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FHWA Resource Center


Courses, Seminars, and Workshops offered by Resource Center specialists

All Finance courses are customized to fit the customer's needs. We can offer courses tailored in the following ways:
• Length (from a 2-hour executive session to a 3-day class)
• Level of Preparation (from introductory to advanced)
• Level of Detail (from high-level overview to very specific administrative details)

In addition to training, the Innovative Finance Team stands ready to assist FHWA partners and customers with financing transportation projects and programs.
• Provide guidance and interpretation of highway finance laws, rules, and regulations
• Facilitate corporate single audit programs with railroads and utilities
• Provide guidance on State DOT audit issues
• Assist with FHWA and State DOT financial program reviews
• Aid in implementation of new financing techniques
• Assist project sponsors in developing finance plans

Consultant Audit Guide

This course covers the essential elements of contracting and the auditing of engineering consulting firms for transportation projects. Course topics include: Contracting with design engineering firms, Federal Transportation Laws and Regulations, The Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARs), and Indirect Costs.
To schedule, phone:

• Jim Hatter, Innovative Finance Specialist, (404) 562-3929
• Frederick Werner, Innovative Finance Specialist, (404) 562-3680
• Jennifer Mayer, Innovative Finance Specialist, (415)744-2634

Conventional Transportation Finance

Federal Grant transportation funding including categories, obligation, appropriation, eligibility and the Highway Trust Funds will be reviewed. The Characteristics of the Federal Aid Program including relationships between Federal, State and Local governments will be included. A general understanding of the transportation planning process as related to finance and the use of municipal bonds, as matching funds and examples will also be explored.

To schedule, phone:
• Jim Hatter, Innovative Finance Specialist, (404) 562-3929
• Frederick Werner, Innovative Finance Specialist, (404) 562-3680
• Jennifer Mayer,Innovative Finance Specialist, (415)744-2634

Federal Highway Innovative Finance

This course covers all innovative finance tools available under Title 23 U.S.C. Cash management tools such as advanced construction, partial conversion, tapered match, flexible match, and toll credits. Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicles (GARVEEs) will be discussed along with examples. An in depth understanding will be developed on Section 129 loans, State Infrastructure Banks (SIBs) and Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA). General toll provisions and the Value Pricing Pilot program will be discussed with examples. A discussion of alternative financing will be included with examples on their use in conjunction with FMHA programs.

To schedule, phone:
• Jim Hatter, Innovative Finance Specialist, (404) 562-3929
• Frederick Werner, Innovative Finance Specialist, (404) 562-3680
• Jennifer Mayer,Innovative Finance Specialist, (415)744-2634

Introduction to Municipal Bonds (Bonding 101)

A working understanding of the fundamentals of municipal bonds issuance will be developed. The reasons for issuance, bond structure and the roles of the financing team will also be explored. There will be a discussion of project selection, economics and funding. Case studies will be reviewed of alternative financing showing the use of bonds as leverage for Federal Aid projects.
To schedule, phone:
• Jim Hatter, Innovative Finance Specialist, (404) 562-3929
• Frederick Werner, Innovative Finance Specialist, (404) 562-3680
• Jennifer Mayer, Innovative Finance Specialist, (415)744-2634

Conventional and Innovative/Alternative Finance Mechanisms in the Mexican Border Region

This course covers conventional techniques such as fundamentals of Federal and State grant funding programs for highways and general obligation bonds. An in depth understanding will be developed of revenue anticipation bonds, revenue bonds secured by toll charges, Mexican Government lending programs, and North American Development Bank Lending. The course additionally covers emerging finance techniques such as state investment banks, tax increment financing districts, special assessment districts, and public-private joint development projects.

To schedule, phone:
• Jim Hatter, Innovative Finance Specialist, (404) 562-3929
• Frederick Werner, Innovative Finance Specialist, (404) 562-3680
• Jennifer Mayer, Innovative Finance Specialist, (415)744-2634

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