deadlier Among American Indians
News article U.S. Abortion Rate at 30-Year Low
News article Whole Brain Radiation Not Best for Cancer That Has Spread
News article Wine Compound May Protect Against Radiation Exposure
09/22/08News article Acid Reflux Linked to Chronic Croup
News article Acupuncture Eases Breast Cancer Treatment Side Effects
News article Caregivers Face Multiple Strains Tending Older Parents
News article Cholesterol Drugs May Raise Post-Op Delirium Risk
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 22, 2008
News article Family History Key Player in Brain Cancer Risk
News article For Some Doctors, Empathy Is in Short Supply
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 22, 2008
News article Health Tip: Develop a Birth Plan
News article Health Tip: Prevent Stomach Pain
News article Low Thyroid Function Linked to Heart Failure Risk
News article Radiosurgery Proves Viable for Some Pancreatic Cancers
News article Shorter-Course Radiation for Breast Cancer Safe, Effective
News article To Sleep, Perchance to Smell?
News article Vitamin D Receptor Gene Variant Tied to Melanoma
News article Women's Peripheral Artery Disease Tied to Secondhand Smoke
09/21/08News article Breast Cancer Survivors Report High Quality of Life After Treatment
News article Fall Cleanup Is a Prime Time for Accidents
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 21, 2008
09/20/08News article Health Highlights: Sept. 20, 2008
News article Sports Eye Injuries Leading Cause of Blindness in Youths
09/19/08News article 'Healthy Fat' Chemical Aids Body's Metabolism
News article Acetaminophen Linked to Childhood Asthma
News article Boys as Socially Aggressive as Girls: Study
News article Chamomile Tea May Ward Off Diabetes Damage
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 19, 2008
News article Drug Can Slow Bone Loss in Prostate Cancer Patients
News article FDA Proposes Regulations for Genetically Engineered Animals
News article Group Works to Streamline Cancer Therapy Approvals
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 19, 2008
News article Health Tip: Is LASIK Right for You?
News article Health Tip: Massage Arthritis Pain
News article Many Doctors Don't Know Blood Pressure Guidelines
News article Medicare's Monthly Premium Won't Rise in 2009
News article Parental Involvement in School Has Its Limits
News article Red Wine Molecule Might Battle MS
News article Salt Contributes to Resistant High Blood Pressure
News article Simple Blood Test Could Spot Alzheimer's Risk
News article Social Exclusion May Literally Leave People Frozen Out
News article Vitamin C Might Help Lower Hypertension
News article Vitamin D Levels Might Predict Risk for MS
09/18/08Federal Press Release CDC Expands Testing Recommendations For Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection
News article Anti-Nausea Patch Approved for Chemo Patients
News article Antibiotics for Preterm Labor Linked to Cerebral Palsy
News article Calcium Supplements Cut Blood Lead Levels During Pregnancy
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 18, 2008
News article Drug Combo Fights Recurrent Ovarian Cancer Cell Growth
News article Girls From Poorer Areas More Likely to Have Sex Earlier
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 18, 2008
News article Health Tip: Good Scents During Pregnancy
News article Health Tip: Pregnancy and Back Pain
News article Mom's Diet Can Alter Genes to Raise Babies' Asthma Risk
News article More Kids Getting Kidney Stones
News article No Tan Is a Safe Tan
News article Parenting Plays Key Role in Infant's Response to Stress
News article School-Based Efforts Boost Kids' Fruit, Vegetable Intake
News article Spanish Speakers Have Difficulty Accessing Health Care in U.S.
News article U.S. Barred 33 TB-Infected People From Flying Over Past Year
09/17/08Federal Press Release Roughly One Quarter of U.S. Women Affected by Pelvic Floor Disorders
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 17, 2008
News article Daycare Infants Less Likely to Develop Asthma
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 17, 2008
News article Health Tip: Booster Seat Safety
News article Health Tip: Skin Care for Diabetics
News article Healthy Lifestyle Boosts Women's Longevity
News article Medicare Advantage Plans Get Lion's Share of Insurers' Ad Dollars
News article New Noninvasive Device Could Control Diabetes
News article Patient-Reported Health Scores May Predict Head, Neck Cancer Outcomes
News article Pregnant Mom's Flu Shot Protects Baby
News article Premixed Insulin May Offer Better Blood Sugar Control
News article Relaxation Tapes or Mozart Lower Blood Pressure
News article Signaling Protein Could Be Target for Leukemia Chemo
News article Stress Disorder Affects 20% of Intensive Care Patients
News article Team Tracks Cell That May Repair Skeletal Muscle Damage
News article Virtual Colonoscopy Effective for Average Risk People
09/16/08News article 3-D MRI Helps Detect Patients at High Risk for Stroke
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 16, 2008
News article Compound Reverses Huntington's Symptoms in Mice
News article Estrogen Cream No Match for Sun-Damaged Skin
News article FDA Bars Generic Drugs From Indian Company
News article FDA Mulls Changes to Allergy Labeling on Foods
News article Female Incontinence a Prevalent Problem
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 16, 2008
News article Health Tip: Prevent Ear Pain in Flight
News article Health Tip: Taking an NSAID
News article Lifestyle Changes Boost Enzyme Regulating Cell Aging
News article Massage Therapy Helps Those With Advanced Cancer
News article MRI Detects Soft Tissue Damage Affecting Kids' Hearing
News article Plastic Chemical Tied to Heart Disease and Diabetes
News article Researchers Suppress 'Hunger Hormone'
News article Survival Rate Little Changed With Aortic Valve Disorder
09/15/08Federal Press Release Acting Surgeon General Issues ‘Call to Action to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism’
News article Breast Cancer Vaccine Blasts Some Tumors
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 15, 2008
News article Diabetics Less Likely to Lose Weight After Gastric Bypass
News article Drug Treatment for Osteoporosis Patients Urged
News article Gardasil Approved for Additional Uses
News article Gene Boosts Resistance to Chemo Drug
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 15, 2008
News article Health Tip: Helping a Loved One Heal
News article Health Tip: Keep Stress at Bay
News article Immune System Biomarkers May Predict Early Lung Cancer
News article Keppra XR Approved for Partial-Onset Seizures
News article Later Use of Clot-Buster After Stroke Possible: Study
News article Migraine Sufferers Face Greater Blood Clot Risk
News article Most Women With Osteoporosis Unaware of Raised Fracture Risk
News article Newer Drugs No Better Than Older Ones for Childhood Schizophrenia
News article Prosthetic Ears Boost Hearing After Injury
News article Stem Cells Ease Stroke-Like Brain Damage in Mice
News article Thumbs Down on Beta Blockers for High Blood Pressure
News article Web Site Helps Cancer Patients With Fertility Preservation
09/14/08News article Colon Cancer Oncogene Discovered
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 14, 2008
News article Safety Gear a Must to Prevent Kids' Sports Injuries
09/13/08News article Changes in Seniors' Sleep Patterns Need Attention
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 13, 2008
News article Too Few People Know Symptoms of Heart Trouble
09/12/08Federal Press Release FDA Approves Expanded Uses for Gardasil to Include Preventing Certain Vulvar and Vaginal Cancers
Federal Press Release FDA Issues Health Information Advisory on Infant Formula
News article Banning Soft Drinks in Schools Has Small Impact
News article Broad Screening of Blood Clots May Find Cancers Earlier
News article Broccoli Compound May Help COPD Patients
News article Bye, Bye Back Fat?
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 12, 2008
News article Gene-Transfer Proves Safe for Vision Problem
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 12, 2008
News article Health Tip: Preparing for Pregnancy
News article Health Tip: When Diabetics Get Sick
News article Majority of College Students Report Backpack-Related Pain
News article Mediterranean Diet Cuts Death From Chronic Diseases
News article Ordinary Chores Cause Half of All Eye Injuries
News article Palliative Care Programs Could Boost Hospitals' Bottom Line
News article Sensor Detects Levels of Brain Chemicals
News article Sleep Apnea May Cause Erectile Dysfunction
News article Weight-Loss Surgery Weighed as Diabetes Rx
09/11/08News article 'Abuse-Resistant' Form of OxyContin May Be Near
News article 9/11's Psychological Scars Slowly Healing
News article An Oral Approach to Heart Disease
News article Bacterial Infections May Be Overlooked in SIDS Cases
News article Bullying Top Concern of Parents With Overweight Child
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 11, 2008
News article Compound Could Reduce Heart Attack Damage
News article Depressed Moms in Violent Homes Twice as Likely to Hit Kids
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 11, 2008
News article Health Tip: Control Overeating
News article Health Tip: Depression in Seniors
News article HIV Infection Rate for Young Black Men 'Alarming:' CDC
News article Imaging Shows Why Injured Brains 'Work Harder'
News article Natural Childbirth Moms More Attuned to Babies' Cry
News article Spiritual Beliefs Part of Health Care for Some
News article Time Teaches Brain to Recognize Objects
09/10/08News article 9/11's Health Effects Lingered for Years
News article Chromosome Tests Help Study of Kids' Mental Anomalies
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 10, 2008
News article Erbitux Extends Life for Head and Neck Cancer Patients
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 10, 2008
News article Health Tip: Apply Bug Spray the Right Way
News article Health Tip: Help Your Child Develop Healthy Habits
News article Patient-Centered 'Medical Home' Models Lag in Key Areas
News article Retail Clinics Attracting Those Without Regular Doctors
News article Scratched Surfaces May Trap Bacteria During Food Processing
News article Special Dyes and Lighting Kill MRSA, Research Shows
News article Stopping Cancer From Rebounding After Treatment
News article Surgery for Knee Osteoarthritis No Better Than Therapy, Meds
News article Survival Rates Improve for Kids With Blood Cancers
News article Teen Brain Might Get Hooked Easier on OxyContin
News article Tight Blood Sugar Control Helps Diabetics Long-Term
09/09/08News article Air Pollution Harms Patients After Heart Attack
News article Blood Pressure Treatment Can Be Used Against Stroke
News article CDC Campaign Targets MRSA Infections
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 9, 2008
News article Colon Cancer Treatments Need Improvements
News article Formula Samples Hinder Breast-Feeding Efforts
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 9, 2008
News article Health Tip: Eating a Brain-Healthy Diet
News article Health Tip: If the Shoe Fits
News article Heavier People Have Heart Attacks Earlier
News article Job Loss Has Long-Term Impact on Social Lives
News article Lung Cancer Rates Among Nonsmokers Not on the Rise
News article Med School Diversity May Help Whites Care Better for Minorities
News article Music Therapy Improves Well-Being of Very Ill Patients
News article Serotonin Transporter Levels May Explain Winter Blues
News article Study Probes Why Smokers Find It Hard to Quit
09/08/08News article Health Tip: Stay Safe on the School Bus
News article Health Tip: Understanding Serving Sizes
News article Once-Weekly Diabetes Drug Boosts Blood Sugar Control
News article Painkillers Lower PSA Test Readings
09/07/08News article Health Highlights: Sept. 7 2008
News article Hurricane Threats: Time to Batten Down the Hatches
News article MRIs Don't Improve Breast Cancer Care, Outcome
09/06/08News article 2 Techniques Found Effective in Carotid Artery Narrowing
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 6, 2008
09/05/08Federal Press Release CDC Offers Checklist for People in Path of Upcoming Hurricanes
News article Almost Half of Adults Will Develop Knee Osteoarthritis by 85
News article Artery Plaque Rupture Can Occur Without Symptoms
News article Blacks With Lung Disease Face Increased Cancer Risk
News article Chinese Work Sees Through Invisibility Quest
News article Drug Re-Sensitizes Breast Tumors to Treatment
News article FDA to List Drugs Under Review for Safety Issues
News article For Even Healthy Men, Alcohol Seems to Lower Heart Attack Risk
News article Free Drug Samples May End Up Costing More
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 5, 2008
News article Health Tip: Getting Ready for Cancer Treatment
News article Health Tip: Healing After a C-Section
News article Kids' Fever Time Cut Using Ibuprofen First
News article Last of Woolly Mammoths Had North American Roots
News article No Place Safe From Allergies
News article Non-Hospital Baby Abductions a New Concern
News article Obesity Worsens Asthma
News article Scientists ID 2 New Genes for Bowel Disease in Kids
News article Think You Are Lead-Free? Check Your Soil
09/04/08Federal Press Release More than 2 million Cases of Tobacco-related Cancers Diagnosed
Federal Press Release Most U.S. Parents are Vaccinating According to New CDC Survey Vaccine Coverage Rates for Children Remain High
News article 'Street' Drug Use Down, Rx Drug Abuse Rising: U.S. Report
News article 2 Million Cancer Cases Tied to Tobacco Use
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 4, 2008
News article Even Kids With Known Allergies Can Be Safely Vaccinated
News article FDA Demands Tougher Warnings on Immunosuppressive Drugs
News article Genetic Mutations Linked to Deadly Cancers
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 4, 2008
News article Health Tip: Avoid Yeast Infections
News article Health Tip: Controlling Asthma
News article Most U.S. Kids Getting Recommended Vaccinations
News article Neighborhood Alcohol Outlets Tied to Kids' Injury Risk
News article New Screening Catches More Breast Cancers
News article Research Unveils Earliest Cell Changes in Down Syndrome
News article Scientists Discover How Osteoarthritis Destroys Cartilage
News article Scientists Spot New Twist in HIV Infection
News article Sleep Therapy Restores Brain Function in Insomniacs
News article Study Dispels Link Between Autism and Measles Vaccine
09/03/08Federal Press Release NTP Finalizes Report on Bisphenol A
News article Cholesterol Drugs Lower Stroke Risk in Older People
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 3, 2008
News article College Freshmen See Rx Drug Misuse More Risky Than Alcohol, Pot
News article Defibrillators Don't Diminish Quality of Life
News article Doctors Could Play a Part in Preventing Suicides
News article Drug Given 24 Hours After Stroke Helps Repair Brain Tissue
News article Early Weight Gain Might Mean Higher Blood Pressure Later
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 3, 2008
News article Health Tip: Adjusting to a Hearing Aid
News article Health Tip: Know the Signs of Concussion
News article Height May Boost Prostate Cancer Risk, Study Suggests
News article Hydrating Kidney Patients With Sodium Bicarb Has Little Effect
News article Kids of Stressed, Low-Income Moms Prone to Weight Problems
News article New Drug Helps Relieve Gout
News article Study Links Serum Calcium, Prostate Cancer Death
09/02/08News article 'Bonding Gene' Could Help Men Stay Married
News article 3 Questions Can Spot Possible Postpartum Depression
News article Active Video Games Help Kids Exercise
News article Brain's Serotonin May Explain Seasonal Mood Changes
News article Breast Cancer Drug Not Tied to Cognitive Decline: Study
News article Children of Older Fathers at Risk for Bipolar Disorder
News article Clinical Trials Update: Sept. 2, 2008
News article Daytime Sleeping Linked to Poor Recovery in Older Patients
News article Direct-to-Consumer Drug Ads Have Little Effect on Sales: Study
News article Exercise May Help Prevent Age-Related Memory Loss
News article Extremely Preemie Babies Prone to Behavior Woes Later On
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 2, 2008
News article Health Tip: Buy a Safe Bathtub for Baby
News article Health Tip: Take Care of a Cast
News article HPV Vaccine Has Higher Allergic Reaction Rate
News article New Type of Stent Appears Safe, Effective
News article No Definitive Link Seen Between Vytorin and Cancer
News article Paid Family Leave Program Goes Mostly Unused
News article Secrets of Telomerase Revealed
News article Youth Suicides Continue to Rise in U.S.
09/01/08News article Fish Oil Supplements Help With Heart Failure
News article Health Highlights: Sept. 1, 2008
News article Health Tip: Prevent Dry Skin
News article Health Tip: When Your Baby Needs Shots

Last updated Nov 04, 2008 22:45:09

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