BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service



Lake McdonaldThe U.S. Commercial Service Montana office, along with our local international trade partners, conducts on-going conferences, seminars, and events to educate our clients and promote international trade. Whether it's an executive briefing with a Commercial Service Officer from Australia or a videoconference with your distributor in Zurich, these events are designed to help U.S. exporters market locally and sell globally.

Take a look at our events designed to grow your international business!

For a complete listing of all U.S. Commercial Service worldwide events, click here.

GLOBE 2008 Trade Fair & Conference

MARCH 12-14, 2008 ~~ VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA ~~ Join thousands of corporate executives, government decision makers and leaders of the environmental industry at GLOBE 2008. The GLOBE 2008 Trade Fair and Conference will be a major international marketplace for innovative environmental technologies, products and services, as well as a venue to meet with international buyers coming to the Pacific Northwest. more...

Asia/Pacific Business Outlook Conference

APRIL 7-8, 2008 ~~ LOS ANGELES, CA ~~ The Asia/Pacific Business Outlook is the longest running, most successful regional conference of its kind focusing specifically on Asian markets. This conference has made a difference for U.S. exporters, and has become the premier U.S. commercial trade event focusing on the Asia/Pacific region. more...

"Exporting in the Flat World" Seminar

APRIL 9-11, 2008 ~~ SPOKANE VALLEY, WA ~~ Join the U.S. Commercial Service, the Washington State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development (CTED), and the International Trade Alliance of Spokane for a 3-day Exporting 101 seminar. Mr. James Foley, who was worked over 20 years in international marketing, sales, and corporate management, will be the keynote speaker. All companies interested in or currently exporting are encouraged to attend. more...

AGRISHOW Trade Mission and Exposition

APRIL 28 - MAY 3, 2008 ~~ SAO PAULO, BRAZIL ~~ Come participate at the largest and most important event for agricultural machinery and technology in South America. Agrishow 2008 presents a unique opportunity to showcase new technologies, products and production systems. U.S. companies that want to expand their business into this potential market should not miss the opportunity to use this cost-effective tool to enter the Brazilian market. more...

Trade Winds Europe

APRIL 14-16, 2008 ~~ ISTANBUL, TURKEY ~~ Does your company have a Pan European Business Strategy? U.S. exports are growing four times faster than the economy as a whole. Europe presents a market filled with opportunities for U.S. businesses. If you're already doing business in one, two or several European countries, expansion throughout the continent is the next logical step. Turkey is strategically positioned at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and the Middle East. more...

Renewable Energy Trade Mission to Sweden & Denmark

MAY 26-29, 2008 ~~ SWEDEN & DENMARK ~~ Demand for renewable and alternative energy and fuels is rising worldwide. The Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, have ambitious goals for increasing their independence from oil and their self-sufficiency in power generation. Join the mission, meet Danish and Swedish public and private sector energy professionals, participate in panel discussions, showcase your products to potential buyers during match-making meetings, visit the World Bioenergy Conference, and more. more...

U.S. Catalog Show at Fieldays New Zealand 2008

JUNE 11-14, 2008 ~~ NEW ZEALAND ~~ The Spokane Export Assistance Center, in partnership with the U.S. Commercial Service New Zealand, is hosting a Catalog Show at Fieldays New Zealand 2008. Fieldays is the largest agricultural trade show in the southern hemisphere and is unparalleled in its ability to reach one of the world's most important agricultural markets. more...

USDOC Assistant Secretarial Trade Mission to Vietnam

JUNE 16-20, 2008 ~~ VIETNAM ~~ U.S. companies have the chance to launch or increase their current sales in this growing market by joining Commerce Assistant Secretary for Trade Promotion Israel Hernandez as he leads a delegation of U.S. businesses on the Business Development Mission to Vietnam. more...