Hawaiian Volcano 
Volunteer Program


PROJECT DESCRIPTION The HVO Seismology group is responsible for the seismographic monitoring in Hawai`i with particular focus on earthquakes or other seismic activity associated with eruptions or magma movement within the volcanoes. Our activities extend over a wide range, from maintaining our field network and supporting electronics (see electronics volunteer position), with instruments at over 60 locations over the islands of Hawai`i and Maui, to our computer cataloging, posting, and archiving of ongoing seismic activity.
VOLUNTEER DUTIES We seek volunteers to assist with all aspects of our network operations. Recent seismology volunteers have worked on web-page composition and programming, mapping tools and developing mapping utilities, and data archival. They have also assisted with station construction and installation and field station maintenance.
Relevant skills and background include electronics, data entry, and computer operations and programming. Additional experience and background specifically in seismology or computer programming are required for higher level project assignments.

Candidate(s) should demonstrate good written, communication, and documentation skills, and the ability to work with minimal supervision is preferred.

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Updated: 26 February 2000