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Travel Model Discussions

Web Knowledge and Information Exchange

Travel Modeling Workshop
Session 2: Data Set Preparation for Model Estimation

You are cordially invited to attend another in a series of free TMIP Web Knowledge and Information Exchanges. Registration required and limited to 150, first come, first served. Note that only one person per location needs to reserve a connection for the webinar. Please coordinate with your colleagues to avoid duplicate registrations. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008
Time: 2:30 PM-4:30 PM (EST) / 11:30 AM-1:30 PM (PST)
Location: Online

Intended Audience

Transportation modelers who have a low to moderate level of familiarity with the estimation and validation of travel models.


This series of webinars will introduce the development of model estimation data sets, the structures of the various model components, and the procedures for estimating models. The workshop will include lectures, discussion, and “homework,” that participants will be expected to complete between sessions.

This session will focus on how data sets are developed for model estimation. The session will cover the role of data in the estimation process, and the data development process for different types of model components. These components will include household level models such as trip production, trip level models such as mode choice, and aggregate models such as gravity models. The creation of data sets from common sources such as household surveys, including definition of typical fields and records, and combining data from more than one source, will be covered. The homework for the session will be an exercise to set up a small model estimation data set.

Future sessions:

Session Topics Date
3 Estimation process and software for non-logit models, evaluation of model estimation results, application programming for models December 11, 2008
4 Evaluation of model validation results for trip generation/distribution, model estimation process and software for logit model estimation, evaluation of model estimation results February 10, 2009
5 Application programming for logit models, disaggregate and aggregate validation process for logit models March 12, 2009
6 Advanced topics in discrete choice and mode choice models, including further model estimation exploration April 14, 2009
7 Highway and transit assignment processes, volume-delay functions May 7, 2009
8 Evaluation of model validation results, wrap-up, questions and further discussion June 9, 2009


Thomas Rossi, Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

Thomas Rossi is a Principal of Cambridge Systematics with 25 years of experience in transportation planning and travel demand forecasting. He has developed and applied trip based and activity based models throughout the U.S. For the past 15 years, Tom has been a consultant to USDOT for model improvement research and development/teaching of training courses. He is the Chairman of TRB Committee on Transportation Demand Forecasting. Tom holds Bachelor’s degrees in Civil Engineering and mathematics and a Master’s degree in Transportation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Yasasvi Popuri, Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

Yasasvi D. Popuri is a Senior Associate of Cambridge Systematics with experience in the fields of travel demand forecasting, discrete choice modeling, market research analysis, geographical information systems (GIS), and transportation planning. He has managed projects involving transit ridership forecasting, travel model estimation, and freight modeling. Mr. Popuri received a Master’s degree in Transportation Systems Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Bachelor’s degree of Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology at Madras.


To register for the webinar, please go to

Continuing Education

This webinar is the equivalent of two (2) professional development hours (PDHs). TMIP does not issue certificates of attendance. If you attend the webinar, please save the information on this page for your files.

Previous Sessions

Session Downloads Recording
1 Presentation slides, Homework, Homework solutions Not yet available