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Travel & Relocation

Relocation Guide

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En Route Travel Expenses
(FTR 302-4)

Subsistence and transportation expenses will be paid for one, one-way trip, for the employee and immediate family members, from the old to the new duty station. Authorized transportation may be by common carrier or privately owned vehicle (POV). Reimbursement of cost for enroute travel by POV is by a mileage reimbursement rate published by GSA annually. The rate established as of September 25, 2007, is 20 cents per mile, regardless of the number of authorized persons in the vehicle.

One POV may be authorized. Requests for the use of more than one privately owned vehicle or shipment of one privately owned vehicle must be in writing. A maximum of two POVs may be authorized for enroute travel.

The minimum average driving distance per day is 300 miles. Deviations from the most direct route must be explained (e.g.: weather, road work, etc.)

NOTE: Reimbursement for lodging costs is limited to the actual cost of lodging not to exceed the daily amount authorized.

EN ROUTE Per Diem: (Standard CONUS)


Daily Rates
(Effective 10/1/2007)

Employee or spouse unaccompanied by employee


Spouse accompanied by employee


Each additional family member 12 years or older


Each family member under 12 years


Note:  M&IE for the first and last day of en route travel will be 75% of the applicable M&IE allowances.

Note: For per diem purposes, to be considered "accompanied spouse", an employee and spouse are considered to be traveling together on the same days even if the two parties are driving separate POVs.

Note: Leave taken during travel may affect entitlement to per diem. Per Diem will not be paid unless the travel period to the new duty station is 12 hours or more.

Last Updated 10/02/2007