Inter-industry relationships (Input/Output matrix)

This page contains links to files of input-output data for the U.S. economy for the historical years 1998-2006, and for the projected year 2016. Input-output data show the flow of commodities from production through intermediate use by industries and purchases by final users. This data are developed as a set of matrices or tables for each year. The input-output tables produced by the BLS are derived from input-output data initially developed by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

These files are available at our ftp site.

Contact: Carl Chentrens (202) 691-5697

Input-output data

The files for the projections, the nominal dollar historical, and the chain-weighted historical input-output tables are contained in separate ZIP files. A ZIP file utility is necessary to extract the files.

Notes on the files

All data files are ASCII text. Documentation files are available as both PDF and text files. Sector plans are also available as excel files. The data files are tab-delimited and contain no row or column labels. Each row of a data file is complete and contains all the columns for that row. An ASCII carriage-return character denotes the end of a given row of data. Historical tables are provided in both nominal (current) dollars and chain-weighted (2000 based) dollars. The projected tables are provided in chain-weighted dollars only. Each ZIP file contains appropriate documentation which should be consulted for specifics regarding file formats, sectoring plans, and development sources.



Last Modified Date: June 26, 2008