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FY 1998


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Review of Contractor Claim Results in Negotiated Savings to the Government Totaling $582,608
Report No. 18-98-004-03-370 (January 1998)
[Summary]   | [Full Report] 9 pp.  {27k}

Walcoff & Associates, Inc.
Report No. 18-98-005-03-001 (January 1998)
[Summary]  |  [Full Report] 6 pp.  {19k}

FY 1997 Consolidated Financial Statements
Report No. 12-98-002-13-001 (February 1998)
[Summary]  |  [Full Report]

OIG Recommends Improvements to Contracting Procedures and Practices for Fixed-Price Contracts
Report No. 18-98-002-07-001 (January 1998)
[Summary]  |  [Full Report]   4 pp.  {18k}

Central Texas Council of Governments JTPA Title III Demonstration Grant
Final Report No. 06-98-003-03-340 (February 1998)
[Summary]  |  [Full Report]  11 pp.  {42k}

ETA's Administration of JTPA Title III Demonstration Grant Awarded to Central Texas Council of Governments
Management Letter Report No. 06-98-004-03-340 (February 1998)
[Full Report]  2 pp.  {8k}

SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc., Training and Technical Assistance Grant
Report No. 06-98-001-03-340 (November 1997)
[Summary]  |  [Full Report]   15 pp.  {48k}

Review of OSHA's Fiscal Year 1997 23(g) Enforcement Grant to the Commonwealth of Virginia 
Letter Report No. 03-98-002-10-105 (November 1997)
[Summary]  | [Full Report]   9 pp.  {24k}

Review of Davis-Bacon Modernization Funding
Report No. 04-98-003-04-420 (February 1998)
[Summary]  |  [Full Report]  19 pp.  {51k}

Verifying Social Security Numbers Could Prevent Unemployment Insurance Payments to Illegal Aliens
Report No. 04-98-001-03-315 (March 1998)
[Summary]  |  [Full Report]   26 pp.  {74k}

Special Reports Relating to the Federal Employees' Compensation Special Benefit Fund as of and for the Year ended September 30, 1997
Report No. 12-98-001-04-431 (January 1998)
[Summary]  | [Full Report]   111 pp.  {378k}

ETA National Grants/Contracts Cash Management
Letter Report No. 04-98-002-03-001 (October 1997)
[Summary]   |  [Full Report]  7 pp.  {17k}

St. Louis County Special Review
Report No. 05-98-002-03-340 (March 1998)
[Summary]  | [Full Report] 93 pp.  {108k}

American Association of Retired Persons Indirect Costs
Report No. 18-98-001-07-735 (December 1997)
[Summary]   |  [Full Report]  13 pp.  {27k}

Social Policy Research Associates
Report No. 18-98-003-03-001 (January 1998)
[Summary]   |  [Full Report]  24 pp.  {135k}

United Sioux Tribes of South Dakota Development Corporation
Report No. 18-98-006-03-355 (March 1998)
[Summary]  |  [Full Report]   45 pp.  {148k}

Maryland School-to-Work Opportunities Program - System Sustainability
Report No. 05-98-001-03-385  (February 1998)
[Summary]  |  [Full ReportReport in PDF] 81 pp.  {310k} 
[Final Determination]

Streamlining the ERISA Filing Acceptance System and Developing the Enforcement Management System
Report No. 17-98-001-12-001  (March 1998)
[Summary]  |  [Full Report]  4 pp.  {16k}

Iowa Workforce Development
Final Report No. 05-98-003-03-315  (March 1998)
[Summary]  |  [Full Report]  29 pp.   {73k}

Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration Enforcement Strategy
Final Report No. 09-98-002-12-121 (March 1998)
[Summary]  | [Full Report] 18 pp.  {52k}

Adopting Best Practices Can Improve Placement Services to Students Terminating from the Job Corps Program
Final Report No. 03-98-006-03-370  (March 1998)
[Summary]  | [Full Report] 38 pp.  {113 k}

FECA Excess Payment Recovery Procedures Need Improvement
Report No. 03-98-003-04-431 (March 1998)
[Summary]  | [Full Report] 24 pp.  {56k}

Consolidating Labor's Enforcement Responsibilities for the H-2A Program Could Better Protect U.S. Agricultural Workers
Report No. 04-98-004-03-321  (March 1998)
[Summary]  |  [Full Report]     65 pp.  {198k}

Fort Simcoe Job Corps Center
Report No. 09-98-001-03-370 (March 1998)
[Summary]  | [Full Report]    45 pp.  {161k}

Project Joblinks Earthquake Recovery Grant
Report No. 18-98-007-03-001 (April 1998)
[Summary]   | [Full Report]  28 pp.  {99k)

Human Resource Management in the Solicitor's Office
Report No. 17-98-002-08-001 (May 1998)
[Summary]  |  [Full Report]  5 pp.  {16k}

Profiling JTPA's AFDC Participants
Report No. 06-98-002-03-340 (May 1998)
[Summary]   | [Full Report]   33 pp.  {111k}

District of Columbia Workmen's Compensation Act
Special Fund Financial Statements and Related Reports
Report No. 12-98-005-04-432 (May 1998)
[Summary]   |  [Full Report]  25 pp.  {115k}

Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Special Fund Financial Statements and Related Reports 
Report No. 12-98-004-04-432  (May 1998)
[Summary]   |  [Full Report]  27 pp.  {119k}

OSHA Procurement Activities
Report No. 17-98-05-10-001  (August 1998)
[Summary]   | [Full Report] 12 pp.  {26k}

The Arc of the United States - Financial and Performance Audit
Report No. 06-98-007-03-340  (September 1998)
[Summary]   |   [Full Report24 pp.  {45 k}

School-to-Work Opportunities Program in Iowa
Report No. 05-98-006-03-385  (September 1998)
[Summary]   |   [Full Report]   78 pp.  {220k}

DOL Annual Report on Performance and Accountability, FY 1998

DOL Consolidated Financial Statement Audit, FY 1998

Last Updated:
May 1, 2000

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