BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Turkey Local time: 08:34 AM

Export Services for U.S. Firms

Customized Market Research

Cost: To be determined on scope of work
Delivery: 1 Month
Description: Customized Market Research offers a quick, accurate and customized assessment of how a specific product will sell in the local market. This product also helps identify the qualified businesses most likely to represent or purchase the product, possible marketing and distribution channels, and local regulations.

Gold Key Matching Service

Delivery: 30 days advance notice needed
Description: The Gold Key Service is a custom-tailored program geared toward ensuring that your time in Turkey is spent productively and profitably. Our experienced industry sector and market analysts with extensive contacts will arrange appointments for you with prescreened contacts whose interests and objectives match with your requirements. The Gold Key Service includes customized market and industry briefings prior to your business meetings, plus a debriefing afterwards to discuss the results of meetings and appropriate follow-up strategies. In addition, the price of the Gold Key Service includes the following at no additional cost:

  • Preparation of an agenda for the meetings;
  • Screening and selection of companies and ministries for the Gold Key event;
  • Arrangement of meetings with key decision makers, either at their offices or in our conference room;
  • Hotel Reservations at the Embassy rates.

The Gold Key Service includes arrangement of up to five business meetings per day. 

Please let us know if you are interested in the Gold Key Service. We would then send a participation agreement confirming all details.

International Company Profile

Delivery: Within 10 days of receipt of order and payment.
Description: To help U.S. companies evaluate a potential Turkish business partner, this service provides a detailed report after the company has been personally visited by a Trade Assistant or Specialist. After the interview, background research is undertaken with referenced banks and industry contacts. The name of the U.S. institution requesting the E-ICP report must not necessarily be disclosed. Upon request, detailed questions will be asked of the overseas firm, beyond those found in the standard questionnaire.

International Partner Search

Delivery: 15 days
Description: The International Partner Search (IPS) is a customized overseas search for qualified agents, distributors and representatives for U.S. firms. The IPS identifies up to six potential distributors that have examined the U.S. firm's product literature and expressed an interest in doing business.

Platinum Key Service

Cost: TBD based on scope of work
Delivery: 6-12 months
Description: Through the Platinum Key Service, U.S. businesses can attain comprehensive, customized support on a range of issues for which the company needs longer-term, sustained assistance. The service is solution-oriented and tailored to the client's needs through a mutually-agreed-upon scope of work. It can include but is not limited to, identifying markets, launching products, developing major project opportunities, providing government tender support, helping to reduce market access barriers, and assisting on regulatory or technical standards matters. Ongoing service is available for six months, one year, or a specified timeframe based on the mutually-agreed-upon scope of work.

Video Gold Key Matching Service

Cost:$500 + $100/hour
Delivery: Minimum four weeks advance scheduling required
Description: Appointments are made / screened by our office with prospective clients who have already expressed interest in your products and/or services. A Video Gold Key includes five appointments. Please add $100 ISDN line cost per each hour of conference.

Contact: Ihsan Muderrisoglu
Phone: [90](312) 455-5555, ext.2567
Fax: [90](312) 467-1366

U.S. Commercial Service
U.S. Commercial Service
U.S. Commercial Service
U.S. Commercial Service