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Office of Emergency Response & Recovery Frequently Asked Questions
  1. How do I get my business listed on a GSA Schedule?

    From the GSA Homepage, go to the far right link-ABOUT GSA- Look for the Link called "getting on the GSA Schedule."

  2. How do I find out more about writing a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) for my organization?

    GSA has several qualified vendors on schedule for their Federal clients to utilize. Additionally, GSA and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have developed a pilot course available for Federal Managers COOP Overview. Call DHS' Office of National Preparedness (202) 646-4128 or GSA's Office of Emergency Management (202) 501-0012 for more information or visit the Emergency Management Institute's Website for more information on this terrific new course for federal managers.

  3. How do I purchase emergency supplies for my agency off the GSA schedule?

    GSA's National Customer Service Center (NCSC) is the source for information on any product or services available from GSA. The NCSC is a full service center providing assistance and information to make acquisitions simple and efficient. Visit the NCSC page at GSA.Gov.

  4. How do I locate the GSA Regional Emergency Coordinator for my State?

    The GSA Organization is divided into 11 Regions. Each has a Regional Emergency Coordinator. Click on the Contact List on the right panel of the Office of Emergency Management Webpage. If your emergency coordinator is not identified, please contact the Office of Emergency Management at (202) 501-0012.

  5. If I want to learn more about the National Response Plan (NRP) and GSA's role in supporting the NRP?

    Go to GSA's Homepage and click on Quicklinks, then Look for the NRP in the list and click on the link. For additional information, please call the Office of Emergency Management for dates and locations. (202) 501-0012.

  6. How do I obtain a copy of the Standard Form 336 for COOP Purposes?

    From the GSA Office of Emergency Management- Continuity of Operations Branch page, go to the bottom of the page and click on the link for the form.

  7. If I want to learn more about telework and telecommuting centers in the context of Continuity of Operations Planning, who do I contact at GSA?

    From the GSA website, enter the search for 'Telework' or 'Telework Centers.' Additionally, call the Office of Emergency Management and speak to the COOP Branch for additional assistance.