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EFLHD quote: Much like people, every road, every highway, has it's own personality... it's own character. Understanding that character, connecting with it, respecting it, that is the work of the Federal Lands Highway.
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     Biennial Report

The Federal Lands Highway Program Fiscal Year 2005 and Fiscal Year 2006 Biennial Report serves as a snapshot of many, but not all, of our accomplishments. The accomplishments cited here fully support our mission to improve transportation access to and within Federal and Indian lands. The success stories stem from the dedication and professionalism from the Federal Lands Highway family in addition to our valued colleagues within our partner agencies. The dialog between transportation and resource agencies began in 1916 beginning with the U.S. Forest Service. Today, our discussions continue and the program has evolved to include multiple partner agencies. Working collaboratively and respecting one another’s mission(s) has enabled all of us to provide safe and effective transportation solutions that are in balance with, and maintain the integrity of, the environment in which they lay.

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